require 'bundler' require 'bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor' require 'bundler/advise' require 'slop' require 'open3' module Bundler::Patch class CLI def self.execute original_command = ARGV.join(' ') opts = Slop.parse! do banner "Bundler Patch Version #{Bundler::Patch::VERSION}\nUsage: bundle patch [options] [gems-to-update]\n\nbundler-patch attempts to update gems conservatively.\n" on '-m', '--minor', 'Prefer update to the latest minor.patch version.' on '-n', '--minimal', 'Prefer minimal version updates over most recent patch (or minor if -m used).' on '-s', '--strict', 'Restrict any gem to be upgraded past most recent patch (or minor if -m used).' on '-l', '--list', 'List vulnerable gems and new version target. No updates will be performed.' on '-v', '--vulnerable-gems-only', 'Only update vulnerable gems.' on '-a=', '--advisory-db-path=', 'Optional custom advisory db path. `gems` dir will be appended to this path.' on '-d=', '--ruby-advisory-db-path=', 'Optional path for ruby advisory db. `gems` dir will be appended to this path.' on '-r', '--ruby', 'Update Ruby version in related files.' on '--rubies=', 'Supported Ruby versions. Comma delimited or multiple switches.', as: Array, delimiter: ',' on '-g=', '--gemfile=', 'Optional Gemfile to execute against. Defaults to Gemfile in current directory.' on '--use_target_ruby', 'Optionally attempt to use Ruby version of target bundle specified in --gemfile.' on '-h', 'Show this help' on '--help', 'Show' # will be stripped in help display and normalized to hyphenated options on '--vulnerable_gems_only' on '--advisory_db_path=' on '--ruby_advisory_db_path=' on '-p', '--prefer_minimal' on '--minor_preferred' on '--strict_updates' end options = opts.to_hash options[:gems_to_update] = ARGV options[:original_command] = original_command STDERR.puts options.inspect if ENV['DEBUG'] show_help(opts) if options[:h] show_readme if ARGV.include?('help') || options[:help] end def self.show_help(slop) slop.options.delete_if { |o| o.long =~ /_/ } puts slop exit end def self.show_readme Kernel.exec "less '#{File.expand_path('../../../../', __FILE__)}'" exit end def initialize @no_vulns_message = 'No known vulnerabilities to update.' end def patch(options={}) Bundler.ui = options = tb = options[:target] if options[:use_target_ruby] && tb.target_ruby_is_different? launch_target_bundler_patch(options) else return list(options) if options[:list] patch_ruby(options) if options[:ruby] patch_gems(options) end end def launch_target_bundler_patch(options) tb = options[:target] ruby = tb.ruby_bin_exe tb.install_bundler_patch_in_target bundler_patch = File.join(tb.ruby_bin, 'bundler-patch') full_command = "#{ruby} #{bundler_patch} #{options[:original_command].gsub(/use_target_ruby/, '')}" result = shell_command(full_command) puts result[:stdout] unless ENV['BP_DEBUG'] end private def list(options) gem_patches = if gem_patches.empty? @no_vulns_message else '' # extra line to separate from advisory db update text 'Detected vulnerabilities:' '-------------------------'"\n") end end def patch_ruby(options) supported = options[:rubies] options[:target], patched_versions: supported).update end def patch_gems(options) vulnerable_patches = requested_patches = (options.delete(:gems_to_update) || []).map { |gem_name| gem_name) } all_gem_patches =, requested_patches).reconciled_patches all_gem_patches.push(*vulnerable_patches) if options[:vulnerable_gems_only] && all_gem_patches.empty? vulnerable_patches, warnings = vulnerable_patches.partition { |gp| !gp.new_version.nil? } unless warnings.empty? warnings.each do |gp| Bundler.ui.warn "* Could not attempt upgrade for #{gp.gem_name} from #{gp.old_version} to any patched versions " \ + "#{gp.patched_versions.join(', ')}. Most often this is because a major version increment would be " \ + "required and it's safer for a major version increase to be done manually." end end if vulnerable_patches.empty? @no_vulns_message else vulnerable_patches.each do |gp| "Attempting conservative update for vulnerable gem '#{gp.gem_name}': #{gp.old_version} => #{gp.new_version}" end end if all_gem_patches.empty? if options[:vulnerable_gems_only] return # nothing to do else 'Updating all gems conservatively.' end else "Updating '#{' ')}' conservatively." end conservative_update(all_gem_patches, options) end def conservative_update(gem_patches, options={}, bundler_def=nil) prep =, gem_patches, options).tap { |p| p.prep } # update => true is very important, otherwise without any Gemfile changes, the installer # may end up concluding everything can be resolved locally, nothing is changing, # and then nothing is done. lib/bundler/cli/update.rb also hard-codes this. Bundler::Installer.install(options[:target].dir, prep.bundler_def, {'update' => true}) Bundler.load.cache if Bundler.app_cache.exist? end end end def shell_command(command) puts "-command: #{command}" if ENV['BP_DEBUG'] stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) if ENV['BP_DEBUG'] puts "--stdout:#{indent(stdout)}" puts "--stderr:#{indent(stderr)}" end {stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, status: status} end def indent(s) s.split("\n").map { |ln| " #{ln}" }.join("\n") end if __FILE__ == $0 Bundler::Patch::CLI.execute end