require "reform/form/active_model" module Reform::Form::Composition # Automatically creates a Composition object for you when initializing the form. def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend Reform::Form::ActiveModel::ClassMethods # ::model. extend ClassMethods end end module ClassMethods #include Reform::Form::ActiveModel::ClassMethods # ::model. def model_class # DISCUSS: needed? @model_class ||= Reform::Composition.from(representer_class) end def property(name, options={}) super.tap do |definition| handle_deprecated_model_accessor(options[:on]) unless options[:skip_accessors] # TODO: remove in 1.2. end end # Same as ActiveModel::model but allows you to define the main model in the composition # using +:on+. # # class CoverSongForm < Reform::Form # model :song, on: :cover_song def model(main_model, options={}) super composition_model = options[:on] || main_model handle_deprecated_model_accessor(composition_model) unless options[:skip_accessors] # TODO: remove in 1.2. # FIXME: this should just delegate to :model as in FB, and the comp would take care of it internally. [:persisted?, :to_key, :to_param].each do |method| define_method method do model[composition_model].send(method) end end alias_method main_model, composition_model # #hit => # TODO: remove in 1.2. end private def handle_deprecated_model_accessor(name, aliased=name) define_method name do # -> warn %{[Reform] Deprecation WARNING: When using Composition, you may not call Form##{name} anymore to access the contained model. Please use Form#model[:#{name}] and have a lovely day!} @model[name] end end end def initialize(models) composition = super(composition) end def to_nested_hash model.nested_hash_for(to_hash) # use composition to compute nested hash. end def to_hash(*args)*args) end private def aliased_model # we don't need an Expose as we save the Composition instance in the constructor. model end end