module H3 module Bindings # Private H3 functions which should not be called directly. # # This module provides bindings that do not have to be invoked directly by clients # of the library. They are used only internally to provide related public interface. module Private extend H3::Bindings::Base attach_function :compact, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool attach_function :geo_to_h3, :geoToH3, [ Bindings::Structs::GeoCoord.by_ref, :int ], :h3_index attach_function :h3_indexes_from_unidirectional_edge, :getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge, [ :h3_index, :pointer ], :void attach_function :h3_unidirectional_edges_from_hexagon, :getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon, [ :h3_index, :pointer ], :void attach_function :h3_set_to_linked_geo, :h3SetToLinkedGeo, [ :pointer, :int, Bindings::Structs::LinkedGeoPolygon.by_ref ], :void attach_function :h3_to_children, :h3ToChildren, [ :h3_index, :int, :pointer ], :void attach_function :h3_to_geo, :h3ToGeo, [ :h3_index, Bindings::Structs::GeoCoord.by_ref ], :void attach_function :h3_to_string, :h3ToString, [ :h3_index, :pointer, :int], :void attach_function :h3_to_geo_boundary, :h3ToGeoBoundary, [:h3_index, Bindings::Structs::GeoBoundary.by_ref ], :void attach_function :h3_unidirectional_edge_boundary, :getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary, [:h3_index, :pointer], :void attach_function :hex_range, :hexRange, [ :h3_index, :int, :pointer ], :bool attach_function :hex_range_distances, :hexRangeDistances, [:h3_index, :int, :pointer, :pointer], :bool attach_function :hex_ranges, :hexRanges, [ :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer ], :bool attach_function :hex_ring, :hexRing, [:h3_index, :int, :pointer], :bool attach_function :k_ring, :kRing, [:h3_index, :int, :pointer], :void attach_function :k_ring_distances, :kRingDistances, [:h3_index, :int, :pointer, :pointer], :bool attach_function :max_polyfill_size, :maxPolyfillSize, [Bindings::Structs::GeoPolygon.by_ref, :int], :int attach_function :max_uncompact_size, :maxUncompactSize, [:pointer, :int, :int], :int attach_function :polyfill, [ :pointer, :int, :pointer ], :void attach_function :uncompact, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :int, :int], :bool end end end