=begin #MoneyKit API #No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) The version of the OpenAPI document: 2023-02-18 Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech OpenAPI Generator version: 7.1.0 =end require 'date' require 'time' module MoneyKit module Response401InstrospectClientAuthIntrospectGet class << self # List of class defined in anyOf (OpenAPI v3) def openapi_any_of [ :'APIErrorAuthExpiredAccessTokenResponse', :'APIErrorAuthUnauthorizedResponse' ] end # Builds the object # @param [Mixed] Data to be matched against the list of anyOf items # @return [Object] Returns the model or the data itself def build(data) # Go through the list of anyOf items and attempt to identify the appropriate one. # Note: # - No advanced validation of types in some cases (e.g. "x: { type: string }" will happily match { x: 123 }) # due to the way the deserialization is made in the base_object template (it just casts without verifying). # - TODO: scalar values are de facto behaving as if they were nullable. # - TODO: logging when debugging is set. openapi_any_of.each do |klass| begin next if klass == :AnyType # "nullable: true" typed_data = find_and_cast_into_type(klass, data) return typed_data if typed_data rescue # rescue all errors so we keep iterating even if the current item lookup raises end end openapi_any_of.include?(:AnyType) ? data : nil end private SchemaMismatchError = Class.new(StandardError) # Note: 'File' is missing here because in the regular case we get the data _after_ a call to JSON.parse. def find_and_cast_into_type(klass, data) return if data.nil? case klass.to_s when 'Boolean' return data if data.instance_of?(TrueClass) || data.instance_of?(FalseClass) when 'Float' return data if data.instance_of?(Float) when 'Integer' return data if data.instance_of?(Integer) when 'Time' return Time.parse(data) when 'Date' return ::Date.parse(data) when 'String' return data if data.instance_of?(String) when 'Object' # "type: object" return data if data.instance_of?(Hash) when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ # "type: array" if data.instance_of?(Array) sub_type = Regexp.last_match[:sub_type] return data.map { |item| find_and_cast_into_type(sub_type, item) } end when /\AHash.+)>\z/ # "type: object" with "additionalProperties: { ... }" if data.instance_of?(Hash) && data.keys.all? { |k| k.instance_of?(Symbol) || k.instance_of?(String) } sub_type = Regexp.last_match[:sub_type] return data.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hsh| hsh[k] = find_and_cast_into_type(sub_type, v) } end else # model const = MoneyKit.const_get(klass) if const if const.respond_to?(:openapi_any_of) # nested anyOf model model = const.build(data) return model if model else # raise if data contains keys that are not known to the model raise unless (data.keys - const.acceptable_attributes).empty? model = const.build_from_hash(data) return model if model end end end raise # if no match by now, raise rescue raise SchemaMismatchError, "#{data} doesn't match the #{klass} type" end end end end