# Change log ## master ## 0.2.0 (2019-08-23) - Add `Process.project` and `rubanok_scope` methods to get the Hash of recognized params. ([@palkan][]) ```ruby class PostsProcessor < Rubanok::Processor map :q { ... } match :page, :per_page, activate_on: :page { ... } end PostsProcessor.project(q: "search_me", filter: "smth", page: 2) # => { q: "search_me", page: 2 } class PostsController < ApplicationController def index @filter_params = rubanok_scope # or @filter_params = rubanok_scope params.require(:filter), with: PostsProcessor # ... end end ``` - Improve naming by using "processor" instead of "plane". ([@palkan][]) See [the discussion](https://github.com/palkan/rubanok/issues/3). **NOTE**: Older API is still available without deprecation. - Add `fail_when_no_matches` parameter to `match` method. ([@Earendil95][]) ## 0.1.3 (2019-03-05) - Fix using `activate_always: true` with `default` matching clause. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.1.1 (2019-01-16) - Fix RSpec matcher to call original implementation instead of returning `nil`. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.1.0 (2019-01-04) Initial implementation. ## 0.0.1 (2018-12-07) Proposal added. [@palkan]: https://github.com/palkan [@Earendil95]: https://github.com/Earendil95