class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base # Access restrictions attr_accessible :title, :comments, :amount, :value_date, :code # Validation validates_presence_of :debit_account, :credit_account, :title, :value_date validates :amount, presence: true, numericality: true validates_time :value_date # Template belongs_to :template, polymorphic: true # Account belongs_to :debit_account, foreign_key: 'debit_account_id', class_name: 'Account' attr_accessible :debit_account, :debit_account_id belongs_to :credit_account, foreign_key: 'credit_account_id', class_name: 'Account' attr_accessible :credit_account, :credit_account_id def debit_account_code debit_account.code end def debit_account_code=(value) debit_account = Account.find_by_code(value) end def credit_account_code credit_account.code end def credit_account_code=(value) credit_account = Account.find_by_code(value) end def direct_account return nil unless reference return reference.direct_account if reference.respond_to? :direct_account end def contra_account(account = nil) # Derive from direct_account if available account ||= direct_account return unless account if debit_account == account return credit_account elsif credit_account == account return debit_account else return nil end end def balance_account return credit_account if credit_account.balance_account? return debit_account if debit_account.balance_account? end def profit_account return credit_account if credit_account.profit_account? return debit_account if debit_account.profit_account? end # Scoping default_scope order('value_date, id') scope :by_value_date, lambda { |value_date| where('date(value_date) = ?', value_date) } scope :by_value_period, lambda {|from, to| if from.present? where('date(value_date) BETWEEN :from AND :to', from: from, to: to) else where('date(value_date) <= :to', to: to) end } # Scope filter for date range scope :by_date_period, lambda {|date_from, date_to| if date_from.present? && date_to.present? where(:value_date => date_from..date_to) elsif date_from.present? where('value_date >= ?', date_from) elsif date_to.present? where('value_date <= ?', date_to) end } # Scope for date filter # # @param from [Date] # @param to [Date] scope :by_date, lambda {|*args| dates = do |date| begin date.to_date rescue nil end end if dates.count == 0 scoped elsif dates.count == 1 where(:value_date => dates[0]) elsif dates.count == 2 by_date_period(dates[0], dates[1]) end } # Scope for amount range filter scope :by_amount_range, lambda {|amount_from, amount_to| if amount_from.present? && amount_to.present? where(:amount => amount_from..amount_to) elsif amount_from.present? where('amount >= ?', amount_from) elsif amount_to.present? where('amount <= ?', amount_to) end } # Scope for amount filter scope :by_amount, lambda {|*args| if args.count == 0 scoped elsif args.count == 1 where(:amount => args[0]) elsif args.count == 2 by_amount_range(args[0], args[1]) end } # Scope for all accounts assigned to account # # @param account_id [Integer] scope :by_account, lambda {|account_id| where('debit_account_id = :account_id OR credit_account_id = :account_id', account_id: account_id) } do # Returns array of all booking titles. def titles find(:all, group: :title).map(&:title) end # Statistics per booking title. # # The statistics are an array of hashes with keys title, count, sum, average. def statistics find(:all, select: 'title, count(*) AS count, sum(amount) AS sum, avg(amount) AS avg', group: :title).map(&:attributes) end end # All involved accounts # # @returns all involved credit and debit accounts def self.accounts Account.where(id: pluck(:debit_account_id).uniq + pluck(:credit_account_id).uniq) end # Accounts with balances # # @returns [Hash] with involved accounts as keys and balances as values def self.balances account_balances = do |account| [account, balance_by(account)] end Hash[account_balances] end # Accounted bookings # ================== SELECT_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT = 'CASE WHEN credit_account_id = debit_account_id THEN 0.0 WHEN credit_account_id = %{account_id} THEN -bookings.amount WHEN debit_account_id = %{account_id} THEN bookings.amount ELSE 0 END' private def self.get_account_id(account_or_id) if account_or_id.is_a? Account return elsif Account.exists?(account_or_id) return account_or_id else fail 'argument needs to be a record of type Account or an id for an existing Account record.' end end public # Scope where booking amounts are signed according to debit or credit side # # @param account_or_id Account id or object scope :accounted_by, lambda {|account_or_id| select("bookings.*, #{SELECT_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT % { account_id: get_account_id(account_or_id) }} AS amount") } # Balance of bookings for the specified account # # @param account_or_id Account id or object def self.balance_by(account_or_id) % { account_id: get_account_id(account_or_id) }), 2) end # Balance of bookings for the specified account with 0 balance, grouped by reference # # @param account_or_id Account id or object def self.unbalanced_by_grouped_reference(account_or_id) # Do a manual sum using select() to be able to give it an alias we can use in having() balance_select = "sum(#{SELECT_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT % { account_id: get_account_id(account_or_id) }})" summs = group(:reference_type, :reference_id).having("#{balance_select} != 0.0").select("reference_type, reference_id, #{balance_select} AS balance").reorder(nil) # Simulate Rails grouped summing result format grouped = Hash[ { |group| [[group[:reference_type], group[:reference_id]], group[:balance]] }] # Convert value to BigDecimal Hash[ { |reference, value| [reference,, 2)] }] end # Balance of bookings for the specified account, grouped by reference # # @param account_or_id Account id or object def self.balance_by_grouped_reference(account_or_id) grouped = group(:reference_type, :reference_id).sum(SELECT_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT % { account_id: get_account_id(account_or_id) }) # Convert value to BigDecimal Hash[ { |reference, value| [reference,, 2)] }] end scope :by_text, lambda {|value| text = '%' + value + '%' amount = value.delete("'").to_f if amount == 0.0 amount = nil unless value.match(/^[0.]*$/) end date = nil begin date = Date.parse(value) rescue ArgumentError end where('title ILIKE :text OR comments ILIKE :text OR amount = :amount OR value_date = :value_date', text: text, amount: amount, value_date: date) } # Returns array of all years we have bookings for def self.fiscal_years with_exclusive_scope do select('DISTINCT year(value_date) AS year') end end # Standard methods def to_s(format = :default) case format when :long '%s: %s an %s CHF %s, %s (%s)' % [ value_date ? value_date : '?', debit_account ? "#{debit_account.title} (#{debit_account.code})" : '?', credit_account ? "#{credit_account.title} (#{credit_account.code})" : '?', amount ? '%0.2f' % amount : '?', title.present? ? title : '?', comments.present? ? comments : '?' ] else '%s: %s / %s CHF %s' % [ value_date ? value_date : '?', debit_account ? debit_account.code : '?', credit_account ? credit_account.code : '?', amount ? '%0.2f' % amount : '?' ] end end # Helpers def accounted_amount(account) if credit_account == account balance = -(amount) elsif debit_account == account balance = amount else return'0') end if account.asset_account? return balance else return -(balance) end end def amount_as_string '%0.2f' % amount end def amount_as_string=(value) self.amount = value end def rounded_amount if amount.nil? return 0 else return (amount * 20).round / 20.0 end end # Helpers def split(amount, params = {}) # Clone new_booking = clone # Set amount new_booking[:amount] = amount self.amount -= amount # Update attributes params.each do|key, value| new_booking[key] = value end [self, new_booking] end # Reference belongs_to :reference, polymorphic: true, touch: true, inverse_of: :bookings attr_accessible :reference_id, :reference_type, :reference after_save :touch_previous_reference def touch_previous_reference # TODO: support reference_type for polymorphic changes reference_id_changes = changes[:reference_id] if reference_id_changes && (previous_reference_id = reference_id_changes[0]) # Guard against disappeared previous reference begin previous_reference = reference_type.constantize.find(previous_reference_id) previous_reference.touch if previous_reference != reference rescue end end end after_save :notify_references after_destroy :notify_references # Safety net for form assignments def reference_type=(value) write_attribute(:reference_type, value) unless value.blank? end scope :by_reference, lambda {|value| where(reference_id:, reference_type: value.class.base_class) } do # TODO duplicated in Invoice def direct_balance(direct_account) balance = 0.0 for booking in all balance += booking.accounted_amount(direct_account) end balance end end private def notify_references return unless reference && reference.respond_to?(:booking_saved) reference.booking_saved(self) end end