require 'test_helper' describe Nesta::Page do include ModelFactory include TestConfiguration after do Nesta::FileModel.purge_cache remove_temp_directory end it 'raises error if instantiated for non existant file' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_raises(Sinatra::NotFound) do'no-such-file') end end end describe '.find_by_path' do it 'finds model instances by path' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page) assert_equal page.heading, Nesta::Page.find_by_path(page.path).heading end end it 'finds model for index page by path' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, path: 'path/index') assert_equal page.heading, Nesta::Page.find_by_path('path').heading end end it 'finds model for home page when path is /' do with_temp_content_directory do create(:page, heading: 'Home', path: 'index') assert_equal 'Home', Nesta::Page.find_by_path('/').title end end it 'returns nil if page not found' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_nil Nesta::Page.find_by_path('no-such-page') end end it 'returns nil for draft pages when running in production'do with_temp_content_directory do draft = create(:page, metadata: { 'flags' => 'draft' }) assert Nesta::Page.find_by_path(draft.path), 'should find draft' Nesta::App.stub(:production?, true) do assert_nil Nesta::Page.find_by_path(draft.path) end end end end describe '.find_articles 'do it "doesn't return articles with a published date in the future" do with_temp_content_directory do future_date = ( + 172800).strftime('%d %B %Y') article = create(:article, metadata: { 'date' => future_date }) assert_nil Nesta::Page.find_articles.detect { |a| a == article } end end it "doesn't return pages without a date" do with_temp_content_directory do create(:category) create(:article) articles = Nesta::Page.find_articles assert_equal 1, articles.size articles.each { |page| fail 'not an article' if } end end it 'returns articles in reverse chronological order' do with_temp_content_directory do create(:article, metadata: { 'date' => '30 December 2008' }) create(:article, metadata: { 'date' => '31 December 2008' }) article1, article2 = Nesta::Page.find_articles[0..1] assert >, 'not reverse chronological order' end end end describe '#title' do it 'returns page heading by default' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, heading: 'Heading') assert_equal page.heading, Nesta::Page.find_by_path(page.path).title end end it 'overrides heading with title set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'title' => 'Specific title' }) assert_equal 'Specific title', Nesta::Page.find_by_path(page.path).title end end it 'defaults to site title for home page' do stub_config(temp_content.merge('title' => 'Site title')) do create(:page, heading: nil, path: 'index') assert_equal 'Site title', Nesta::Page.find_by_path('/').title end end end describe '#heading' do it 'raises error if heading not set' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_raises Nesta::HeadingNotSet do create(:page, heading: nil).heading end end end it 'parses Markdown pages returning contents of first # heading' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page) do |path| file =, 'w') file.write('# Hello Markdown') file.close end assert_equal 'Hello Markdown', page.heading end end it 'parses Textile pages returning contents of first h1. heading' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, ext: 'textile') do |path| file =, 'w') file.write('h1. Hello Textile') file.close end assert_equal 'Hello Textile', page.heading end end it 'parases Haml pages returning contents of first %h1 tag' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, ext: 'haml') do |path| file =, 'w') file.write('%h1 Hello Haml') file.close end assert_equal 'Hello Haml', page.heading end end it 'ignores subsequent h1 tags' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, content: '# Second heading') fail 'wrong h1 tag' if page.heading == 'Second heading' end end it 'ignores trailing # characters in Markdown headings' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, heading: 'With trailing #') assert_equal 'With trailing', page.heading end end end describe '#abspath' do it 'returns / for home page' do with_temp_content_directory do create(:page, path: 'index') assert_equal '/', Nesta::Page.find_by_path('index').abspath end end end describe '#permalink' do it 'returns basename of filename' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_equal 'page', create(:page, path: 'path/to/page').permalink end end it 'returns empty string for home page' do with_temp_content_directory do home = create(:page, path: 'index') assert_equal '', Nesta::Page.find_by_path(home.path).permalink end end it 'removes /index from permalink of index pages' do with_temp_content_directory do index = create(:page, path: 'parent/child/index') assert_equal 'child', index.permalink end end end describe '#parent' do it 'finds the parent by inspecting the path' do with_temp_content_directory do parent = create(:page, path: 'parent') child = create(:page, path: 'parent/child') assert_equal parent, child.parent end end it 'returns nil for pages at top level' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_nil create(:page, path: 'top-level').parent end end it 'finds parents that are index pages' do with_temp_content_directory do home = create(:page, path: 'index') child = create(:page, path: 'parent') assert_equal home, child.parent end end it "returns grandparent if parent doesn't exist" do with_temp_content_directory do grandparent = create(:page, path: 'grandparent') child = create(:page, path: 'grandparent/parent/child') assert_equal grandparent, child.parent end end it 'recognises that home page can be returned as a grandparent' do with_temp_content_directory do grandparent = create(:page, path: 'index') child = create(:page, path: 'parent/child') assert_equal grandparent, child.parent end end it 'returns nil if page has no parent' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_nil create(:page, path: 'index').parent end end it 'finds parent of an index page' do with_temp_content_directory do parent = create(:page, path: 'parent') index = create(:page, path: 'parent/child/index') assert_equal parent, index.parent end end end describe '#priority' do it 'defaults to 0 for pages in category' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'categories' => 'the-category' }) assert_equal 0, page.priority('the-category') assert_nil page.priority('another-category') end end it 'parses metadata to determine priority in each category' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'categories' => ' category-page:1, another-page , and-another :-1 ' }) assert_equal 1, page.priority('category-page') assert_equal 0, page.priority('another-page') assert_equal -1, page.priority('and-another') end end end describe '#pages' do it 'returns pages but not articles within this category' do with_temp_content_directory do category = create(:category) metadata = { 'categories' => category.path } page1 = create(:category, metadata: metadata) page2 = create(:category, metadata: metadata) create(:article, metadata: metadata) assert_equal [page1, page2], category.pages end end it 'sorts pages within a category by priority' do with_temp_content_directory do category = create(:category) create(:category, metadata: { 'categories' => category.path }) page = create(:category, metadata: { 'categories' => "#{category.path}:1" }) assert_equal 0, category.pages.index(page) end end it 'orders pages within a category by heading if priority not set' do with_temp_content_directory do category = create(:category) metadata = { 'categories' => category.path } last = create(:category, heading: 'B', metadata: metadata) first = create(:category, heading: 'A', metadata: metadata) assert_equal [first, last], category.pages end end it 'filters out draft pages when running in production' do with_temp_content_directory do category = create(:category) create(:page, metadata: { 'categories' => category.path, 'flags' => 'draft' }) fail 'should include draft pages' if category.pages.empty? Nesta::App.stub(:production?, true) do assert category.pages.empty?, 'should filter out draft pages' end end end end describe '#articles' do it "returns just the articles that are in this page's category" do with_temp_content_directory do category1 = create(:category) in_category1 = { 'categories' => category1.path } category2 = create(:category, metadata: in_category1) in_category2 = { 'categories' => category2.path } article1 = create(:article, metadata: in_category1) create(:article, metadata: in_category2) assert_equal [article1], category1.articles end end it 'returns articles in reverse chronological order' do with_temp_content_directory do category = create(:category) create(:article, metadata: { 'date' => '30 December 2008', 'categories' => category.path }) latest = create(:article, metadata: { 'date' => '31 December 2008', 'categories' => category.path }) assert_equal latest, category.articles.first end end end describe '#categories' do it "returns a page's categories" do with_temp_content_directory do category1 = create(:category, path: 'path/to/cat1') category2 = create(:category, path: 'path/to/cat2') article = create(:article, metadata: { 'categories' => 'path/to/cat1, path/to/cat2' }) assert_equal [category1, category2], article.categories end end it 'only returns categories that exist' do with_temp_content_directory do article = create(:article, metadata: { 'categories' => 'no-such-page' }) assert_empty article.categories end end end describe '#to_html' do it 'produces no output if page has no content' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page) do |path| file =, 'w') file.close end assert_match /^\s*$/, Nesta::Page.find_by_path(page.path).to_html end end it 'converts page content to HTML' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_match %r{


}, create(:page, heading: 'Hello').to_html end end it "doesn't include leading metadata in HTML" do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'key' => 'value' }) fail 'HTML contains metadata' if page.to_html =~ /(key|value)/ end end end describe '#summary' do it 'returns value set in metadata wrapped in p tags' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'Summary' => 'Summary paragraph' }) assert_equal "

Summary paragraph

\n", page.summary end end it 'treats double newline characters as paragraph breaks' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'Summary' => 'Line 1\n\nLine 2' }) assert_includes page.summary, '

Line 1

' assert_includes page.summary, '

Line 2

' end end end describe '#body' do it "doesn't include page heading" do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, heading: 'Heading') fail 'body contains heading' if page.body_markup =~ /#{page.heading}/ end end end describe '#metadata' do it 'return value of any key set in metadata at top of page' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'Any key' => 'Any string' }) assert_equal 'Any string', page.metadata('Any key') end end end describe '#layout' do it 'defaults to :layout' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_equal :layout, create(:page).layout end end it 'returns value set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'Layout' => 'my_layout' }) assert_equal :my_layout, page.layout end end end describe '#template' do it 'defaults to :page' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_equal :page, create(:page).template end end it 'returns value set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'Template' => 'my_template' }) assert_equal :my_template, page.template end end end describe '#link_text' do it 'raises error if neither heading nor link text set' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_raises Nesta::LinkTextNotSet do create(:page, heading: nil).link_text end end end it 'defaults to page heading' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page) assert_equal page.heading, page.link_text end end it 'returns value set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'link text' => 'Hello' }) assert_equal 'Hello', page.link_text end end end describe '#read_more' do it 'has sensible default' do with_temp_content_directory do assert_equal 'Continue reading', create(:page).read_more end end it 'returns value set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'Read more' => 'Click here' }) assert_equal 'Click here', page.read_more end end end describe '#description' do it 'returns nil by default' do with_temp_content_directory { assert_nil create(:page).description } end it 'returns value set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'description' => 'A page' }) assert_equal 'A page', page.description end end end describe '#keywords' do it 'returns nil by default' do with_temp_content_directory { assert_nil create(:page).keywords } end it 'returns value set in metadata' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'keywords' => 'good, content' }) assert_equal 'good, content', page.keywords end end end describe '#date' do it 'returns date article was published' do with_temp_content_directory do article = create(:article, metadata: { 'date' => 'November 18 2015' }) assert_equal '18 November 2015','%d %B %Y') end end end describe '#flagged_as?' do it 'returns true if flags metadata contains the string' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'flags' => 'A flag, popular' }) assert page.flagged_as?('popular'), 'should be flagged popular' assert page.flagged_as?('A flag'), 'should be flagged with "A flag"' fail 'not flagged as green' if page.flagged_as?('green') end end end describe '#draft?' do it 'returns true if page flagged as draft' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page, metadata: { 'flags' => 'draft' }) assert page.draft? fail 'not a draft' if create(:page).draft? end end end describe '#last_modified' do it 'reads last modified timestamp from disk' do with_temp_content_directory do page = create(:page) file_stat = file_stat.expect(:mtime, Time.parse('3 January 2009')) File.stub(:stat, file_stat) do assert_equal '03 Jan 2009', page.last_modified.strftime('%d %b %Y') end file_stat.verify end end end end