module ErpApp module Shared class ConfigurationController < ErpApp::ApplicationController before_filter :require_login def setup_categories configuration = ::Configuration.find(params[:id]) tree_array = [].tap do |array| configuration.item_types.collect{|item| item.category_classification.category}.uniq.each do |category| array << category.to_tree_hash(:only => [], :methods => [{:id => :categoryId}], :icon_cls => 'icon-index') end end tree_array.sort_by!{|hash| [hash[:text]]} render :json => tree_array end def setup category_id = params[:category_id] configuration = ::Configuration.find(params[:id]) render :json => {:success => true, :configurationItemTypes => configuration.item_types.by_category(Category.find(category_id)).collect(&:to_js_hash).sort_by{|hash| [hash[:internalIdentifier]]}} end def load category_id = params[:category_id] configuration = ::Configuration.find(params[:id]) render :json => {:success => true, :configurationItems => configuration.items.by_category(Category.find(category_id)).collect(&:to_js_hash)} end def update configuration = ::Configuration.find(params[:id]) begin params.each do |k,v| #options can come is a comma delimited strings and may need to be broken apart options = [].tap do |options_array| v.split(',').each do |option| options_array << option end end configuration.update_configuration_item(ConfigurationItemType.find_by_internal_identifier(k), options) unless (k.to_s == 'action' or k.to_s == 'controller' or k.to_s == 'id' or k.to_s == 'authenticity_token') end render :json => {:success => true, :configurationItems => configuration.items.collect(&:to_js_hash)} rescue Exception=>ex logger.error(ex.message) logger.error(ex.backtrace) render :json => {:success => false, :message => ex.message} end end end#ConfigurationController end#Shared end#ErpApp