function Get-PlatformVersion { switch -regex ((get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem).version) { '10\.0\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2012r2'} '6\.3\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2012r2'} '6\.2\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2012'} '6\.1\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2008r2'} '6\.0\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2008'} } return $platform_version } function Get-PlatformArchitecture { if ((get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem).osarchitecture -like '64-bit') { $architecture = 'x86_64' } else { $architecture = 'i386' } return $architecture } function New-Uri { param ($baseuri, $newuri) new-object System.Uri $baseuri, $newuri } function Get-WebContent { param ($uri, $filepath) $proxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient $proxy.Address = $env:http_proxy $wc.Proxy = $proxy try { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filepath)) { $wc.downloadstring($uri) } else { $wc.downloadfile($uri, $filepath) } } catch { $exception = $_.Exception Write-Host "There was an error: " do { Write-Host "`t$($exception.message)" $exception = $exception.innerexception } while ($exception) throw "Failed to download from $uri." } } function Test-ProjectPackage { [cmdletbinding()] param ($Path, $Algorithm = 'SHA256', $Hash) if (-not (get-command get-filehash)) { function disposable($o){($o -is [IDisposable]) -and (($o | get-member | foreach-object {$}) -contains 'Dispose')} function use($obj, [scriptblock]$sb){try {& $sb} catch [exception]{throw $_} finally {if (disposable $obj) {$obj.Dispose()}} } function Get-FileHash ($Path, $Algorithm) { $Path = (resolve-path $path).providerpath $hash = @{Algorithm = $Algorithm; Path = $Path} if ($Algorithm -like 'MD5') { use ($c = New-Object -TypeName Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider) { use ($in = (gi $path).OpenRead()) { $hash.Hash = ([BitConverter]::ToString($c.ComputeHash($in))).Replace("-", "").ToUpper() } } } elseif ($Algorithm -like 'SHA256') { use ($c = New-Object -TypeName Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider) { use ($in = (gi $path).OpenRead()) { $hash.Hash = ([BitConverter]::ToString($c.ComputeHash($in))).Replace("-", "").ToUpper() } } } new-object PSObject -Property $hash } } Write-Verbose "Testing the $Algorithm hash for $path." $ActualHash = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm $Algorithm -Path $Path).Hash.ToLower() Write-Verbose "`tDesired Hash - '$hash'" Write-Verbose "`tActual Hash - '$ActualHash'" $Valid = $ActualHash -eq $Hash if (-not $Valid) { Write-Error "Failed to validate the downloaded installer. The expected $Algorithm hash was '$Hash' and the actual hash was '$ActualHash' for $path" } return $Valid }