# encoding: utf-8 class Nanoc::CompilerTest < Nanoc::TestCase def test_compilation_rule_for # Mock rules rules = [ mock, mock, mock ] rules[0].expects(:applicable_to?).returns(false) rules[1].expects(:applicable_to?).returns(true) rules[1].expects(:rep_name).returns('wrong') rules[2].expects(:applicable_to?).returns(true) rules[2].expects(:rep_name).returns('right') # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(nil) compiler.rules_collection.instance_eval { @item_compilation_rules = rules } # Mock rep rep = mock rep.stubs(:name).returns('right') item = mock rep.stubs(:item).returns(item) # Test assert_equal rules[2], compiler.rules_collection.compilation_rule_for(rep) end def test_routing_rule_for # Mock rules rules = [ mock, mock, mock ] rules[0].expects(:applicable_to?).returns(false) rules[1].expects(:applicable_to?).returns(true) rules[1].expects(:rep_name).returns('wrong') rules[2].expects(:applicable_to?).returns(true) rules[2].expects(:rep_name).returns('right') # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(nil) compiler.rules_collection.instance_eval { @item_routing_rules = rules } # Mock rep rep = mock rep.stubs(:name).returns('right') item = mock rep.stubs(:item).returns(item) # Test assert_equal rules[2], compiler.rules_collection.routing_rule_for(rep) end def test_filter_for_layout_with_existant_layout # Mock site site = mock # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(site) compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[/.*/] = [ :erb, { :foo => 'bar' } ] # Mock layout layout = MiniTest::Mock.new layout.expect(:identifier, '/some_layout/') # Check assert_equal([ :erb, { :foo => 'bar' } ], compiler.rules_collection.filter_for_layout(layout)) end def test_filter_for_layout_with_existant_layout_and_unknown_filter # Mock site site = mock # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(site) compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[/.*/] = [ :some_unknown_filter, { :foo => 'bar' } ] # Mock layout layout = MiniTest::Mock.new layout.expect(:identifier, '/some_layout/') # Check assert_equal([ :some_unknown_filter, { :foo => 'bar' } ], compiler.rules_collection.filter_for_layout(layout)) end def test_filter_for_layout_with_nonexistant_layout # Mock site site = mock # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(site) compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[%r{^/foo/$}] = [ :erb, { :foo => 'bar' } ] # Mock layout layout = MiniTest::Mock.new layout.expect(:identifier, '/bar/') # Check assert_equal(nil, compiler.rules_collection.filter_for_layout(layout)) end def test_filter_for_layout_with_many_layouts # Mock site site = mock # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(site) compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[%r{^/a/b/c/.*/$}] = [ :erb, { :char => 'd' } ] compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[%r{^/a/.*/$}] = [ :erb, { :char => 'b' } ] compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[%r{^/a/b/.*/$}] = [ :erb, { :char => 'c' } ] # never used! compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[%r{^/.*/$}] = [ :erb, { :char => 'a' } ] # Mock layout layouts = [ mock, mock, mock, mock ] layouts[0].stubs(:identifier).returns('/a/b/c/d/') layouts[1].stubs(:identifier).returns('/a/b/c/') layouts[2].stubs(:identifier).returns('/a/b/') layouts[3].stubs(:identifier).returns('/a/') # Get expectations expectations = { 0 => 'd', 1 => 'b', # never used! not c, because b takes priority 2 => 'b', 3 => 'a' } # Check expectations.each_pair do |num, char| filter_and_args = compiler.rules_collection.filter_for_layout(layouts[num]) refute_nil(filter_and_args) assert_equal(char, filter_and_args[1][:char]) end end def test_compile_rep_should_write_proper_snapshots # Mock rep item = Nanoc::Item.new('<%= 1 %> <%%= 2 %> <%%%= 3 %>', {}, '/moo/') rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :blah) # Set snapshot filenames rep.raw_paths = { :raw => 'raw.txt', :pre => 'pre.txt', :post => 'post.txt', :last => 'last.txt' } # Create rule rule_block = proc do filter :erb filter :erb layout '/blah/' filter :erb end rule = Nanoc::Rule.new(/blah/, :meh, rule_block) # Create layout layout = Nanoc::Layout.new('head <%= yield %> foot', {}, '/blah/') # Create site site = mock site.stubs(:config).returns({}) site.stubs(:items).returns([]) site.stubs(:layouts).returns([ layout ]) # Create compiler compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(site) compiler.rules_collection.expects(:compilation_rule_for).times(2).with(rep).returns(rule) compiler.rules_collection.layout_filter_mapping[%r{^/blah/$}] = [ :erb, {} ] site.stubs(:compiler).returns(compiler) # Compile compiler.send(:compile_rep, rep) # Test assert File.file?('raw.txt') assert File.file?('pre.txt') assert File.file?('post.txt') assert File.file?('last.txt') assert_equal '<%= 1 %> <%%= 2 %> <%%%= 3 %>', File.read('raw.txt') assert_equal '1 2 <%= 3 %>', File.read('pre.txt') assert_equal 'head 1 2 3 foot', File.read('post.txt') assert_equal 'head 1 2 3 foot', File.read('last.txt') end def test_compile_with_no_reps with_site do |site| site.compile assert Dir['output/*'].empty? end end def test_compile_with_one_rep with_site do |site| File.open('content/index.html', 'w') { |io| io.write('o hello') } site.compile assert Dir['output/*'].size == 1 assert File.file?('output/index.html') assert File.read('output/index.html') == 'o hello' end end def test_compile_with_two_independent_reps with_site do |site| File.open('content/foo.html', 'w') { |io| io.write('o hai') } File.open('content/bar.html', 'w') { |io| io.write('o bai') } site.compile assert Dir['output/*'].size == 2 assert File.file?('output/foo/index.html') assert File.file?('output/bar/index.html') assert File.read('output/foo/index.html') == 'o hai' assert File.read('output/bar/index.html') == 'o bai' end end def test_compile_with_two_dependent_reps with_site(:compilation_rule_content => 'filter :erb') do |site| File.open('content/foo.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('<%= @items.find { |i| i.identifier == "/bar/" }.compiled_content %>!!!') end File.open('content/bar.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('manatee') end site.compile assert Dir['output/*'].size == 2 assert File.file?('output/foo/index.html') assert File.file?('output/bar/index.html') assert File.read('output/foo/index.html') == 'manatee!!!' assert File.read('output/bar/index.html') == 'manatee' end end def test_compile_with_two_mutually_dependent_reps with_site(:compilation_rule_content => 'filter :erb') do |site| File.open('content/foo.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('<%= @items.find { |i| i.identifier == "/bar/" }.compiled_content %>') end File.open('content/bar.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('<%= @items.find { |i| i.identifier == "/foo/" }.compiled_content %>') end assert_raises Nanoc::Errors::RecursiveCompilation do site.compile end end end def test_disallow_routes_not_starting_with_slash # Create site Nanoc::CLI.run %w( create_site bar) FileUtils.cd('bar') do # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write " layout 'default'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " 'index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end # Create site site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') error = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do site.compile end assert_match(/^The path returned for the.*does not start with a slash. Please ensure that all routing rules return a path that starts with a slash./, error.message) end end def test_load_should_be_idempotent # Create site Nanoc::CLI.run %w( create_site bar) FileUtils.cd('bar') do site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') compiler = Nanoc::Compiler.new(site) def compiler.route_reps raise 'oh my gosh it is borken' end assert site.instance_eval { !@loaded } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { compiler.load } assert site.instance_eval { !@loaded } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { compiler.load } end end def test_compile_should_recompile_all_reps Nanoc::CLI.run %w( create_site bar ) FileUtils.cd('bar') do Nanoc::CLI.run %w( compile ) site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # At this point, even the already compiled items in the previous pass # should have their compiled content assigned, so this should work: site.items[0].reps[0].compiled_content end end def test_disallow_multiple_snapshots_with_the_same_name # Create site Nanoc::CLI.run %w( create_site bar ) FileUtils.cd('bar') do # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write " snapshot :aaa\n" io.write " snapshot :aaa\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " '/index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') assert_raises Nanoc::Errors::CannotCreateMultipleSnapshotsWithSameName do site.compile end end end def test_include_compiled_content_of_active_item_at_previous_snapshot with_site do |site| # Create item File.open('content/index.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('[<%= @item.compiled_content(:snapshot => :aaa) %>]') end # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write " snapshot :aaa\n" io.write " filter :erb\n" io.write " filter :erb\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " '/index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # Check assert_equal '[[[<%= @item.compiled_content(:snapshot => :aaa) %>]]]', File.read('output/index.html') end end def test_mutually_include_compiled_content_at_previous_snapshot with_site do |site| # Create items File.open('content/a.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('[<%= @items.find { |i| i.identifier == "/z/" }.compiled_content(:snapshot => :guts) %>]') end File.open('content/z.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('stuff') end # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write " snapshot :guts\n" io.write " filter :erb\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " item.identifier + 'index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # Check assert_equal '[stuff]', File.read('output/a/index.html') assert_equal 'stuff', File.read('output/z/index.html') end end def test_layout_with_extra_filter_args with_site do |site| # Create item File.open('content/index.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('This is <%= @foo %>.') end # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write " filter :erb, :locals => { :foo => 123 }\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " '/index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # Check assert_equal 'This is 123.', File.read('output/index.html') end end def test_change_routing_rule_and_recompile with_site do |site| # Create items File.open('content/a.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('


') end File.open('content/b.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('


') end # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '/a/' do\n" io.write " '/index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " nil\n" io.write "end\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # Check assert_equal '


', File.read('output/index.html') # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '/b/' do\n" io.write " '/index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " nil\n" io.write "end\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # Check assert_equal '


', File.read('output/index.html') end end def test_rep_assigns with_site do |site| # Create item File.open('content/index.html', 'w') do |io| io.write('@rep.name = <%= @rep.name %> - @item_rep.name = <%= @item_rep.name %>') end # Create routes File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write " if @rep.name == :default && @item_rep.name == :default\n" io.write " filter :erb\n" io.write " end\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " '/index.html'\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end # Compile site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile # Check assert_equal '@rep.name = default - @item_rep.name = default', File.read('output/index.html') end end def test_unfiltered_binary_item_should_not_be_moved_outside_content with_site do File.open('content/blah.dat', 'w') { |io| io.write('o hello') } File.open('Rules', 'w') do |io| io.write "compile '*' do\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "route '*' do\n" io.write " item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]\n" io.write "end\n" io.write "\n" io.write "layout '*', :erb\n" end site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') site.compile assert_equal Set.new(%w( content/blah.dat )), Set.new(Dir['content/*']) assert_equal Set.new(%w( output/blah.dat )), Set.new(Dir['output/*']) end end end