--- type: ruby revision: 2013 sources: - var authors: - name: Thomas Sawyer email: transfire@gmail.com organizations: [] requirements: - groups: - build development: true name: detroit - groups: - test development: true name: qed - groups: - test development: true name: ae conflicts: [] alternatives: [] resources: - type: home uri: http://rubyworks.github.com/real label: Homepage - type: docs uri: http://rubydoc.info/gems/real label: Documentation - type: code uri: http://github.com/rubyworks/real label: Source Code - type: mail uri: http://groups.google.com/group/rubyworks-mailinglist label: Mailing List repositories: - name: upstream scm: git uri: git://github.com/rubyworks/real.git categories: [] load_path: - lib copyrights: - holder: Thomas Sawyer, Rubyworks year: '2009' license: BSD-2-Clause created: '2012-12-17' summary: Real Reflections on Ruby Object title: Real version: 0.1.0 name: real description: ! "Real makes true reflection possible for Ruby objects.\nThis can be important to metaprogrammers who need to \nensure they have the true information." date: '2012-12-17'