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E EE initializeEsingleton class=EwhereamiE*Show code surrounding the current context.EContextE Usage: whereami [-qn] [LINES] Describe the current location. If you use `binding.pry` inside a method then whereami will print out the source for that method. If a number is passed, then LINES lines before and after the current line will be shown instead of the method itself. The `-q` flag can be used to suppress error messages in the case that there's no code to show. This is used by pry in the default before_session hook to show you when you arrive at a `binding.pry`. The `-n` flag can be used to hide line numbers so that code can be copy/pasted effectively. When pry was started on an Object and there is no associated method, whereami will instead output a brief description of the current object. EsetupE__FILE__E__LINE__EoptionsE*Don't display anything in case of an errorEDo not display line numbersE0Show the complete source for the current method.E9Show the complete source for the current class or module.E.Show the complete source for the current file.%EcodemECannot find method code.ECannot find class code.*Ecode?Erescue in code?-Ebad_option_combination?0ElocationE @ line E 4EprocessE4Only one of -m, -c, -f, and LINES may be specified.E EFrom:E: :Enothing_to_do?<Euse_line_numbers?>Emarker@E top_level?BEhandle_internal_bindingEAt the top level.EInside E.GE small_method?IE default_codeKE code_windowME method_codeOE target_classQE class_codeEblock in class_codeUE valid_method?WE expand_pathYE window_sizeE@EPryECommandE ClassCommandEWhereamiE @method_codeEsingletonclassE attr_accessorE@method_size_cutoffE@fileE@lineEMethodE@methodEtargetEevalE from_bindingEoptEonE@codeE CommandErrorECodeEoptsEpresent?EraiseE from_fileEargsEany?E MethodSourceESourceNotFoundErrorE#$!E!EcountE>Ename_with_ownerEoutEinternal_binding?Eset_file_and_dir_localsEboldEwith_line_numbersE with_markerE highlightedE<