#include "MarkupParser.hpp"
#include <Gosu/Utility.hpp>
#include "utf8proc.h"

#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

// Helper method for allowing CJK text to have line breaks in the absence of whitespace.
static bool should_allow_break_after_codepoint(utf8proc_int32_t cp)
    return (cp >= 0x3040 && cp <= 0x3096) || // Hiragana
           (cp >= 0x30a0 && cp <= 0x30fa) || // Katakana
           (cp >= 0x4e00 && cp <= 0x9fff) || // CJK Unified Ideographs
           (cp >= 0x3400 && cp <= 0x4db5) || // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
           (cp >= 0xac00 && cp <= 0xd7af);   // Precomposed Hangul syllables

unsigned Gosu::MarkupParser::flags() const
    unsigned flags = 0;
    if (b > 0) flags |= Gosu::FF_BOLD;
    if (i > 0) flags |= Gosu::FF_ITALIC;
    if (u > 0) flags |= Gosu::FF_UNDERLINE;
    return flags;

bool Gosu::MarkupParser::match_and_skip(const char* chars, size_t length)
    if (strncmp(markup, chars, length) != 0) return false;

    // Finish building the current substring (if any) before matching.
    // Skip chars.
    markup += length;
    return true;

bool Gosu::MarkupParser::parse_markup()
    // Open and close bold text spans.
    if (match_and_skip("<b>")) {
        b += 1;
        return true;
    if (match_and_skip("</b>")) {
        b -= 1;
        return true;

    // Open and close underlined text spans.
    if (match_and_skip("<u>")) {
        u += 1;
        return true;
    if (match_and_skip("</u>")) {
        u -= 1;
        return true;

    // Open and close italic text spans.
    if (match_and_skip("<i>")) {
        i += 1;
        return true;
    if (match_and_skip("</i>")) {
        i -= 1;
        return true;

    // Reset to previous color.
    if (match_and_skip("</c>")) {
        if (c.size() > 1) {
        else {
            // If the user pops the color stack empty, go back to the default color.
            c[0] = Color::WHITE;
        return true;

    // Leave the trickiest case for last - changing the current text color.
    if (strncmp(markup, "<c=", 3) == 0) {
        // Count hex chars following the <c= string.
        const char* hex = markup + 3;
        const char* valid_hex_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
        size_t hex_chars = strspn(hex, valid_hex_chars);

        if (*(hex + hex_chars) != '>' || (hex_chars != 3 && hex_chars != 6 && hex_chars != 8)) {
            // Does not match <c=[0-9A-Fa-f]{3,6,8}> -> not considered valid markup.
            return false;


        auto argb = strtoul(hex, nullptr, 16);

        if (hex_chars == 3) {
            // Expand 0xrgb to 0xFFrrggbb:
            auto r = argb >> 8 & 0xf;
            auto g = argb >> 4 & 0xf;
            auto b = argb >> 0 & 0xf;
            argb = 0xff000000 | r << 20 | r << 16 | g << 12 | g << 8 | b << 4 | b << 0;
        else if (hex_chars == 6) {
            // Expand 0xrrggbb to 0xFFrrggbb:
            argb = 0xff000000 | argb;


        markup += (4 + hex_chars);
        return true;

    // Everything else is not considered markup.
    return false;

bool Gosu::MarkupParser::parse_escape_entity()
    auto translate_to = [this](char ch) {
        if (word_state == ADDING_WHITESPACE) {
            word_state = ADDING_WORD;
        add_composed_substring(u32string(1, ch));
    // These are not entities (images) but escapes for markup characters.
    if (match_and_skip("&lt;")) {
        return true;
    if (match_and_skip("&gt;")) {
        return true;
    if (match_and_skip("&amp;")) {
        return true;

    // These are the only recognized entities - disregard anything else.
    return false;

void Gosu::MarkupParser::add_current_substring()
    if (!substring.empty()) {

void Gosu::MarkupParser::add_composed_substring(u32string&& substring)
    FormattedString fstr;
    fstr.text = substring;
    fstr.flags = flags();
    fstr.color = c.back();

    if (!substrings.empty() && substrings.back().can_be_merged_with(fstr)) {
    else {

void Gosu::MarkupParser::flush_to_consumer()
    if (!substrings.empty()) {

Gosu::MarkupParser::MarkupParser(unsigned base_flags, bool split_words,
                                 function<void (vector<FormattedString>)> consumer)
: consumer(move(consumer))
    word_state = (split_words ? ADDING_WORD : IGNORE_WORDS);

    b = (base_flags & FF_BOLD)      ? 1 : 0;
    i = (base_flags & FF_ITALIC)    ? 1 : 0;
    u = (base_flags & FF_UNDERLINE) ? 1 : 0;

void Gosu::MarkupParser::parse(const std::string& markup_string)
    markup = markup_string.data();
    const char* end_of_markup = markup_string.data() + markup_string.length();
    while (markup < end_of_markup) {
        if (*markup == '<' && parse_markup()) {
        if (*markup == '&' && parse_escape_entity()) {

        // The newline character always terminates the current line, regardless of whether this
        // parser is trying to split words.
        if (*markup == '\n') {
            // Explicitly add the trailing \n to the current substring so that the consumer can
            // distinguish between line breaks and word breaks in split_words mode.
            substring.append(1, '\n');
            // Avoid incrementing ++markup again.

        utf8proc_int32_t codepoint;
        auto len = utf8proc_iterate((utf8proc_uint8_t*) markup, end_of_markup - markup, &codepoint);
        // Cancel parsing when invalid UTF-8 is encountered.
        if (len < 1) break;
        auto* properties = utf8proc_get_property(codepoint);
        // Also check the BiDi class to filter out non-breaking spaces.
        bool whitespace_except_newline = properties->category == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZS &&
                                         properties->bidi_class == UTF8PROC_BIDI_CLASS_WS;

        if (whitespace_except_newline && word_state == ADDING_WORD) {
            // We are in word-parsing mode, and this is was the end of a word.
            word_state = ADDING_WHITESPACE;
        else if (!whitespace_except_newline && word_state == ADDING_WHITESPACE) {
            // We are in word-parsing mode, and this is was the start of a word.
            word_state = ADDING_WORD;

        substring.append(markup, len);
        markup += len;
        if (word_state != IGNORE_WORDS && should_allow_break_after_codepoint(codepoint)) {
            // Flush each individual CJK character out as a word so that the TextBuilder can insert
            // line breaks as needed.
