module Gatleon module Rails module Authform class Concern < Module def initialize(public_key:, secret_key:, current_user_method_name: "current_user", _authform_base_url: "") super() do extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helper_method "#{current_user_method_name}".to_sym before_action :_exchange_user_voucher_for_user end private # defaults to current_user define_method current_user_method_name do begin JSON.parse(cookies[_authform_user_cookie_key])["data"] rescue nil end end define_method :_exchange_user_voucher_for_user do if params[:_authformForm] == public_key && params[:_authformUserVoucher] # TODO: headers for api verification uri = URI("#{_authform_base_url}/v1/exchangeUserVoucherForUser/#{params[:_authformUserVoucher]}") response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) if response.code.to_i == 200 cookies[_authform_user_cookie_key] = { value: response.body, domain: :all } end q = Rack::Utils.parse_query(URI.parse(request.url).query) q.delete("_authformUserVoucher") q.delete("_authformForm") url = q.empty? ? request.path : "#{request.path}?#{q.to_query}" redirect_to url, status: 302 # redirect to finish removal of query param end end define_method :_authform_user_cookie_key do public_key # allows for multiple forms per site end end end end end end end