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Media from Gung Ho (1986)

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Titles (Exact Matches) (Displaying 4 Results)


Gung Ho (1986)

'Gung Ho!': The Story of Carlson's Makin Island Raiders (1943)
 aka "Gung Ho!" - USA (short title)
3."Gung Ho" (1986) (TV series)
4.Gung Ho (2004)

Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 16 Results)

1.Han cheng gong lüe (2005)
 aka "Hon shing gung leuk"
2.Gung hoi keung gaan fung (1993)

Ying han gong fu ben (1973)
 aka "Aang hong gung foo boon" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)
4.Sing kung chok tse yee: Ngor but mai sun, ngor mai chi gung (2008)

Hei tai yang 731 xu ji zhi sha ren gong chang (1992)
 aka "Hak taai yeung 731 chuk chap ji saai yan gung chong" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Tian cai gong fu (1969)
 aka "Tin choi gung foo" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Di xia bing gong chang (1991)
 aka "Dei ha bing gung chong" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Zhi he cang shi zhi gong shen (1989)
 aka "Ji hap chong si ji gung sam" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)
9.Gong xi fa cai (1984)
 aka "Gung hei faat choi" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Dian zhi gong fu gan chian chan (1980)
 aka "Dim chi gung foo gaam gaan daan" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Ying hung ho hon (1987)
12.Yu long gong wu (1991)
 aka "Yue long gung mo" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)
13.Eodiseonga nugungae museunili saengkimyeon teulrimeobshi natananda Hong Ban-jang (2004)

Da mo tie zhi gong (1977)
 aka "Daat moh tit chi gung" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Gong zi duo qing (1988)
 aka "Gung chi doh ching" - Hong Kong (Cantonese title)

Saang Gong yat ho tung chap faan (1994)

Suggestions For Improving Your Results

  • There may be additional title matches amongst all the alternative titles we have for various regions and languages.
  • If you are searching for a particular episode of a TV Series, you should search for the title of the TV series, not the episode. Or you can use the following link to search all Episode Titles.
  • There may be additional matches in special interest areas that are only available to users choosing to see them.
    • Enable adult titles/names in the search.

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