/* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/packages/100_theme_css/material_design_icons_light.scss # CSS index file for Material Design Icons v5.9.55 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # https://MaterialDesignIcons.com # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # Material Design Icons Font is licensed for Templates under: WTFPL (http://www.wtfpl.net/) # Material Design Icons Font is licensed for Community Icons under: SIL Open Font License 1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web) # Material Design Icons Font is licensed for Google Material Design Icons under: Apache License 2.0 (https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE) # See: https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/_material_design_icons.scss # Material Design Icons Light (MDIL) v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # https://MaterialDesignIcons.com # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # Material Design Icons Font is licensed for Templates under: WTFPL (http://www.wtfpl.net/) # Material Design Icons Font is licensed for Community Icons under: SIL Open Font License 1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web) # Material Design Icons Font is licensed for Google Material Design Icons under: Apache License 2.0 (https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE) # See: https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/materialdesignicons-light.scss # Top-level includes for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MaterialDesignIcons.com */ /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/scss/_variables.scss # Variable settings for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/scss/_path.scss # Path settings for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @font-face { font-family: "Material Design Icons Light"; src: url("/assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons_light/fonts/materialdesignicons-light-webfont.woff2?v=") format("woff2"); src: url("/assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons_light/fonts/materialdesignicons-light-webfont.woff?v=") format("woff"); src: url("/assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons_light/fonts/eot/materialdesignicons-light-webfont.eot?v="); src: url("/assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons_light/fonts/eot/materialdesignicons-light-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=") format("embedded-opentype"); src: url("/assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons_light/fonts/svg/materialdesignicons-light-webfont.svg?v=materialdesignicons-lightlight") format("svg"); src: url("/assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons_light/fonts/ttf/materialdesignicons-light-webfont.ttf?v=") format("truetype"); font-family: "Material Design Icons Light"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/scss/_core.scss # Core settings for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mdil:before, .mdil-set { display: inline-block; font: normal normal normal 24px/1 "Material Design Icons Light"; font-size: inherit; text-rendering: auto; line-height: inherit; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/scss/_icons.scss # Icon macros for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mdil-account:before { content: "\F004"; } .mdil-alarm:before { content: "\F020"; } .mdil-alarm-plus:before { content: "\F024"; } .mdil-alert:before { content: "\F026"; } .mdil-alert-circle:before { content: "\F028"; } .mdil-alert-octagon:before { content: "\F029"; } .mdil-arrange-bring-forward:before { content: "\F03D"; } .mdil-arrange-bring-to-front:before { content: "\F03E"; } .mdil-arrange-send-backward:before { content: "\F03F"; } .mdil-arrange-send-to-back:before { content: "\F040"; } .mdil-arrow-down:before { content: "\F045"; } .mdil-arrow-down-circle:before { content: "\FCB7"; } .mdil-arrow-left:before { content: "\F04D"; } .mdil-arrow-left-circle:before { content: "\FCB9"; } .mdil-arrow-right:before { content: "\F054"; } .mdil-arrow-right-circle:before { content: "\FCBB"; } .mdil-arrow-up:before { content: "\F05D"; } .mdil-arrow-up-circle:before { content: "\FCBD"; } .mdil-bank:before { content: "\F070"; } .mdil-bell:before { content: "\F09A"; } .mdil-bell-off:before { content: "\F09B"; } .mdil-bluetooth:before { content: "\F0AF"; } .mdil-book:before { content: "\F0BA"; } .mdil-book-multiple:before { content: "\F0BB"; } .mdil-book-plus:before { content: "\F5DB"; } .mdil-bookmark:before { content: "\F0C0"; } .mdil-border-all:before { content: "\F0C7"; } .mdil-border-bottom:before { content: "\F0C8"; } .mdil-border-horizontal:before { content: "\F0CA"; } .mdil-border-inside:before { content: "\F0CB"; } .mdil-border-left:before { content: "\F0CC"; } .mdil-border-none:before { content: "\F0CD"; } .mdil-border-outside:before { content: "\F0CE"; } .mdil-border-right:before { content: "\F0CF"; } .mdil-border-top:before { content: "\F0D1"; } .mdil-border-vertical:before { content: "\F0D2"; } .mdil-briefcase:before { content: "\F0D6"; } .mdil-calendar:before { content: "\F0ED"; } .mdil-camcorder:before { content: "\F0FC"; } .mdil-camera:before { content: "\F100"; } .mdil-cancel:before { content: "\F739"; } .mdil-cart:before { content: "\F110"; } .mdil-chart-areaspline:before { content: "\F127"; } .mdil-chart-bar:before { content: "\F128"; } .mdil-chart-histogram:before { content: "\F129"; } .mdil-chart-line:before { content: "\F12A"; } .mdil-chart-pie:before { content: "\F12B"; } .mdil-check:before { content: "\F12C"; } .mdil-chevron-double-down:before { content: "\F13C"; } .mdil-chevron-double-left:before { content: "\F13D"; } .mdil-chevron-double-right:before { content: "\F13E"; } .mdil-chevron-double-up:before { content: "\F13F"; } .mdil-chevron-down:before { content: "\F140"; } .mdil-chevron-left:before { content: "\F141"; } .mdil-chevron-right:before { content: "\F142"; } .mdil-chevron-up:before { content: "\F143"; } .mdil-circle:before { content: "\F764"; } .mdil-clipboard:before { content: "\F147"; } .mdil-clipboard-check:before { content: "\F14C"; } .mdil-clipboard-plus:before { content: "\F750"; } .mdil-clipboard-text:before { content: "\F14E"; } .mdil-clock:before { content: "\F150"; } .mdil-closed-caption:before { content: "\F15E"; } .mdil-cloud:before { content: "\F15F"; } .mdil-cloud-download:before { content: "\F162"; } .mdil-cloud-upload:before { content: "\F167"; } .mdil-comment:before { content: "\F17A"; } .mdil-comment-alert:before { content: "\F17D"; } .mdil-comment-text:before { content: "\F188"; } .mdil-console:before { content: "\F18D"; } .mdil-content-cut:before { content: "\F190"; } .mdil-content-duplicate:before { content: "\F191"; } .mdil-content-paste:before { content: "\F192"; } .mdil-content-save:before { content: "\F193"; } .mdil-content-save-all:before { content: "\F194"; } .mdil-credit-card:before { content: "\F19B"; } .mdil-credit-card-scan:before { content: "\F19D"; } .mdil-crop:before { content: "\F19E"; } .mdil-crop-free:before { content: "\F19F"; } .mdil-currency-eur:before { content: "\F1AD"; } .mdil-currency-gbp:before { content: "\F1AE"; } .mdil-currency-rub:before { content: "\F1B1"; } .mdil-currency-usd:before { content: "\F1B3"; } .mdil-delete:before { content: "\F1C0"; } .mdil-diamond-stone:before { content: "\F1C8"; } .mdil-dots-horizontal:before { content: "\F1D8"; } .mdil-dots-vertical:before { content: "\F1D9"; } .mdil-download:before { content: "\F1DA"; } .mdil-eject:before { content: "\F1EA"; } .mdil-email:before { content: "\F1EE"; } .mdil-email-open:before { content: "\F1EF"; } .mdil-eye:before { content: "\F208"; } .mdil-eye-off:before { content: "\F209"; } .mdil-factory:before { content: "\F20F"; } .mdil-fast-forward:before { content: "\F211"; } .mdil-file:before { content: "\F214"; } .mdil-file-multiple:before { content: "\F222"; } .mdil-file-plus:before { content: "\F751"; } .mdil-flag:before { content: "\F23B"; } .mdil-flash:before { content: "\F241"; } .mdil-flask:before { content: "\F093"; } .mdil-flask-empty:before { content: "\F094"; } .mdil-folder:before { content: "\F24B"; } .mdil-folder-multiple:before { content: "\F253"; } .mdil-folder-plus:before { content: "\F257"; } .mdil-format-align-bottom:before { content: "\F752"; } .mdil-format-align-center:before { content: "\F260"; } .mdil-format-align-justify:before { content: "\F261"; } .mdil-format-align-left:before { content: "\F262"; } .mdil-format-align-middle:before { content: "\F753"; } .mdil-format-align-right:before { content: "\F263"; } .mdil-format-align-top:before { content: "\F754"; } .mdil-format-bold:before { content: "\F264"; } .mdil-format-clear:before { content: "\F265"; } .mdil-format-float-center:before { content: "\F267"; } .mdil-format-float-left:before { content: "\F268"; } .mdil-format-float-none:before { content: "\F269"; } .mdil-format-float-right:before { content: "\F26A"; } .mdil-format-indent-decrease:before { content: "\F275"; } .mdil-format-indent-increase:before { content: "\F276"; } .mdil-format-italic:before { content: "\F277"; } .mdil-format-line-spacing:before { content: "\F278"; } .mdil-format-list-bulleted:before { content: "\F279"; } .mdil-format-list-checks:before { content: "\F755"; } .mdil-format-list-numbers:before { content: "\F27B"; } .mdil-format-quote-close:before { content: "\F27E"; } .mdil-format-quote-open:before { content: "\F756"; } .mdil-format-underline:before { content: "\F287"; } .mdil-format-wrap-inline:before { content: "\F288"; } .mdil-format-wrap-square:before { content: "\F289"; } .mdil-format-wrap-tight:before { content: "\F28A"; } .mdil-format-wrap-top-bottom:before { content: "\F28B"; } .mdil-forum:before { content: "\F28C"; } .mdil-fullscreen:before { content: "\F293"; } .mdil-fullscreen-exit:before { content: "\F294"; } .mdil-gift:before { content: "\F2A1"; } .mdil-grid:before { content: "\F2C1"; } .mdil-grid-large:before { content: "\F757"; } .mdil-grid-off:before { content: "\F2C2"; } .mdil-group:before { content: "\F2C3"; } .mdil-hamburger:before { content: "\F684"; } .mdil-heart:before { content: "\F2D1"; } .mdil-heart-half:before { content: "\F6DE"; } .mdil-heart-off:before { content: "\F758"; } .mdil-help:before { content: "\F2D6"; } .mdil-help-circle:before { content: "\F2D7"; } .mdil-hexagon:before { content: "\F2D8"; } .mdil-home:before { content: "\F2DC"; } .mdil-image:before { content: "\F2E9"; } .mdil-inbox:before { content: "\F686"; } .mdil-information:before { content: "\F2FC"; } .mdil-label:before { content: "\F315"; } .mdil-layers:before { content: "\F328"; } .mdil-lightbulb:before { content: "\F335"; } .mdil-lightbulb-on:before { content: "\F6E7"; } .mdil-link:before { content: "\F337"; } .mdil-link-variant:before { content: "\F339"; } .mdil-lock:before { content: "\F33E"; } .mdil-lock-open:before { content: "\F33F"; } .mdil-login:before { content: "\F342"; } .mdil-logout:before { content: "\F343"; } .mdil-magnify:before { content: "\F349"; } .mdil-magnify-minus:before { content: "\F34A"; } .mdil-magnify-plus:before { content: "\F34B"; } .mdil-map-marker:before { content: "\F34E"; } .mdil-memory:before { content: "\F35B"; } .mdil-menu:before { content: "\F35C"; } .mdil-message:before { content: "\F361"; } .mdil-message-alert:before { content: "\F362"; } .mdil-message-image:before { content: "\F364"; } .mdil-message-processing:before { content: "\F366"; } .mdil-message-reply:before { content: "\F367"; } .mdil-message-text:before { content: "\F369"; } .mdil-message-video:before { content: "\F36B"; } .mdil-microphone:before { content: "\F36C"; } .mdil-microphone-off:before { content: "\F36D"; } .mdil-minus:before { content: "\F374"; } .mdil-minus-box:before { content: "\F375"; } .mdil-minus-circle:before { content: "\F376"; } .mdil-monitor:before { content: "\F379"; } .mdil-monitor-multiple:before { content: "\F37A"; } .mdil-music:before { content: "\F759"; } .mdil-music-off:before { content: "\F75A"; } .mdil-nfc-variant:before { content: "\F398"; } .mdil-note:before { content: "\F39A"; } .mdil-note-multiple:before { content: "\F6B7"; } .mdil-note-plus:before { content: "\F39C"; } .mdil-note-text:before { content: "\F39E"; } .mdil-octagon:before { content: "\F3C3"; } .mdil-paperclip:before { content: "\F3E2"; } .mdil-pause:before { content: "\F3E4"; } .mdil-pencil:before { content: "\F3EB"; } .mdil-phone:before { content: "\F3F2"; } .mdil-pin:before { content: "\F403"; } .mdil-pin-off:before { content: "\F404"; } .mdil-play:before { content: "\F40A"; } .mdil-plus:before { content: "\F415"; } .mdil-plus-box:before { content: "\F416"; } .mdil-plus-circle:before { content: "\F417"; } .mdil-power:before { content: "\F425"; } .mdil-presentation:before { content: "\F428"; } .mdil-presentation-play:before { content: "\F429"; } .mdil-printer:before { content: "\F42A"; } .mdil-redo-variant:before { content: "\F44F"; } .mdil-refresh:before { content: "\F450"; } .mdil-repeat:before { content: "\F456"; } .mdil-repeat-off:before { content: "\F457"; } .mdil-repeat-once:before { content: "\F458"; } .mdil-rewind:before { content: "\F45F"; } .mdil-rhombus:before { content: "\F70A"; } .mdil-rss:before { content: "\F46B"; } .mdil-script:before { content: "\F478"; } .mdil-settings:before { content: "\F493"; } .mdil-shield:before { content: "\F498"; } .mdil-shuffle:before { content: "\F49D"; } .mdil-signal:before { content: "\F4A2"; } .mdil-sitemap:before { content: "\F4AA"; } .mdil-skip-next:before { content: "\F4AD"; } .mdil-skip-previous:before { content: "\F4AE"; } .mdil-sleep:before { content: "\F4B2"; } .mdil-sleep-off:before { content: "\F4B3"; } .mdil-spellcheck:before { content: "\F4C6"; } .mdil-square:before { content: "\F763"; } .mdil-star:before { content: "\F4CE"; } .mdil-star-half:before { content: "\F4D0"; } .mdil-stop:before { content: "\F4DB"; } .mdil-tab:before { content: "\F4E9"; } .mdil-tab-plus:before { content: "\F75B"; } .mdil-table:before { content: "\F4EB"; } .mdil-taco:before { content: "\F761"; } .mdil-tag:before { content: "\F4F9"; } .mdil-television:before { content: "\F502"; } .mdil-thumb-down:before { content: "\F511"; } .mdil-thumb-up:before { content: "\F513"; } .mdil-thumbs-up-down:before { content: "\F515"; } .mdil-tooltip:before { content: "\F523"; } .mdil-tooltip-text:before { content: "\F528"; } .mdil-triangle:before { content: "\F536"; } .mdil-trophy:before { content: "\F538"; } .mdil-undo-variant:before { content: "\F54D"; } .mdil-unfold-less-horizontal:before { content: "\F54E"; } .mdil-unfold-less-vertical:before { content: "\F75F"; } .mdil-unfold-more-horizontal:before { content: "\F54F"; } .mdil-unfold-more-vertical:before { content: "\F760"; } .mdil-ungroup:before { content: "\F550"; } .mdil-upload:before { content: "\F552"; } .mdil-vector-arrange-above:before { content: "\F554"; } .mdil-vector-arrange-below:before { content: "\F555"; } .mdil-vector-combine:before { content: "\F558"; } .mdil-vector-difference:before { content: "\F55A"; } .mdil-vector-difference-ab:before { content: "\F55B"; } .mdil-vector-difference-ba:before { content: "\F55C"; } .mdil-vector-intersection:before { content: "\F55D"; } .mdil-vector-union:before { content: "\F564"; } .mdil-view-dashboard:before { content: "\F56E"; } .mdil-view-module:before { content: "\F573"; } .mdil-volume-high:before { content: "\F57E"; } .mdil-volume-minus:before { content: "\F75D"; } .mdil-volume-mute:before { content: "\F75E"; } .mdil-volume-off:before { content: "\F581"; } .mdil-volume-plus:before { content: "\F75C"; } .mdil-wifi:before { content: "\F5A9"; } .mdil-xml:before { content: "\F5C0"; } .mdil-blank:before { content: "\F68C"; visibility: hidden; } /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/scss/_extra.scss # Extra settings of sizes for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mdil-18px.mdil-set, .mdil-18px.mdil:before { font-size: 18px; } .mdil-24px.mdil-set, .mdil-24px.mdil:before { font-size: 24px; } .mdil-36px.mdil-set, .mdil-36px.mdil:before { font-size: 36px; } .mdil-48px.mdil-set, .mdil-48px.mdil:before { font-size: 48px; } .mdil-dark:before { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); } .mdil-dark.mdi-inactive:before { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); } .mdil-light:before { color: white; } .mdil-light.mdi-inactive:before { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } .mdil-rotate-45 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(45deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(45deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(45deg); -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(45deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-45:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); } .mdil-rotate-90 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(90deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(90deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(90deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-90:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); } .mdil-rotate-135 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(135deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(135deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(135deg); -ms-transform: rotate(135deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(135deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-135:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(135deg); -ms-transform: rotate(135deg); transform: rotate(135deg); } .mdil-rotate-180 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(180deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(180deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(180deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-180:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: rotate(180deg); } .mdil-rotate-225 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(225deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(225deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(225deg); -ms-transform: rotate(225deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(225deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-225:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(225deg); -ms-transform: rotate(225deg); transform: rotate(225deg); } .mdil-rotate-270 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(270deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(270deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(270deg); -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(270deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-270:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); transform: rotate(270deg); } .mdil-rotate-315 { /* // Not included in production &.mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(315deg); transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(315deg); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } &.mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(315deg); -ms-transform: rotate(315deg); transform: scaleY(-1) rotate(315deg); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } */ } .mdil-rotate-315:before { -webkit-transform: rotate(315deg); -ms-transform: rotate(315deg); transform: rotate(315deg); } .mdil-flip-h:before { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1); transform: scaleX(-1); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: "FlipH"; } .mdil-flip-v:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1); transform: scaleY(-1); filter: FlipV; -ms-filter: "FlipV"; } /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons_light/scss/_animated.scss # Animation settings for MDIL Icons v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mdil-spin:before { -webkit-animation: mdil-spin 2s infinite linear; animation: mdil-spin 2s infinite linear; } @-webkit-keyframes mdil-spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); transform: rotate(359deg); } } @keyframes mdil-spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); transform: rotate(359deg); } } /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/vendor/fonts/md_icons/scss/_md_sizes.scss # Additional styles for MDIL Icon Font v0.2.63 # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mdil-xs.mdil-set, .mdil-xs.mdi:before { font-size: 1.250em; } .mdil-sm.mdil-set, .mdil-sm.mdi:before { font-size: 1.375em; } .mdil-md.mdil-set, .mdil-md.mdi:before { font-size: 1.500em; } .mdil-lg.mdil-set, .mdil-lg.mdi:before { font-size: 1.750em; vertical-align: -25%; } .mdil-xl.mdil-set, .mdil-xl.mdi:before { font-size: 2.000em; vertical-align: -25%; } .mdil-1x.mdil-set, .mdil-1x.mdil:before { font-size: 1rem; } .mdil-2x.mdil-set, .mdil-2x.mdil:before { font-size: 2rem; } .mdil-3x.mdil-set, .mdil-3x.mdil:before { font-size: 3rem; } .mdil-4x.mdil-set, .mdil-4x.mdil:before { font-size: 4rem; } .mdil-5x.mdil-set, .mdil-5x.mdil:before { font-size: 5rem; } .mdil-6x.mdil-set, .mdil-6x.mdil:before { font-size: 6rem; } .mdil-7x.mdil-set, .mdil-7x.mdil:before { font-size: 7rem; } .mdil-8x.mdil-set, .mdil-8x.mdil:before { font-size: 8rem; } .mdil-9x.mdil-set, .mdil-9x.mdil:before { font-size: 9rem; } .mdil-10x.mdil-set, .mdil-10x.mdil:before { font-size: 10rem; }