require 'logger' require 'colored' require 'tty-spinner' require 'pathname' require_relative 'fastlane_folder' require_relative 'ui/ui' require_relative 'env' module FastlaneCore module Helper # fastlane # def self.fastlane_enabled? # This is called from the root context on the first start !FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path.nil? end # Checks if fastlane is enabled for this project and returns the folder where the configuration lives def self.fastlane_enabled_folder_path fastlane_enabled? ? FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path : '.' end # fastlane installation method # # @return [boolean] true if executing with bundler (like 'bundle exec fastlane [action]') def self.bundler? # Bundler environment variable ['BUNDLE_BIN_PATH', 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE'].each do |current| return true if ENV.key?(current) end return false end # Do we run from a bundled fastlane, which contains Ruby and OpenSSL? # Usually this means the fastlane directory is ~/.fastlane/bin/ # We set this value via the environment variable `FASTLANE_SELF_CONTAINED` def self.contained_fastlane? ENV["FASTLANE_SELF_CONTAINED"].to_s == "true" && !self.homebrew? end # returns true if fastlane was installed from the Fabric Mac app def self.mac_app? ENV["FASTLANE_SELF_CONTAINED"].to_s == "false" end # returns true if fastlane was installed via Homebrew def self.homebrew? ENV["FASTLANE_INSTALLED_VIA_HOMEBREW"].to_s == "true" end # returns true if fastlane was installed via RubyGems def self.rubygems? !self.bundler? && !self.contained_fastlane? && !self.homebrew? && !self.mac_app? end # environment # # @return true if the currently running program is a unit test def self.test? Object.const_defined?("SpecHelper") end # @return true if it is enabled to execute external commands def self.sh_enabled? !self.test? || ENV["FORCE_SH_DURING_TESTS"] end # @return [boolean] true if building in a known CI environment def return true if self.is_circle_ci? # Check for Jenkins, Travis CI, ... environment variables ['JENKINS_HOME', 'JENKINS_URL', 'TRAVIS', 'CI', 'APPCENTER_BUILD_ID', 'TEAMCITY_VERSION', 'GO_PIPELINE_NAME', 'bamboo_buildKey', 'GITLAB_CI', 'XCS', 'TF_BUILD', 'GITHUB_ACTION', 'GITHUB_ACTIONS', 'BITRISE_IO', 'BUDDY'].each do |current| return true if ENV.key?(current) end return false end def self.is_circle_ci? return ENV.key?('CIRCLECI') end def self.operating_system return "macOS" if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin") return "Windows" if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin") return "Linux" if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("linux") return "Unknown" end def # taken from: (/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end def self.linux? (/linux/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end # Is the currently running computer a Mac? def self.mac? (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end # Do we want to disable the colored output? def self.colors_disabled? FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_DISABLE_COLORS") || ENV.key?("NO_COLOR") end # Does the user use the Mac stock terminal def self.mac_stock_terminal? FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION") end # Logs base directory def self.buildlog_path return ENV["FL_BUILDLOG_PATH"] || "~/Library/Logs" end # Xcode # # @return the full path to the Xcode developer tools of the currently # running system def self.xcode_path return "" unless self.mac? if self.xcode_server? # Xcode server always creates a link here xcode_server_xcode_path = "/Library/Developer/XcodeServer/CurrentXcodeSymlink/Contents/Developer" UI.verbose("We're running as XcodeServer, setting path to #{xcode_server_xcode_path}") return xcode_server_xcode_path end return `xcode-select -p`.delete("\n") + "/" end def self.xcode_server? # XCS is set by Xcode Server return ENV["XCS"].to_i == 1 end # @return The version of the currently used Xcode installation (e.g. "7.0") def self.xcode_version return nil unless self.mac? return @xcode_version if @xcode_version && @developer_dir == ENV['DEVELOPER_DIR'] xcodebuild_path = "#{xcode_path}/usr/bin/xcodebuild" xcode_build_installed = File.exist?(xcodebuild_path) unless xcode_build_installed UI.verbose("Couldn't find xcodebuild at #{xcodebuild_path}, check that it exists") return nil end begin output = `DEVELOPER_DIR='' "#{xcodebuild_path}" -version` @xcode_version = output.split("\n").first.split(' ')[1] @developer_dir = ENV['DEVELOPER_DIR'] rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.user_error!("Error detecting currently used Xcode installation, please ensure that you have Xcode installed and set it using `sudo xcode-select -s [path]`") end @xcode_version end # @return true if Xcode version is higher than 8.3 def self.xcode_at_least?(version) FastlaneCore::UI.user_error!("Unable to locate Xcode. Please make sure to have Xcode installed on your machine") if xcode_version.nil? v = xcode_version >= end # iTMSTransporter # def self.transporter_java_executable_path return File.join(self.transporter_java_path, 'bin', 'java') end def self.transporter_java_ext_dir return File.join(self.transporter_java_path, 'lib', 'ext') end def self.transporter_java_jar_path return File.join(self.itms_path, 'lib', 'itmstransporter-launcher.jar') end def self.transporter_user_dir return File.join(self.itms_path, 'bin') end def self.transporter_java_path return File.join(self.itms_path, 'java') end # @return the full path to the iTMSTransporter executable def self.transporter_path return File.join(self.itms_path, 'bin', 'iTMSTransporter') unless return File.join(self.itms_path, 'iTMSTransporter') end def self.user_defined_itms_path? return FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_ITUNES_TRANSPORTER_PATH") end def self.user_defined_itms_path return ENV["FASTLANE_ITUNES_TRANSPORTER_PATH"] if self.user_defined_itms_path? end # @return the full path to the iTMSTransporter executable def self.itms_path return self.user_defined_itms_path if FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_ITUNES_TRANSPORTER_PATH") if self.mac? # First check for manually install iTMSTransporter user_local_itms_path = "/usr/local/itms" return user_local_itms_path if File.exist?(user_local_itms_path) # Then check for iTMSTransporter in the Xcode path [ "../Applications/Application", "../Applications/Application", "../SharedFrameworks/ContentDeliveryServices.framework/Versions/A/itms" # For Xcode 11 ].each do |path| result = File.expand_path(File.join(self.xcode_path, path)) return result if File.exist?(result) end UI.user_error!("Could not find transporter at #{self.xcode_path}. Please make sure you set the correct path to your Xcode installation.") elsif [ "C:/Program Files (x86)/itms" ].each do |path| return path if File.exist?(path) end UI.user_error!("Could not find transporter at usual locations. Please use environment variable `FASTLANE_ITUNES_TRANSPORTER_PATH` to specify your installation path.") else # not Mac or Windows return '' end end # keychain # def self.keychain_path(keychain_name) # Existing code expects that a keychain name will be expanded into a default path to Library/Keychains # in the user's home directory. However, this will not allow the user to pass an absolute path # for the keychain value # # So, if the passed value can't be resolved as a file in Library/Keychains, just use it as-is # as the keychain path. # # We need to expand each path because File.exist? won't handle directories including ~ properly # # We also try to append `-db` at the end of the file path, as with Sierra the default Keychain name # has changed for some users: # Remove the ".keychain" at the end of the keychain name name = keychain_name.sub(/\.keychain$/, "") possible_locations = [ File.join(Dir.home, 'Library', 'Keychains', name), name ].map { |path| File.expand_path(path) } # Transforms ["thing"] to ["thing-db", "thing.keychain-db", "thing", "thing.keychain"] keychain_paths = [] possible_locations.each do |location| keychain_paths << "#{location}-db" keychain_paths << "#{location}.keychain-db" keychain_paths << location keychain_paths << "#{location}.keychain" end keychain_path = keychain_paths.find { |path| File.file?(path) } UI.user_error!("Could not locate the provided keychain. Tried:\n\t#{keychain_paths.join("\n\t")}") unless keychain_path keychain_path end # helper methods # # Runs a given command using backticks (`) # and prints them out using the UI.command method def self.backticks(command, print: true) UI.command(command) if print result = `#{command}` UI.command_output(result) if print return result end # removes ANSI colors from string def self.strip_ansi_colors(str) str.gsub(/\e\[([;\d]+)?m/, '') end # Zips directory def self.zip_directory(path, output_path, contents_only: false, overwrite: false, print: true) if overwrite overwrite_command = " && rm -f '#{output_path}'" else overwrite_command = "" end if contents_only command = "cd '#{path}'#{overwrite_command} && zip -r '#{output_path}' *" else containing_path = File.expand_path("..", path) contents_path = File.basename(path) command = "cd '#{containing_path}'#{overwrite_command} && zip -r '#{output_path}' '#{contents_path}'" end UI.command(command) unless print Helper.backticks(command, print: print) end # Executes the provided block after adjusting the ENV to have the # provided keys and values set as defined in hash. After the block # completes, restores the ENV to its previous state. def self.with_env_values(hash, &block) old_vals = { |k, v| hash.include?(k) } hash.each do |k, v| ENV[k] = hash[k] end yield ensure hash.each do |k, v| ENV.delete(k) unless old_vals.include?(k) ENV[k] = old_vals[k] end end # loading indicator # def self.should_show_loading_indicator? return false if FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_DISABLE_ANIMATION") return false if return true end # Show/Hide loading indicator def self.show_loading_indicator(text = nil) if self.should_show_loading_indicator? # we set the default here, instead of at the parameters # as we don't want to `UI.message` a rocket that's just there for the loading indicator text ||= "🚀" @require_fastlane_spinner ="[:spinner] #{text} ", format: :dots) @require_fastlane_spinner.auto_spin else UI.message(text) if text end end def self.hide_loading_indicator if self.should_show_loading_indicator? && @require_fastlane_spinner @require_fastlane_spinner.success end end # files # # checks if a given path is an executable file def self.executable?(cmd_path) # no executable files on Windows, so existing is enough there cmd_path && ! && (File.executable?(cmd_path) || ( && File.exist?(cmd_path))) end # checks if given file is a valid json file # base taken from: def self.json_file?(filename) return false unless File.exist?(filename) begin JSON.parse( return true rescue JSON::ParserError return false end end # deprecated # # Use Helper.test?,, Helper.mac? or instead (legacy calls) def self.is_test? self.test? end def self.is_ci? ci? end def self.is_mac? self.mac? end def self.is_windows? end # <b>DEPRECATED:</b> Use the `ROOT` constant from the appropriate tool module instead # e.g. File.join(Sigh::ROOT, 'lib', 'assets', '') # # Path to the installed gem to load resources (e.g. def self.gem_path(gem_name) UI.deprecated('`Helper.gem_path` is deprecated. Use the `ROOT` constant from the appropriate tool module instead.') if !Helper.test? && Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(gem_name).any? return Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gem_name).gem_dir else return './' end end # This method is deprecated, use the `UI` class # def self.log UI.deprecated("Helper.log is deprecated. Use `UI` class instead") UI.current.log end def self.ask_password(message: "Passphrase: ", confirm: nil) raise "This code should only run in interactive mode" unless UI.interactive? loop do password = UI.password(message) if confirm password2 = UI.password("Type passphrase again: ") if password == password2 return password end else return password end UI.error("Passphrases differ. Try again") end end end end