require_relative "automate" class Chef module Compliance module Reporter # # Used to send inspec reports to Chef Automate server via Chef Server # class ChefServerAutomate < Chef::Compliance::Reporter::Automate attr_reader :url def initialize(opts) @entity_uuid = opts[:entity_uuid] @run_id = opts[:run_id] @node_name = opts[:node_info][:node] @insecure = opts[:insecure] @environment = opts[:node_info][:environment] @roles = opts[:node_info][:roles] @recipes = opts[:node_info][:recipes] @url = opts[:url] @chef_tags = opts[:node_info][:chef_tags] @policy_group = opts[:node_info][:policy_group] @policy_name = opts[:node_info][:policy_name] @source_fqdn = opts[:node_info][:source_fqdn] @organization_name = opts[:node_info][:organization_name] @ipaddress = opts[:node_info][:ipaddress] @fqdn = opts[:node_info][:fqdn] @control_results_limit = opts[:control_results_limit] @timestamp = opts.fetch(:timestamp) { } end def send_report(report) unless @entity_uuid && @run_id Chef::Log.error "entity_uuid(#{@entity_uuid}) or run_id(#{@run_id}) can't be nil, not sending report to #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT}" return false end automate_report = truncate_controls_results(enriched_report(report), @control_results_limit) report_size = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(automate_report, validate_utf8: false).bytesize # this is set to slightly less than the oc_erchef limit if report_size > 900 * 1024 Chef::Log.warn "Generated report size is #{(report_size / (1024 * 1024.0)).round(2)} MB. #{ChefUtils::Dist::Server::PRODUCT} < 13.0 defaults to a limit of ~1MB, 13.0+ defaults to a limit of ~2MB." end "Report to #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT} via #{ChefUtils::Dist::Server::PRODUCT}: #{@url}" with_http_rescue do, automate_report) return true end false end def http_client config = if @insecure Chef::Config.merge(ssl_verify_mode: :verify_none) else Chef::Config end, config) end def with_http_rescue response = yield if response.respond_to?(:code) # handle non 200 error codes, they are not raised as Net::HTTPClientException handle_http_error_code(response.code) if response.code.to_i >= 300 end response rescue Net::HTTPClientException => e Chef::Log.error e handle_http_error_code(e.response.code) end def handle_http_error_code(code) case code when /401|403/ Chef::Log.error "Auth issue: see the Compliance Phase troubleshooting documentation (" when /404/ Chef::Log.error "Object does not exist on remote server." when /413/ Chef::Log.error "You most likely hit the erchef request size in #{ChefUtils::Dist::Server::PRODUCT} that defaults to ~2MB. To increase this limit see the Compliance Phase troubleshooting documentation ( or the Chef Infra Server configuration documentation (" when /429/ Chef::Log.error "This error typically means the data sent was larger than #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT}'s limit (4 MB). Run InSpec locally to identify any controls producing large diffs." end msg = "Received HTTP error #{code}" Chef::Log.error msg raise msg end end end end end