# String
Returns the first letter of each word without spaces.
'example string'.acronym #=> 'es'
Returns if a string includes a set of string(s).
'example string'.any?('foo') #=> false
'example string'.any?('foo', 'string') #=> true
Returns the characters at index position, matching string, or regex.
'example_string'.at(0) #=> 'e'
'example_string'.at(-2) #=> 'n'
'example_string'.at(1..3) #=> 'xam'
'example_string'.at('e_s') #=> 'e_s'
'example_string'.at(/ple/) #=> 'ple'
'example_string'.at(99) #=> nil
`camelize(!)` aka `camelcase(!)`
Transforms a string to camelcase.
'example_string'.camelize #=> 'ExampleString'
'example_String'.camecase #=> 'ExampleString'
'example_string'.camelize(:lower) #=> 'exampleString'
'example_String'.camecase(:lower) #=> 'exampleString'
Returns true if the first character is capitalized.
'Example string'.capitalized? #=> true
'EXAMPLE STRING'.capitalized? #=> false
'example string'.capitalized? #=> false
'Example String'.capitalized? #=> false
Transforms a string to a class name like Rails does for table names to models.
'example_string'.classify #=> 'ExampleString'
'example_string/test'.classify #=> 'ExampleString::Test'
'example_string.test'.classify #=> 'Test'
Converts a string in an object.
'Example::String'.constantize #=> Class Object
Replaces underscores with dashes in the string.
'example_string'.dasherize #=> 'example-string'
Removes the rightmost segment from the constant expression in the string.
'Example::String'.deconstantize # => 'Example'
'::Example::String'.deconstantize # => '::Example'
'String'.deconstantize # => ''
'::String'.deconstantize # => ''
''.deconstantize # => ''
Removes multiple concurrent occurrences of a character and reduce them to a single occurrence.
'/foo//bar////baz/bing'.dedupe('/') #=> '/foo/bar/baz/bing'
'foo___bar_baz---bing'.dedupe!('-_') #=> 'foo_bar_baz-bing'
Removes the module part from the expression in the string.
'Example::String'.demodulize #=> 'String'
'String'.demodulize #=> 'String'
Extracts the domain name from a URL.
'http://www.example.com/fake-page'.domain #=> 'www.example.com'
'example string'.domain #=> 'example string'
Returns true if all characters are lowercase.
'example'.downcase? #=> true
'Example'.downcase? #=> false
'EXAMPLE'.downcase? #=> false
Splits a string into multiple words and yields its enumeration.
'abc. 123'.each_word(&:campitalize!) #=> ['Abc.', '123']
Truncate a string in the middle.
Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
offset | integer | 4
separator | string | ' '
'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.ellipsize(30) #=> '0123...WXYZ'
'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.ellipsize(30, offset: 2) #=> '01...YZ'
'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.ellipsize(30, separator: '+++') #=> '0123+++WXYZ'
Returns the first character. If a limit is supplied, Returns a substring from the beginning of the
string until it reaches the limit value. If the given limit is greater than or equal to the string
length, Returns a copy of self.
'example'.first #=> 'e'
'example'.first(0) #=> ''
'example'.first(3) #=> 'exa'
Returns an interpolated string that allows for options.
'example %s'.format('string') #=> 'example string'
'test %{one} %{two}'.format(one: 'example', two: 'string') #=> 'test example string'
'%d + %d'.format([1, 2]) #=> '1 + 2'
Returns a substring from the given position to the end of the string. If the position is negative, it is counted from the end of the string.
'example'.from(0) #=> 'example'
'example'.from(3) #=> 'mple'
Capitalizes each word.
' example test-sample '.headerize #=> 'Example Test-sample'
Transforms a string to a human readable string.
Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
capitalize | boolean | true
'ExampleString'.humanize #=> 'Example string'
'_example_string_id'.humanize #=> 'Example string'
'example_string'.humanize(capitalize: false) #=> 'example string'
Indents the lines in the receiver.
'example'.indent(2) #=> ' example'
'example'.indent(2, '\t') #=> '\t\texample'
Returns the index values of matching patterns.
'012324507654301243'.index_all(0) #=> [0,7,13]
'the apple is the best fruit in the world'.index_all('the') #=> [0,13,31]
'asdfasdfasdf'.index_all(/sd/) #=> [1,5,9]
Transforms a string to a human readable string.
'example string'.labelize #=> 'Example string'
'_example_string_id'.labelize #=> 'Example string ID'
'ExampleString'.labelize #=> 'Example string'
Returns the last character of the string. If a limit is supplied, Returns a substring from the end
of the string until it reaches the limit value (counting backwards). If the given limit is greater
than or equal to the string length, Returns a copy of self.
'example'.last #=> 'e'
'example'.last(0) #=> ''
'example'.last(3) #=> 'ple'
Left chomp.
'example'.lchomp('e') #=> 'xample'
'example'.lchomp!('z') #=> 'example'
Translate a class or module name to a suitable method name.
'Example::ClassString'.methodize #=> 'example__class_string'
Converts a string to module name representation.
'example_string'.modulize #=> 'ExampleString'
'example/string'.modulize! #=> 'Example::String'
Returns true if characters are mixedcase.
'Example'.mixedcase? #=> true
'EXAMPLE'.mixedcase? #=> false
'example'.mixedcase? #=> false
Returns the non-possession of a string.
"test's".non_possessive #=> 'test'
"tests'".non_possessive #=> 'tests'
Returns the suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
'1'.ordinal #=> 'th'
'2'.ordinal #=> 'nd'
'3'.ordinal #=> 'rd'
'11'.ordinal #=> 'th'
Transforms a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
'1'.ordinalize #=> '1th'
'2'.ordinalize #=> '2nd'
'3'.ordinalize #=> '3rd'
'11'.ordinalize #=> '4th'
Makes a string suitable for a dashed url parameter string.
'example_string'.parameterize #=> 'example-string'
'example_string'.parameterize(separator: '?') #=> 'example?string'
Transforms a string to a suitable file path.
'ExamplePathize::Example'.pathize! #=> 'example_string/class'
Pollutes the space between every letter in a string, so it will be exempt from any impending string searches.
'test'.pollute #=> 't^--^--^e^--^--^s^--^--^t^--^--^'
'test'.pollute('-') #=> 't-e-s-t-'
Returns the possession of a string.
'test'.possessive #=> "test's"
'tests'.possessive #=> "tests'"
Returns if a string is possessive.
"test's".possessive? #=> true
"tests'".possessive? #=> true
'test'.possessive? #=> false
'tests'.possessive? #=> false
Returns the last character of a string.
'test'.pop #=> 't'
Concats string to self.
'test'.push('er') #=> 'tester'
Adds a given quote type to the string.
'example'.quote #=> '"example"'
'example'.quote!(1) #=> "'example'"
'example'.quote(:backtick) #=> '`example`'
Removes every instance of a string.
'this thing that thing'.remove('thing') #=> 'this that '
'this thing that thing'.remove(1..3) #=> 't thing that thing'
'this thing that them'.remove('thing', 'them') #=> 'this that '
'this thing that them'.remove('thing', 1..3) #=> 't that them'
Removes HTML tags from a string.
'example'.remove_tags #=> 'example'
'click'.remove_tags #=> 'click'
'this is bold and emphatic'.remove_tags #=> 'this is bold and emphatic'
Rotate string to the left with count.
'example'.rotate #=> 'xamplee'
'example'.rotate(2) #=> 'ampleex'
Replace non-encode characters.
'中文123'.safe_encode('UTF-8') #=> '123'
'中文123'.safe_encode!('ASCII', 'x') #=> 'xx123'
Removes a random value and returns that value.
'this thing that'.sample #=> 'thing'
'this thing that'.sample(' thing ') #=> 'that'
Removes the first instance of a string.
'this thing that thing'.shift #=> 't'
'this thing that thing'.shift('thing') #=> 'this that thing'
'this thing that thing'.shift('this', 'that') #=> ' thing thing'
Randomizes the characters in a string.
'ruby rules'.sample #=> 'e lybrsuur'
'ruby rules'.sample! #=> 'rblse syru'
Returns a string matching any character in a pattern.
'qa2ws3ed4rf5tg6yh7uj8ik9ol'.sift('0123456789') #=> '23456789'
'qa2ws3ed4rf5tg6yh7uj8ik9ol'.sift(0..9) #=> '23456789'
'qa2ws3ed4rf5tg6yh7uj8ik9ol'.sift([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) #=> '23456789'
Returns a permalink-style string, with odd characters removed.
'example'.slugify #=> 'example'
'example string'.slugify #=> 'example-string'
'Example string @@@ test!'.slugify #=> 'example-string-test'
Returns a sorted a string.
'adbec'.sort #=> 'abcde'
Returns the string, first removing all whitespace on both ends of the string, and then changing
remaining consecutive whitespace groups into one space each.
'example string'.squish #=> 'example string'
'example \n \t string'.squish #=> 'example string'
' example string '.squish #=> 'example string'
Capitalizes each word in a string.
'example string'.titleize #=> 'Example String'
'_example_string_id'.titleize #=> 'Example String'
'ExampleString'.titleize #=> 'Example String'
Returns a substring from the beginning of the string to the given position.
If the position is negative, it is counted from the end of the string.
'example'.to(0) #=> 'example'
'example'.to(3) #=> 'exam'
'example'.to(-2) #=> 'exampl'
Returns a string with swapped special characters.
'źåöé'.transliterize #=> 'zaoe'
Retuns a trimmed string after a given length if string is longer than length.
Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
omission | string | '...'
separator | string | ' '
'example string'.truncate(3) #=> '...'
'example string'.truncate(6) #=> 'exa...'
'example string'.truncate(12, separator: ' ') #=> 'example...'
'example string'.truncate(13, omission: '... (more)') #=> 'exa... (more)'
'example string'.truncate(15) #=> 'example string'
Truncates a given text after a given number of words.
Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
omission | string | '...'
separator | string | ' '
'example string test'.truncate_words(1) #=> 'example...'
world'.truncate_words(5, separator: '
') #=> 'Once
'And they found that many people were sleeping better.'.truncate_words(5, omission: '... (continued)') #=> 'And they found that many... (continued)'
`underscore(!)` aka `snakecase(!)`
Transforms a string to snake case.
'ExampleString'.underscore #=> 'example_string'
'exampleString'.underscore #=> 'example_string'
'ExampleString::Test'.underscore #=> 'example_string/test'
Removes the default or custom pollution character. Can also be used to remove an unwanted character.
't^--^--^e^--^--^s^--^--^t^--^--^'.unpollute #=> 'test'
't-e-s-t-'.unpollute #=> 'test'
Returns true if all characters are uppercase.
'EXAMPLE'.upcase? #=> true
'example'.upcase? #=> false
'Example'.upcase? #=> false
Prepends string(s) to self.
'this thing that thing'.unshift('thing ') #=> 'thing this thing that thing'
'this thing that thing'.unshift('this ', 'that ') #=> 'this that this thing that thing'
Removes any quote types from a given string.
'`example`'.unquote #=> 'example'
Prepend an "@" to the beginning of a string and replace non-valid characters with underscores.
'example String'.variablize #=> '@example_String'
Splits a string into multiple words split by spaces.
'abc. 123'.words #=> ['abc.', '123']
Splits a string into multiple words without punctuation split by spaces.
'Slowly, grudgingly he said: "This has to stop."'.words_without_punctuation #=> ['Slowly', 'grudgingly', 'he', 'said', 'This', 'has', 'to', 'stop']