module Gamefic module Standard script do respond :look do |actor| actor.execute :look, end respond :look, myself do |actor, _| actor.tell actor.description actor.execute :inventory end respond :look, available(Thing) do |actor, thing| actor.tell thing.description thing.children.that_are(proc(&:attached?)).that_are(proc(&:itemized?)).each do |item| actor.tell "#{An item} is attached to #{the thing}." end end respond :look, available(Supporter) do |actor, thing| itemized = thing.children.that_are_not(proc(&:attached?)).that_are(proc(&:itemized?)) # If the supporter does not have a description but it does contain # itemized things, avoid saying there's nothing special about it. actor.proceed if thing.has_description? || itemized.empty? actor.tell "You see #{itemized.join_and} on #{the thing}." unless itemized.empty? end respond :look, available(Receptacle) do |actor, thing| actor.proceed if thing.accessible? itemized = thing.children.that_are_not(proc(&:attached?)).that_are(proc(&:itemized?)) actor.tell "You see #{itemized.join_and} in #{the thing}." unless itemized.empty? end end respond :look, parent(Supporter, proc(&:enterable?)) do |actor, supporter| actor.proceed actor.tell "You are currently on #{the supporter}." end respond :look, available(Thing, Openable) do |actor, thing| actor.tell thing.description if thing.has_description? actor.tell "#{The thing} is #{ ? 'open' : 'closed'}." next if thing.closed? || thing.children.empty? actor.tell "You see #{thing.children.join_and}." end respond :look, room do |actor, room| actor.execute :_describe_room end meta :_describe_room do |actor| next unless actor.tell "#{}" actor.tell if actor.execute :_itemize_room end meta :_itemize_room do |actor| room = next unless room with_locales = [] chars = room.children.that_are(Character).that_are(proc(&:itemized?)) - [actor] charsum = [] chars.each do |char| if char.locale_description.nil? charsum.push char else with_locales.push char end end if charsum.length > 0 actor.tell "#{charsum.join_and.cap_first} #{charsum.length == 1 ? 'is' : 'are'} here." end items = room.children.that_are(proc(&:itemized?)) - [actor] - room.children.that_are(Character) - room.children.that_are(Portal) itemsum = [] items.each do |item| if item.locale_description.nil? itemsum.push item else with_locales.push item end end if itemsum.length > 0 actor.tell "You see #{itemsum.join_and}." end with_locales.each { |entity| actor.tell entity.locale_description } if room.explicit_exits? portals = room.children.that_are(Portal).that_are(proc(&:itemized?)) if portals.length > 0 if portals.length == 1 p = portals[0] actor.tell "There is an exit #{p.instruction}." else dirs = [] portals.each do |p| dirs.push p.instruction end order = ['north', 'northeast', 'east', 'southeast', 'south', 'southwest', 'west', 'northwest', 'up', 'down'] dirs.sort! { |a, b| (order.index(a.to_s) || order.length) <=> (order.index(b.to_s) || order.length) } actor.tell "There are exits #{dirs.join_and(', ')}." end end end if actor.parent.is_a?(Supporter) actor.tell "You are on #{the actor.parent}." actor.parent.children.that_are_not(actor).each { |s| actor.tell "#{A s} is on #{the actor.parent}." } end end interpret 'look around', 'look' interpret 'look here', 'look' interpret 'l', 'look' interpret 'look at :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'look on :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'look under :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'look beneath :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'look around :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'l :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'examine :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'x :thing', 'look :thing' interpret 'inspect :thing', 'look :thing' end end end