/* Paginator 3000 - idea by ecto (ecto.ru) - coded by karaboz (karaboz.ru) How to implement:
Be sure that width of your paginator does not change after page is loaded If it happens you must call Paginator.resizePaginator(paginator_example) function to redraw paginator */ /* Paginator class paginatorHolderId - id of the html element where paginator will be placed as innerHTML (String): required pagesTotal - number of pages (Number, required) pagesSpan - number of pages which are visible at once (Number, required) pageCurrent - the number of current page (Number, required) baseUrl - the url of the website (String) if baseUrl is 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/pages/' the links on the pages will be: http://www.yourwebsite.com/pages/1, http://www.yourwebsite.com/pages/2, etc */ var Paginator = function(paginatorHolderId, pagesTotal, pagesSpan, pageCurrent, baseUrl){ if(!document.getElementById(paginatorHolderId) || !pagesTotal || !pagesSpan) return false; this.inputData = { paginatorHolderId: paginatorHolderId, pagesTotal: pagesTotal, pagesSpan: pagesSpan < pagesTotal ? pagesSpan : pagesTotal, pageCurrent: pageCurrent, baseUrl: baseUrl ? baseUrl : '/pages/' }; this.html = { holder: null, table: null, trPages: null, trScrollBar: null, tdsPages: null, scrollBar: null, scrollThumb: null, pageCurrentMark: null }; this.prepareHtml(); this.initScrollThumb(); this.initPageCurrentMark(); this.initEvents(); this.scrollToPageCurrent(); } /* Set all .html properties (links to dom objects) */ Paginator.prototype.prepareHtml = function(){ this.html.holder = document.getElementById(this.inputData.paginatorHolderId); this.html.holder.innerHTML = this.makePagesTableHtml(); this.html.table = this.html.holder.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var trPages = this.html.table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]; this.html.tdsPages = trPages.getElementsByTagName('td'); this.html.scrollBar = getElementsByClassName(this.html.table, 'div', 'scroll_bar')[0]; this.html.scrollThumb = getElementsByClassName(this.html.table, 'div', 'scroll_thumb')[0]; this.html.pageCurrentMark = getElementsByClassName(this.html.table, 'div', 'current_page_mark')[0]; // hide scrollThumb if there is no scroll (we see all pages at once) if(this.inputData.pagesSpan == this.inputData.pagesTotal){ addClass(this.html.holder, 'fullsize'); } } /* Make html for pages (table) */ Paginator.prototype.makePagesTableHtml = function(){ var tdWidth = (100 / this.inputData.pagesSpan) + '%'; var html = '' + '' + '' for (var i=1; i<=this.inputData.pagesSpan; i++){ html += ''; } html += '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; return html; } /* Set all needed properties for scrollThumb and it's width */ Paginator.prototype.initScrollThumb = function(){ this.html.scrollThumb.widthMin = '8'; // minimum width of the scrollThumb (px) this.html.scrollThumb.widthPercent = this.inputData.pagesSpan/this.inputData.pagesTotal * 100; this.html.scrollThumb.xPosPageCurrent = (this.inputData.pageCurrent - Math.round(this.inputData.pagesSpan/2))/this.inputData.pagesTotal * this.html.table.offsetWidth; this.html.scrollThumb.xPos = this.html.scrollThumb.xPosPageCurrent; this.html.scrollThumb.xPosMin = 0; this.html.scrollThumb.xPosMax; this.html.scrollThumb.widthActual; this.setScrollThumbWidth(); } Paginator.prototype.setScrollThumbWidth = function(){ // Try to set width in percents this.html.scrollThumb.style.width = this.html.scrollThumb.widthPercent + "%"; // Fix the actual width in px this.html.scrollThumb.widthActual = this.html.scrollThumb.offsetWidth; // If actual width less then minimum which we set if(this.html.scrollThumb.widthActual < this.html.scrollThumb.widthMin){ this.html.scrollThumb.style.width = this.html.scrollThumb.widthMin + 'px'; } this.html.scrollThumb.xPosMax = this.html.table.offsetWidth - this.html.scrollThumb.widthActual; } Paginator.prototype.moveScrollThumb = function(){ this.html.scrollThumb.style.left = this.html.scrollThumb.xPos + "px"; } /* Set all needed properties for pageCurrentMark, it's width and move it */ Paginator.prototype.initPageCurrentMark = function(){ this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthMin = '3'; this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthPercent = 100 / this.inputData.pagesTotal; this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthActual; this.setPageCurrentPointWidth(); this.movePageCurrentPoint(); } Paginator.prototype.setPageCurrentPointWidth = function(){ // Try to set width in percents this.html.pageCurrentMark.style.width = this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthPercent + '%'; // Fix the actual width in px this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthActual = this.html.pageCurrentMark.offsetWidth; // If actual width less then minimum which we set if(this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthActual < this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthMin){ this.html.pageCurrentMark.style.width = this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthMin + 'px'; } } Paginator.prototype.movePageCurrentPoint = function(){ if(this.html.pageCurrentMark.widthActual < this.html.pageCurrentMark.offsetWidth){ this.html.pageCurrentMark.style.left = (this.inputData.pageCurrent - 1)/this.inputData.pagesTotal * this.html.table.offsetWidth - this.html.pageCurrentMark.offsetWidth/2 + "px"; } else { this.html.pageCurrentMark.style.left = (this.inputData.pageCurrent - 1)/this.inputData.pagesTotal * this.html.table.offsetWidth + "px"; } } /* Drag, click and resize events */ Paginator.prototype.initEvents = function(){ var _this = this; this.html.scrollThumb.onmousedown = function(e){ if (!e) var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); var dx = getMousePosition(e).x - this.xPos; document.onmousemove = function(e){ if (!e) var e = window.event; _this.html.scrollThumb.xPos = getMousePosition(e).x - dx; // the first: draw pages, the second: move scrollThumb (it was logically but ie sucks!) _this.moveScrollThumb(); _this.drawPages(); } document.onmouseup = function(){ document.onmousemove = null; _this.enableSelection(); } _this.disableSelection(); } this.html.scrollBar.onmousedown = function(e){ if (!e) var e = window.event; if(matchClass(_this.paginatorBox, 'fullsize')) return; _this.html.scrollThumb.xPos = getMousePosition(e).x - getPageX(_this.html.scrollBar) - _this.html.scrollThumb.offsetWidth/2; _this.moveScrollThumb(); _this.drawPages(); } // Comment the row beneath if you set paginator width fixed addEvent(window, 'resize', function(){Paginator.resizePaginator(_this)}); } /* Redraw current span of pages */ Paginator.prototype.drawPages = function(){ var percentFromLeft = this.html.scrollThumb.xPos/(this.html.table.offsetWidth); var cellFirstValue = Math.round(percentFromLeft * this.inputData.pagesTotal); var html = ""; // drawing pages control the position of the scrollThumb on the edges! if(cellFirstValue < 1){ cellFirstValue = 1; this.html.scrollThumb.xPos = 0; this.moveScrollThumb(); } else if(cellFirstValue >= this.inputData.pagesTotal - this.inputData.pagesSpan) { cellFirstValue = this.inputData.pagesTotal - this.inputData.pagesSpan + 1; this.html.scrollThumb.xPos = this.html.table.offsetWidth - this.html.scrollThumb.offsetWidth; this.moveScrollThumb(); } for(var i=0; i" + cellCurrentValue + "" + ""; } else { // if baseUrl is function var url = (typeof this.inputData.baseUrl == 'function') ? this.inputData.baseUrl(cellCurrentValue) : this.inputData.baseUrl + cellCurrentValue; html = "" + "" + cellCurrentValue + "" + ""; } this.html.tdsPages[i].innerHTML = html; } } /* Scroll to current page */ Paginator.prototype.scrollToPageCurrent = function(){ this.html.scrollThumb.xPosPageCurrent = (this.inputData.pageCurrent - Math.round(this.inputData.pagesSpan/2))/this.inputData.pagesTotal * this.html.table.offsetWidth; this.html.scrollThumb.xPos = this.html.scrollThumb.xPosPageCurrent; this.moveScrollThumb(); this.drawPages(); } Paginator.prototype.disableSelection = function(){ document.onselectstart = function(){ return false; } this.html.scrollThumb.focus(); } Paginator.prototype.enableSelection = function(){ document.onselectstart = function(){ return true; } } /* Function is used when paginator was resized (window.onresize fires it automatically) Use it when you change paginator with DHTML Do not use it if you set fixed width of paginator */ Paginator.resizePaginator = function (paginatorObj){ paginatorObj.setPageCurrentPointWidth(); paginatorObj.movePageCurrentPoint(); paginatorObj.setScrollThumbWidth(); paginatorObj.scrollToPageCurrent(); } /* Global functions which are used */ function getElementsByClassName(objParentNode, strNodeName, strClassName){ var nodes = objParentNode.getElementsByTagName(strNodeName); if(!strClassName){ return nodes; } var nodesWithClassName = []; for(var i=0; i