= Subversion Changelog == 2008-02-06 transami * Added logs. (106) * Added some work/scrap for old extest script. (105) * Added reap-init which is used to create .reap and meta/project files. (104) * Added some scaffolding files. (103) * Move where load error is triggered if no .reap file found. (102) * Only remove old stage is alrady exists. (101) * Added default title attribute for rdoc. (100) * Announce now uses README as tempalte by default and subs "please see" clauses for files. (99) * Fixed scaffold.rb to be at least amrginally useful now. (98) * Fixed dryrun? mode for generating changelog xsl. (97) * Improved release task's ability to select the correct packages. (96) * reap-scaffold is used to fully scaffold a project AFTER .reap and project files are in place. (95) * Added data/reap/init for initial .reap and meta/project files. (94) * Added .roll file. (93) * Minor fix so that if .reap is an empty file configuration will be {}. (92) * Loadpath and libpath are no longer the same project attribute. * Rolls uses libpath to point directory to the directory that contains the library files. (eg. lib/foo) * Loadpath is the traditional location that is usually a directory about the libpath. (eg. lib) (91) * Updated manager.rb to reflect scaffold rather then prefab. (90) * out_of_date? return true if no comparison files are found. (89) * Moved reap-prefab binary to reap-scaffold. (88) * Renamed prefab to scaffold. (87) * Added ability for rdoc to generate for different target groups. (86) * Use shell out to testrb for normal unit testing. (85) * Update prefab.rb. (84) == 2008-02-05 transami * Removed meta/config.yaml, since .reap now takes its place. (83) * Added work/outdated. (82) * Finish organization of work directory. (81) * Additional organization of work directory. (80) * Orgainze work directory a bit. (79) == 2008-02-04 transami * VERSION 9.1.2 (78) * Improved changelog production (cont.) (77) * Fixed a reference to the package directory (pkg/). (76) * Reworked change log a bit, simplifying configuration. (75) * Package direcotory is now fixed as pkg/. * Reap offers a lot optional configuration, but project directories are (mostly) better as standards. * If there proves a real need for an excpetion to this, we can revisit it later. * The #package_directory field really did not belong in the Project class anyway. (74) * Added work/future direcotory to diff between old code being help for reference. (73) * SVN text-based changelog is not built from the XML (using REXML). (72) * Removed old crufy code from manager.rb. (71) * Project#package_name no longer supports template argument. (70) * Improved DEFAULT for a number of tools. (69) * Clean no longer confirms file removeals. (68) * Fixed misspelling of rubyopt in spec.rb. (67) * Improved DEFAULT settings for rdoc.rb. (66) * Make will create the Makefile if needed for all make commands. (65) * Limit check tools to ruby code. (Maybe add C support in future). (64) * Added ARGV to shell out of install/setup command. (63) == 2008-02-01 transami * VERSION 9.1.0 (62) * Stamp now puts parenthesis around date. (61) * Fixed release and made package direcorty setting part of Project info. (60) * Fixed reubyforge release so changelog and notelog were used. (59) * Created NOTES for release notes. (58) * Moved rubyforge.rb to systems directory. (57) * Added manifest generation when packaging. (56) * Continued improvments across the board. (55) * Move scrap utils libs to new work/lib directory. (54) * Added work/lib/reap/. (53) * Added work/lib directory. (52) * Added subversion system. (51) * Moved ads to ads directory. (50) == 2008-01-31 transami * Moved MANIFEST and VERSION to toplevel. (49) * Adjusted project file. (48) * Added premature exits for task that arn't quite ready yet. (47) * Moved setup.rb and install.rb to subdirectories. (46) * Fleshed out skeleton directories in data/. (45) * Require notes.rb changed to log.rb. (44) * Renamed notes.rb to log.rb. (43) * Update package and rdoc tasks to access configuration better. (42) * Added spec tasks. (41) * Update notes.rb for log tasks. Will rename. (40) * Clean up tasks. (39) * Update VERSION to 9.0.0 beta. (38) * Added remaining binaries. (37) * Okay, final naming organization of binaries. (36) * Added doc/ads directory. (35) * Fixed misspelling of syntax. (34) * Moved reap-load and reap-sytax to reap-check-load and reap-check-syntax. (33) * Renamed reap-gem to reap-install-gem (32) * Cleaned make.rb code a bit. (31) * Harmonized how options are merged. (30) == 2008-01-29 transami * Added make commands. (29) == 2008-01-27 transami * initial import (28)