class OfacIndividual
# Accepts a hash with the identity's demographic information
#{:name => 'Oscar Hernandez', :city => 'Clearwater', :address => '123 somewhere ln'})
# :name is required to get a score. If :name is missing, an error will not be thrown, but a score of 0 will be returned.
# You can pass a string in for the full name:
# => 'Victor De La Garza')
# Or you can specify the last and first names
# => {:first_name => 'Victor', :last_name => 'De La Garza'})
# The first method will build a larger list of names for ruby to parse through and more likely to find similar names.
# The second method is quicker.
# The more information provided, the higher the score could be. A score of 100 would mean all fields
# were passed in, and all fields were 100% matches. If only the name is passed in without an address,
# it will be impossible to get a score of 100, even if the name matches perfectly.
# Acceptable hash keys and their weighting in score calculation:
# * :name (weighting = 60%) (required) This must be a person
# * :address (weighting = 10%)
# * :city (weighting = 30%)
def initialize(identity)
@identity = identity
# Creates a score, 1 - 100, based on how well the name and address match the data on the
# SDN (Specially Designated Nationals) list.
# The score is calculated by adding up the weightings of each part that is matched. So
# if only name is matched, then the max score is the weight for :name which is 60
# It's possible to get partial matches, which will add partial weight to the score. If there
# is not a match on the element as it is passed in, then each word element gets broken down
# and matches are tried on each partial element. The weighting is distrubuted equally for
# each partial that is matched.
# If exact matches are not made, then a sounds like match is attempted. Any match made by sounds like
# is given 75% of it's weight to the score.
# Example:
# If you are trying to match the name Kevin Tyll and there is a record for Smith, Kevin in the database, then
# we will try to match both Kevin and Tyll separately, with each element Smith and Kevin. Since only Kevin
# will find a match, and there were 2 elements in the searched name, the score will be added by half the weighting
# for :name. So since the weight for :name is 60, then we will add 30 to the score.
# If you are trying to match the name Kevin Gregory Tyll and there is a record for Tyll, Kevin in the database, then
# we will try to match Kevin and Gregory and Tyll separately, with each element Tyll and Kevin. Since both Kevin
# and Tyll will find a match, and there were 3 elements in the searched name, the score will be added by 2/3 the weighting
# for :name. So since the weight for :name is 60, then we will add 40 to the score.
# If you are trying to match the name Kevin Tyll and there is a record for Kevin Gregory Tyll in the database, then
# we will try to match Kevin and Tyll separately, with each element Tyll and Kevin and Gregory. Since both Kevin
# and Tyll will find a match, and there were 2 elements in the searched name, the score will be added by 2/2 the weighting
# for :name. So since the weight for :name is 60, then we will add 60 to the score.
# If you are trying to match the name Kevin Tyll, and there is a record for Teel, Kevin in the database, then an exact match
# will be found for Kevin, and a sounds like match will be made for Tyll. Since there were 2 elements in the searched name,
# and the weight for :name is 60, then each element is worth 30. Since Kevin was an exact match, it will add 30, and
# since Tyll was a sounds like match, it will add 30 * .75. So the :name portion of the search will be worth 53.
# If data is in the database for city and or address, and you pass data in for these elements, the score will be reduced by 10%
# of the weight if there is no match or sounds like match. So if you get a match on name, you've already got a score of 60. So
# if you don't pass in an address or city, or if you do, but there is no city or address info in the database, then your final score
# will be 60. But if you do pass in a city, say Tampa, and the city in the Database is New York, then we will deduct 10% of the
# weight (30 * .1) = 3 from the score since 30 is the weight for :city. So the final score will be 57.
# If were searching for New York, and the database had New Deli, then there would be a match on New, but not on Deli.
# Since there were 2 elements in the searched city, each hit is worth 15. So the match on New would add 15, but the non-match
# on York would subtract (15 * .1) = 1.5 from the score. So the score would be (60 + 15 - 1.5) = 74, due to rounding.
# Only :city and :address subtract from the score, No match on name simply returns 0.
# Matches for name are made for both the name and any aliases in the OFAC database.
# Matches for :city and :address will only be added to the score if there is first a match on :name.
# We consider a score of 60 to be reasonable as a hit.
def score
@score || calculate_score
def db_hit?
unless @identity[:name].to_s.blank?
#first get a list from the database of possible matches by name
#this query is pretty liberal, we just want to get a list of possible
#matches from the database that we can run through our ruby matching algorithm
hit = false
name_array = process_name
name_array.delete_if{|n| n.strip.size < 2}
unless name_array.empty?
hit = OfacSdnIndividual.possible_sdns(name_array).exists?
# Returns an array of hashes of records in the OFAC data that found partial matches with that record's score.
#{:name => 'Oscar Hernandez', :city => 'Clearwater', :address => '123 somewhere ln'}).possible_hits
# [{:address=>"123 Somewhere Ln", :score=>100, :name=>"HERNANDEZ, Oscar|GUAMATUR, S.A.", :city=>"Clearwater"}, {:address=>"123 Somewhere Ln", :score=>100, :name=>"HERNANDEZ, Oscar|Alternate Name", :city=>"Clearwater"}]
def possible_hits
@possible_hits || retrieve_possible_hits
def retrieve_possible_hits
def calculate_score
unless @identity[:name].to_s.blank?
#first get a list from the database of possible matches by name
#this query is pretty liberal, we just want to get a list of possible
#matches from the database that we can run through our ruby matching algorithm
name_array = process_name
name_array.delete_if{|n| n.strip.size < 2}
unless name_array.empty?
possible_sdns = OfacSdnIndividual.possible_sdns(name_array, use_ors = true)
possible_sdns = possible_sdns.collect {|sdn|{:name => "#{}|#{sdn.alternate_identity_name}", :city =>, :address => sdn.address}}
match ={:name => {:weight => 60, :token => "#{name_array.join(', ')}"},
:address => {:weight => 10, :token => @identity[:address]},
:city => {:weight => 30, :token => @identity[:city]}})
score = match.score(possible_sdns)
@possible_hits = match.possible_hits
@score = score || 0
return @score
def process_name
#you can pass in a full name, or specify the first and last name
if @identity[:name].kind_of?(Hash)
(@identity[:name][:last_name].to_s.upcase.gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, '').split(/\W/) + @identity[:name][:first_name].to_s.upcase.gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, '').split(/\W/)).compact
@identity[:name].to_s.upcase.gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, '').split(/\W/).reverse