load 'deploy' set(:strategy) do require 'o2h/capistrano/deploy/strategy/git' Capistrano::Deploy::Strategy::Git.new(self) end set(:deploy_to) { "/var/www/#{domain}" } set :group, :www set(:shared_children) { %w(public/system log tmp/pids backup) } set(:latest_release) { fetch(:current_path) } set(:release_path) { fetch(:current_path) } set(:current_release) { fetch(:current_path) } set(:current_revision) { capture("cd #{current_path}; git rev-parse --short HEAD").strip } set(:latest_revision) { capture("cd #{current_path}; git rev-parse --short HEAD").strip } set(:previous_revision) { capture("cd #{current_path}; git rev-parse --short HEAD@{1}").strip } after 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:set_permissions', :roles => :web namespace :deploy do task :set_permissions do # Change the owner and group of everything under the # deployment directory to webadmin and apache try_sudo "chgrp -R #{group} #{deploy_to}" end desc find_task(:default).description task :default do update restart end desc find_task(:setup).description task :setup, :except => { :no_release => true } do dirs = [deploy_to, shared_path] dirs += shared_children.map { |d| File.join(shared_path, d) } run "#{try_sudo} mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')} && #{try_sudo} chmod g+w #{dirs.join(' ')}" strategy.clone! end desc find_task(:cold).description task :cold do update migrate start end desc "Resets to HEAD of branch" task :update do transaction do update_code end end desc find_task(:update_code).description task :update_code, :except => { :no_release => true } do strategy.deploy! finalize_update end desc find_task(:migrations).description task :migrations do set :migrate_target, :latest update migrate restart end task :celanup do nil end task :symlink do nil end namespace :rollback do desc "Moves the repo back to the previous version of HEAD" task :revision, :except => { :no_release => true } do set :branch, "HEAD@{1}" deploy.update_code end desc "Rewrite reflog so HEAD@{1} will continue to point to at the next previous release." task :cleanup, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "cd #{current_path}; git reflog delete --rewrite HEAD@{1}; git reflog delete --rewrite HEAD@{1}" end end end