module CanTango # Include helpers in the given scope to AC and AV. # "Borrowed" from devise def self.include_helpers(scope) # Seems like the order of initializers is important! ActiveRecord should go first! ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do RailsAutoLoader.load_models! if CanTango.config.autoload.models? end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do include scope::Rails::Helpers::ControllerHelper end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do include scope::Rails::Helpers::ViewHelper end end # # - before_configuration: This is run as soon as the application constant inherits from Rails::Application. The config calls are evaluated before this happens. # - before_initialize: This is run directly before the initialization process of the application occurs with the :bootstrap_hook initializer near the beginning of the Rails initialization process. # - to_prepare: Run after the initializers are ran for all Railties (including the application itself), but before eager loading and the middleware stack is built. More importantly, will run upon every request in development, but only once (during boot-up) in production and test. # - before_eager_load: This is run directly before eager loading occurs, which is the default behaviour for the production environment and not for the development environment. # - after_initialize: Run directly after the initialization of the application, but before the application initializers are run. class RailsEngine < ::Rails::Engine initializer "cantango.helpers" do CanTango.include_helpers(CanTango) # load all models # this is needed in order to register all users and accounts with CanTango using the user/account macros! end config.to_prepare do CanTango.to_prepare # load all permits (development mode: EVERY request!) RailsAutoLoader.load_permits! if CanTango.config.autoload.permits? end config.after_initialize do CanTango.after_initialize end end module RailsAutoLoader def self.load_models! load_files! :models end def self.load_permits! load_files! :permits end private def self.load_files! path Dir[::Rails.root + "app/#{path}/**/*.rb"].each do |path| require_dependency path end end end end