Qnap::FileStation ======= This gem provides an interface to the File Station app that comes installed by default on many QNAP NAS. It provides access to all available endpoints, but the documentation is patchy and untested. Use with caution. Installation ------- `gem install qnap-file_station` Usage ------- ```ruby require 'qnap/file_station' fs = Qnap::FileStation.new '', 'username', 'password' fs.createdir dest_folder: "new_folder", dest_path: "/some/path" contents = fs.get_extract_list extract_file: "my_zip_file.zip" fs.logout ``` ```ruby # Alternative syntax to guarantee logout Qnap::FileStation::DEBUG = true Qnap::FileStation.session('', 'username', 'password') do |fs| # Show contents of the recycle bin pp fs.get_tree node: "recycle_root" # Show available network players (AirPlay, Chromecast, DLNA players, etc.) # May not be available, depending on model pp fs.get_network_players op: 1 # logout is automatically called, even if there was an exception end ``` Alternatively, if the username and password are not provided, Qnap::FileStation will attempt to read them from environment variables. ```ruby # ENV['QNAP_USERNAME'] # ENV['QNAP_PASSWORD'] fs = Qnap::FileStation.new '' # ... fs.logout # or... Qnap::FileStation.session('') do |fs| # ... end ``` Constants ------- `Qnap::FileStation::DEBUG`, default: `false`. Print extensive debugging information to `$stdout` if `true` `Qnap::FileStation::DISCARD_EXTRANEOUS`, default: `true`, Discard any parameters we're not expecting before despatching to the API `Qnap::FileStation::PROTOCOL`, default: `"https"` Exceptions ------- API communication errors will raise a `Qnap::ApiError` exception. The message will indicate what went wrong, the `uri` method will return the URI that was being queried at the time, and the `response` method will return the `Net::HTTPResponse` response ```ruby begin Qnap::FileStation.session('', 'username', 'invalid_password') do |fs| fs.get_tree node: "recycle_root" end rescue Qnap::ApiError => e puts "Error message was" + e.message puts "URI was " + e.uri.to_s puts "Response code was " + e.response.code puts "Response body was " + e.response.read_body end ``` Available methods ------- ### createdir Create a folder in the specified path. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- dest_folder | Folder name dest_path | Path of the folder ### rename Rename a folder or file in the specified path. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- sid | Input sid for authentication path | Path of the folder/ file source_name | Current folder/ file name to be changed dest_name | New folder/ file name ### copy Copy a file/folder from the source to the destination. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- source_file | Name of the copied file/folder source_total | Total number of copied files/folders source_path | Source path of the copied file/folder dest_path | Destination of the copied file/folder mode | 1: skip, 0: overwrite dup | The duplication file name when copying the same destination with source files/folders. ### move Move a file/folder from the source to the destination. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- source_file | Name of the copied file/folder source_total | Total number of copied files/folders source_path | Source path of the copied file/folder dest_path | Destination of the copied file/folder mode | 1: skip, 0: overwrite ### get_extract_list List the content of a zipped file. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- extract_file | Path of the extracted file code_page | Extracting code page (UTF-8 only) start | Start number of the listed contents limit | Total number of the listed contents sort | Sorting type (filename, file_size, compress_size, mt) dir | List type (ASC, DESC) ### extract Extract files from a zipped file to the specified path on NAS. This is an asynchronous API. The caller can use the returned process ID (pid) for further operations. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- extract_file | Path of the extracted files code_page | Extracting code page (UTF-8 only) dest_path | Destination of the extracted files pwd | Extraction password (can be null) mode | Extraction mode (extract_all, extract_part) overwrite | 1: overwrite, 0: skip path_mode | full: extract file with full path none: don't extract file with full path code_page | Extracting code page (UTF-8 only) If mode is extract_part part_file | Name of the file to be extracted (can be more than one) part_total | The total number of extracted files ### cancel_extract Cancel the extraction process by process ID. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- pid | Pid of the extracting process ### compress Compress files to a specified file on NAS. This is an asynchronous API. The caller can use the returned process ID (pid) for further operations. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- extract_file | Path of the extracted files compress_name | The compressed name type | Compressed format type (7z/zip)(default:zip) pwd | The compressed password (can be null) level | Compressed level (normal/large/fast) (default:normal) encryipt | 7z:AES256, zip:ZipCrypto/AES256 (can be null) path | The compressed file path total | The amount of compression files number compress_file | The compressed file name ### cancel_compress Cancel the compressing process by process ID. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- pid | Pid of the compressing process ### get_compress_status Get the compressing status by process ID. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- pid | Pid of the compressing process ### download Download a file, a folder, or multiple files as a zip file, a compressed file, or just the same as they are. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- isfolder | The request file is a folder. 1: yes, 0: no. compress | If the request file is a folder or files then
0/1: zip archive only, 2: compress files.
else the request file is a single file then
0: transfer the original file to client
1: zip archive only
2: compress files
source_path | Path of the file. Start with the share name. source_file | File name. source_total | Total number of files. ### get_thumb Get a size-specified thumbnail of an image file. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Path of the file. Start with the share name. name | File name. size | 80/320/640; default value:320 ### upload Upload a file. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- type | standard dest_path | Destination dir path overwrite | 1: overwrite, 0: skip progress | Destination file path, "/" needs to be replaced with "-" ### get_viewer Open a multimedia file stream for viewing or playing. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- func | open source_path | Source dir path source_file | Source file name player | Use the rtt | 1:FLV for video or music, 3:MP3 for music format | Video transcode format type for opening. jwplayer player or not (1/0) format | can be : mp4_360 / mp4_720 / flv_720 ### get_tree Get folder list in a folder, a shared iso, the shared root folder, or the recycle bin. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- is_iso | Is a iso share. 1: yes, 0: no. Default is 0. This value is according to a field "iconCls" in get_tree response. If "iconCls" is "iso", this value is 1. node | Target folder path. Use folder path to get folder list, and use the value with "share_root" to get share list, or use the value with "recycle_root" to get recycle bin share list. ### get_list Retrieve both file and folder list in a specified folder or a shared iso, with filters such as response record count, file type..., etc. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- is_iso | Is a iso share. 1: yes, 0: no list_mode | Value is "all" path | Folder path dir | Sorting direction. ASC: Ascending , DESC: Descending limit | Number of response datas sort | Sort field (filename/filesize/filetype/mt/privilege/owner/group) start | Response data start index hidden_file | List hidden file or not. 0:donnot list hidden files, 1:list files type | 1: MUSIC, 2:VIDEO, 3:PHOTO (1/2/3) mp4_360 | Video format type mp4_360 true or not(1/0) mp4_720 | Video format type mp4_720 true or not(1/0) flv_720 | Video format type flv_720 true or not(1/0) filename | Search video file name ### get_file_size Get total files size in a specified path. The size counting includes hidden file and folder. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Folder path total | The number of file/folder which are calculating the total size name | file or folder name ### delete Delete folder(s)/file(s) in a specified path. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Folder path. file_total | Total number of folder/file(s). file_name | Folder/file name. ### stat Get status of folder(s)/file(s), such as file size, privilege..., etc. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Folder path. file_total | Total number of folder/file(s). file_name | Folder/file name. ### stat Set folder(s)/file(s) modification time. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Folder path. file_total | Total number of folder/file(s). file_name | Folder/file name. settime | 1: set modification time timestamp | Epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
The modification time will be set current datetime on the server if not specified. ### search Search file/folder by key word within a specified path. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- is_iso | Is a iso share. 1: yes, 0: no keyword | keyword source_path | Folder path dir | Sorting direction. ASC: Ascending , DESC: Descending limit | Number of response data sort | Sort field (filename/filesize/filetype/mt/privilege/owner/group) start | Response data start index ### Download a shared file by an unique ID (ssid). #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- uniqe_id | Use the unique id to download the shared file. ### get_share_link Create share links of specified files, and retrieve or email the links to someone. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- network_type | internet: from network, local: from local download_type | create_download_link: create download link, email_download_link: email download link valid_duration | specific_time: specific the download time, period_of_time: time period, forever: forver download load hostname | host IP or domain name day | shared day time if valid_duration=period_of_time hour | shared hour time if valid_duration=period_of_time file_total | shared datetime if valid_duration=specific_time file_name | 0(zero) if valid_duration=forever path | download file path ssl | enabled ssl access_enabled | enable access code access_code | access code include_access_code | email contents include access code or not addressee | get email addressee subject | get email subject content | get email content ### share_file Create share link and email to someone. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- network_type | internet: from network, local: from local download_type | create_download_link: create download link, email_download_link: email download link valid_duration | specific_time: specific the download time, period_of_time: time period, forever: forver download load hostname | host IP or domain name day | shared day time if valid_duration=period_of_time hour | shared hour time if valid_duration=period_of_time file_total | shared datetime if valid_duration=specific_time file_name | 0(zero) if valid_duration=forever path | download file path ssl | enabled ssl access_enabled | enable access code access_code | access code include_access_code | email contents include access code or not addressee | get email addressee subject | get email subject content | get email content link_url | internet: from network, local: from local mail_content_date | mail contents for valid date information mail_content_pwd | mail contents for password information expire_time | expire time(seconds) ### get_share_list Get whole shared file list. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- dir | Sorting direction. ASC: Ascending , DESC: Descending limit | Number of response data sort | Sort field (filename/filesize/filetype/mt/privilege/owner/group) start | Response data start index ### get_domain_ip_list Get hostname and external IP address of the NAS. ### delete_share Stop specified file(s) sharing. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- file_total | number of total files download_link | link url filename | shared file ### delete_share_all Stop all file sharing. ### update_share_link Update the attributes of specified share links. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- download_type | create_download_link: create download link, email_download_link: email download link valid_duration | specific_time: specific the download time,
period_of_time: time period,
forever: forver download load hostname | host IP or domain name datetime | expire sharing time file_total | shared datetime if valid_duration=specific_time ssl | enabled ssl access_enabled | enable access code access_code | access code ssids | the ssid of shared files ### get_tree Retrieve recycle bin tree list. 2 #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- node | Recycle Bin node name (${node}=recycle_root) ### trash_recovery Recovery specified files in recycle bin. This is an asynchronous API. The caller can use the returned process ID (pid) for further operations. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- source_file | Name of the copied file/folder source_total | Total number of the recovery trash files source_path | Source path of the trash mode | 1: skip, 0: overwrite source_file | trash file source_file | .... ### cancel_trash_recovery Cancel recycle bin recovery process by process ID. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- pid | Pid of the recycle bin recovery process ### delete Empty the recycle bin. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | The path folder name of recycle bin file_name | Same as the value ${path} ### get_network_players (alias: `qrpac`) Show available network players (AirPlay, Chromecast, DLNA players, etc.) May not be available, depending on model #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- op | 1: ### video_ml_queue Retrieve the status of media library transcoding queue. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- op | 1: transcoding queue lists subop | 0: wait status
1: finish status
2: error
3: ongoing
4: all ### video_ml_queue Add or delete files in the media library transcoding queue. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- op | Operation subop | Sub-operation total | The amount of filenames. path | The opration path name. filename | filename ### video_list Get media library transcode files list. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- source_path | Source file path source_total | The source file total number for ${source_file} source_file | Source file name ### video_ml_status Get media library files transcode status. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Source file path total | The source file total number for ${source_file} filename | Source file name ### delete_transcode Delete the media transcode or image files. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- path | Folder path. file_total | Total number of folder/file(s). file_name | Folder/file name. mode | 1: delete image files
2: delete transcode video files
3: delete image and transcode video files. keep_trans | 0: delete transcode files in "@Transcode" folder
1: do not delete transcode files in "@Transcode" folder ### get_video_qstatus Get transcode file status. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- pid | Video transcoding process id. ### cancel_transcode Cancel transcoding process. #### Parameters Key | Description --- | --- pid | Video transcoding process id.