module Auth::Concerns::OmniConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do prepend_before_action :set_devise_mapping_for_omniauth, only: [:omni_common] prepend_before_action :do_before_request, only: [:omni_common] attr_accessor :resource helper_method :omniauth_failed_path_for end def set_devise_mapping_for_omniauth model = nil if !request.env["omniauth.model"].blank? request.env["omniauth.model"].scan(/omniauth\/(?[a-zA-Z]+)\//) do |ll| jj = Regexp.last_match model = jj[:model] end model = model.singularize request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[model.to_sym] end end def passthru end def failure f = failure_message flash[:omniauth_error] = f.blank? ? notice : f respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: {"failure_message" => flash[:omniauth_error]}, status: :unprocessible_entity} format.html { render "auth/omniauth_callbacks/failure.html.erb" } end end def get_omni_hash request.env["omniauth.auth"] end def failed_strategy request.respond_to?(:get_header) ? request.get_header("omniauth.error.strategy") : env["omniauth.error.strategy"] end def failure_message exception = request.respond_to?(:get_header) ? request.get_header("omniauth.error") : env["omniauth.error"] error = exception.error_reason if exception.respond_to?(:error_reason) error ||= exception.error if exception.respond_to?(:error) error ||= (request.respond_to?(:get_header) ? request.get_header("omniauth.error.type") : env["omniauth.error.type"]).to_s error.to_s.humanize if error end def after_omniauth_failure_path_for(scope) new_session_path(scope) end def omniauth_failed_path_for(res) omniauth_failure_path(res) end def translation_scope 'devise.omniauth_callbacks' end def update_identity_information(identity_info,provider){|i| if(i["provider"] && i["provider"] == provider) i["access_token"] = identity_info["access_token"] i["token_expires_at"] = identity_info["token_expires_at"] end } end ## @return[Boolean] : true if the update was successfull, false otherwise ## method from_view is taken from Auth::ApplicationController def update_access_token_and_expires_at(existing_oauth_resources,resource_klazz,identity_info,provider) @resource = from_view(existing_oauth_resources,resource_klazz) @resource.m_client = self.m_client ##identity_info should be a key -> value hash, update_identity_information(identity_info,provider) @resource.versioned_update({"identities" => 1}) if @resource.op_success sign_in @resource true else false end end ############################################################ ## Working: ## First searches for an account with the oauth identity. ## Found : tries to update it with a new access token, failing update -> retursn failure. ## Not Found : tries to create an account with the email of the oauth identity, and identities = [oauth_identity] ## if op_success : return success ## ## elsif matched_count == 1 : it means an account already exists with this email . Here there are two possibilities. ## a. The earlier account was created by using another oauth provider -> in this case its version will have been set as '1', and we now execute a versioned_update -> pushing in the identity of the other oauth account. Thus two oauth providers are merged into one if they share the same email address. ## b. the earlier account was created by the normal sign up process: in this case its version will be '0', the versioned updated to push in the oauth identity will fail. If the earlier account is a confirmed account, error will say accoutn in user, if not, then error will say, "there was some errro..." ## ## else ## there was no matched count, and op failed, so we return failure. ## ## ## ** To prevent oauth account merger, set the configuration option :prevent_oauth_merger to true, it is false by default. ## ############################################################ def omni_common success = false failure = false failure_message = "There was an error processing your request" begin model_class = request.env["devise.mapping"] if model_class.nil? redirect_to omniauth_failed_path_for("no_resource"), :notice => "No resource was specified in the omniauth callback request." and return else resource_klazz = request.env["devise.mapping"].to # puts "request env." # puts request.env.to_s omni_hash = get_omni_hash puts "the omni hash is:" puts omni_hash identity = ##this index is used for the first query during oauth, to check whether the user already has registered using oauth with us. puts "identity is:" puts identity existing_oauth_resources = resource_klazz.collection.find( {"identities" => {"$elemMatch" => {"provider" => identity.provider, "uid" => identity.uid} } }) if existing_oauth_resources.count == 1 puts "found matching identity." if update_access_token_and_expires_at(existing_oauth_resources,resource_klazz,identity.attributes.except("_id","provider","uid"),identity.provider) puts "updated access token." success = true #respond_with @resource, location: after_sign_in_path_for(@resource) else puts "failed to update access token." success = false #redirect_to omniauth_failed_path_for(,:notice => "Failed to update the acceess token and token expires at" end elsif signed_in? puts("it is a current user trying to sign up with oauth.") after_sign_in_path_for(current_res) else puts("no such user exists, trying to create a new user by merging the fields.") @resource = = @resource.password = Devise.friendly_token(20) @resource.regenerate_token @resource.identities = [identity.attributes.except("_id")] if @resource.respond_to?(:confirmed_at) @resource.confirmed_at = end ## skip_email_unique_validation is set to true in omni_concern in the situation: ##1.there is no user with the given identity. ## however it is possible that a user with this email exists. ## in that case, if we try to do versioned_create, then the prepare_insert block in mongoid_versioned_atomic, runs validations. these include, checking if the email is unique, and in this case, if a user with this email already exists, then the versioned_create doesnt happen at all. We don't want to first check if there is already an account with this email, and in another step then try to do a versioned_update, because in the time in between another user could be created. So instead we simply just set #skip_email_unique_validation to true, and as a result the unique validation is skipped. @resource.skip_email_unique_validation = true @resource.m_client = self.m_client ## end. @resource.versioned_create({"email" =>}) ##reset so that no other issues crop up later. @resource.skip_email_unique_validation = false #puts "@resource email is:" #puts if @resource.op_success puts "create was successfull" sign_in @resource puts "signed in resource." #respond_with @resource, location: after_sign_in_path_for(@resource) success = true #respond_to do |format| # format.html { redirect_to after_sign_in_path_for(@resource) and return} # format.json { render json: @resource, status: :updated and return} #end puts "came after the response." ##do the update. elsif @resource.matched_count == 1 #puts "found such a resource." ## this means a resource with this email account was found. ## if the account is not confirmed, then we can push the identity. ## and we can reset the password. @resource = resource_klazz.where(:email => @resource.m_client = self.m_client if @resource.confirmed? failure_message = "That email is in use by another account" end if Auth.configuration.prevent_oauth_merger == true success = false else @resource.identities.push(identity.attributes.except("_id")) @resource.versioned_update({"identities" => 1}) if @resource.op_success puts "succeeded and signed in user." sign_in @resource success = true #respond_with @resource, location: after_sign_in_path_for(@resource) else puts "op success failure" success = false #redirect_to omniauth_failed_path_for(,:notice => "Failed to create new identity" end end else puts "resource create failed." puts @resource.errors.full_messages.to_s success = false #redirect_to omniauth_failed_path_for(,:notice => "Failed to create new identity" end end end rescue => e puts "SOME OTHER ERROR" puts e.to_s puts e.backtrace redirect_to omniauth_failed_path_for("error"), :notice => "error" and return success = false end puts "Success is :#{success.to_s}" respond_to do |format| if success == true format.html { redirect_to after_sign_in_path_for(@resource) and return} format.json { render json: @resource, status: :updated and return} else #@resource.errors.add(:_id,"failed") format.html { redirect_to omniauth_failed_path_for(failure_message), :notice => failure_message and return} format.json { render json: {:errors => failure_message}, status: :unprocessible_entity and return} end end end end