# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com # Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details. module AMEE module Shell def amee_help puts "AMEE shell - version #{AMEE::VERSION::STRING}" puts "--------------------------" puts "Commands:" puts " ls" puts " - display contents of current category." puts " cd 'path'" puts " - change category. Path must be a quoted string. You can use things like '/data', '..', or 'subcategory'." puts " pwd" puts " - display current category path." puts " cat 'name'" puts " - display contents of data item called 'name' within the current category." puts " set_value 'item_name', 'value_name', value" puts " - set the value 'value_name' inside 'item_name' to value." puts " amee_help" puts " - display this help text." end def ls puts "Categories:" @@category.children.each do |c| puts " - #{c[:path]}" end puts "Items:" @@category.items.each do |i| puts " - #{i[:path]} (#{i[:label]})" end nil end def pwd @@category.full_path end def cd(path) if path == '..' path_components = @@category.full_path.split('/') path = path_components.first(path_components.size - 1).join('/') elsif !path.match(/^\/.*/) path = @@category.full_path + '/' + path end @@category = AMEE::Data::Category.get($connection, path) @@category.full_path end def cat(name) item = @@category.items.detect { |i| i[:path].match("^#{name}") } fullpath = "#{@@category.full_path}/#{item[:path]}" item = AMEE::Data::Item.get($connection, fullpath) puts fullpath puts "Label: #{item.label}" puts "Values:" item.values.each do |v| puts " - #{v[:name]}: #{v[:value]}" end nil end def set_value(item, name, value) item = @@category.items.detect { |i| i[:path].match("^#{item}") } fullpath = "#{@@category.full_path}/#{item[:path]}/#{name}" itemval = AMEE::Data::ItemValue.get($connection, fullpath) itemval.value = value itemval.save! end end end dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/.." $LOAD_PATH << dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir) require 'rubygems' require 'amee' include AMEE::Shell # Set up connection $connection = AMEE::Connection.new(ENV['AMEE_SERVER'], ENV['AMEE_USERNAME'], ENV['AMEE_PASSWORD']) if $connection.valid? # Change to root of data api to get going cd '/data' # Display AMEE details amee_help else puts "Can't connect to AMEE - please check details" end