=== 1.0.1 / 2008-10-15 * Minor Changes * Updated Documentation to be more accurate === 1.0.0 / 2008-10-08 * Important changes * Dir.taglob('**/*.rb','tags,for,the,win') <- Will produce an array of files that contain all these tags(AND) * Dir.taglob('**/*.rb','tags|or|the|win') <- Will produce an array of files that contain any of these tags(OR) * rake spec SPEC_OPTS='-f specdoc' <- More infroz(this obviously needs to be run from the gem directory :P) * taglob binary! * $ taglob <- produces a list of files in with their respective tags * $ taglob <- produces a list of tags for that file * Rake tasks! * You can now require 'taglob/rake/tasks' in your Rakefile to get test_tag and spec_tag tasks that would be used like this: * $ rake spec_tag tags="for,the,win" * $ rake test_tag tags="foo|bar" * You can also specify your own TestTagTasks in your Rakefile: require 'taglob/rake' Taglob::Rake::SpecTagsTask.new :spec_regression do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' t.tags = "regression|smoke" end Taglob::Rake::TestTagsTask.new :test_regression do |t| t.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb' t.tags = "regression|smoke" end * CheckTagsTask will check all tags in a glob pattern against a valid list of tags require 'taglob/rake' task = Taglob::Rake::CheckTagsTask.new do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/**/*.rb' t.valid_tag_source = 'config/valid_tags.txt' end * Thanks: - NolanEvans[http://github.com/nolman] did the majority of this rewrite. - DrewOlson[http://github.com/dfg59] still doesn't have commit rights. - CharleyBaker[http://github.com/charley], RadhikaPothukuchi, and RamaKarri were all very helpful in pairing with NolanEvans and AdamAnderson[http://github.com/scudco] in getting this gem out. === 0.1.0 / 2008-05-19 * Important changes * Taglob now does ANDing logic rather than ORing This is really how it should have been to begin with. I just noobed it up is all. In version 0.0.1 if you did Dir.taglob('**/*.rb','foo','bar') it would select files as long they contained one of the tags(foo OR bar). In version 0.1.0 it will only select files which contain both tags(foo AND bar). === 0.0.1 / 2008-05-14 * Taglob "released" * Drew bugged me enough to finish the specs