# To verify this file, call `travis lint .travis.yml` with travis-cli gem installed. To install, call `bundle install` in this directory. # To make life easier, I made a git commit hook to run this after each commit for reference. Create a file: `.git/hooks/pre-commit` and put inside (without the '#' before the line): # echo "----linting .travis.yml----" # travis lint .travis.yml # exit 0 sudo: false language: ruby rvm: - "2.4" install: - bundle install --path vendor/bundle cache: directories: - vendor/bundle jobs: include: - stage: danger script: bundle exec danger --fail-on-errors=true - stage: lint-tests script: bundle exec rake spec script: bundle exec danger plugins lint script: gem build danger-ios_version_change.gemspec - stage: prod-release script: ./bin/gem-release.sh stages: - name: danger if: type IN (pull_request) - name: lint-tests if: branch = development AND type IN (pull_request) - name: prod-release if: branch = production AND type IN (pull_request)