# frozen_string_literal: true
module Axlsx
# the access class defines common properties and values for a chart axis.
class Axis
include Axlsx::OptionsParser
# Creates an Axis object
# @option options [Axis] cross_axis the perpendicular axis
# @option options [Symbol] ax_pos
# @option options [Symbol] crosses
# @option options [Symbol] tick_lbl_pos
# @raise [ArgumentError] If axi_id or cross_ax are not unsigned integers
def initialize(options = {})
@id = rand(8**8)
@format_code = "General"
@delete = @label_rotation = 0
@scaling = Scaling.new(orientation: :minMax)
@title = @color = nil
self.ax_pos = :b
self.tick_lbl_pos = :nextTo
self.format_code = "General"
self.crosses = :autoZero
self.gridlines = true
parse_options options
# the fill color to use in the axis shape properties. This should be a 6 character long hex string
# e.g. FF0000 for red
# @return [String]
attr_reader :color
# the id of the axis.
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :id
alias :axID :id
# The perpendicular axis
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :cross_axis
alias :crossAx :cross_axis
# The scaling of the axis
# @see Scaling
# @return [Scaling]
attr_reader :scaling
# The position of the axis
# must be one of [:l, :r, :t, :b]
# @return [Symbol]
attr_reader :ax_pos
alias :axPos :ax_pos
# the position of the tick labels
# must be one of [:nextTo, :high, :low]
# @return [Symbol]
attr_reader :tick_lbl_pos
alias :tickLblPos :tick_lbl_pos
# The number format format code for this axis
# default :General
# @return [String]
attr_reader :format_code
# specifies how the perpendicular axis is crossed
# must be one of [:autoZero, :min, :max]
# @return [Symbol]
attr_reader :crosses
# specifies how the degree of label rotation
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :label_rotation
# specifies if gridlines should be shown in the chart
# @return [Boolean]
attr_reader :gridlines
# specifies if gridlines should be shown in the chart
# @return [Boolean]
attr_reader :delete
# the title for the axis. This can be a cell or a fixed string.
attr_reader :title
# The color for this axis. This value is used when rendering the axis line in the chart.
# colors should be in 6 character rbg format
# @return [String] the rbg color assinged.
# @see color
def color=(color_rgb)
@color = color_rgb
# The crossing axis for this axis
# @param [Axis] axis
def cross_axis=(axis)
DataTypeValidator.validate "#{self.class}.cross_axis", [Axis], axis
@cross_axis = axis
# The position of the axis
# must be one of [:l, :r, :t, :b]
def ax_pos=(v) RestrictionValidator.validate "#{self.class}.ax_pos", [:l, :r, :b, :t], v; @ax_pos = v; end
alias :axPos= :ax_pos=
# the position of the tick labels
# must be one of [:nextTo, :high, :low1]
def tick_lbl_pos=(v) RestrictionValidator.validate "#{self.class}.tick_lbl_pos", [:nextTo, :high, :low, :none], v; @tick_lbl_pos = v; end
alias :tickLblPos= :tick_lbl_pos=
# The number format format code for this axis
# default :General
def format_code=(v) Axlsx.validate_string(v); @format_code = v; end
# Specify if gridlines should be shown for this axis
# default true
def gridlines=(v) Axlsx.validate_boolean(v); @gridlines = v; end
# Specify if axis should be removed from the chart
# default false
def delete=(v) Axlsx.validate_boolean(v); @delete = v; end
# specifies how the perpendicular axis is crossed
# must be one of [:autoZero, :min, :max]
def crosses=(v) RestrictionValidator.validate "#{self.class}.crosses", [:autoZero, :min, :max], v; @crosses = v; end
# Specify the degree of label rotation to apply to labels
# default true
def label_rotation=(v)
adjusted = v.to_i * 60000
@label_rotation = adjusted
# The title object for the chart.
# @param [String, Cell] v
# @return [Title]
def title=(v)
DataTypeValidator.validate "#{self.class}.title", [String, Cell], v
@title ||= Title.new
if v.is_a?(String)
@title.text = v
elsif v.is_a?(Cell)
@title.cell = v
# Serializes the object
# @param [String] str
# @return [String]
def to_xml_string(str = +'')
str << ''
@scaling.to_xml_string str
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
# TODO: shape properties need to be extracted into a class
if gridlines == false
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
@title.to_xml_string(str) unless @title.nil?
# Need to set sourceLinked to 0 if we're setting a format code on this row
# otherwise it will never take, as it will always prefer the 'General' formatting
# of the cells themselves
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
# TODO: this is also being used for series colors
# time to extract this into a class spPr - Shape Properties
if @color
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''
# some potential value in implementing this in full. Very detailed!
str << ''
str << ''
str << ''