## Releasing Theme Check 1. Check the Semantic Versioning page for info on how to version the new release: http://semver.org 2. Create a PR to update the version in `lib/theme_check/version.rb` and replace the `THEME_CHECK_VERSION` placeholder in the documentation for new rules. 3. Merge your PR to master 4. On [Shipit](https://shipit.shopify.io/shopify/theme-check/rubygems), deploy your commit. ## Homebrew Release Process 1. Release `theme-check` on RubyGems by following the steps in the previous section. 2. Generate the homebrew formula. ```bash rake package ``` 3. Copy the formula over in the [`homebrew-shopify`](https://github.com/Shopify/homebrew-shopify) repository. ```bash VERSION=X.X.X cp packaging/builds/$VERSION/theme-check.rb ../homebrew-shopify ``` 4. Create a branch + a commit on the [`homebrew-shopify`](https://github.com/Shopify/homebrew-shopify) repository. ```bash git checkout -b "bump/theme-check-$VERSION" git add theme-check.rb git commit -m "Bump theme-check version to $VERSION" ``` 5. Create a pull-request for those changes on the [`homebrew-shopify`](https://github.com/Shopify/homebrew-shopify) repository. ```bash # shortcut if you have `hub` installed hub compare "master:bump/theme-check-$VERSION" ```