require 'ios_toolchain/helpers' include IosToolchain::Helpers def build_specs_cmd(scheme, options={}) puts "Running specs for #{scheme}..." specs_cmd = [] specs_cmd << 'set -o pipefail &&' specs_cmd << "xcodebuild -workspace #{config.project_file_path}/project.xcworkspace" specs_cmd << "-scheme #{scheme} test CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO -sdk iphonesimulator" specs_cmd << "-destination platform=#{config.default_32bit_test_device}" unless options[:skip_32bit] specs_cmd << "-destination platform=#{config.default_64bit_test_device}" specs_cmd << '| bundle exec xcpretty' specs_cmd.join(' ') end def run_tests_or_bail(tests, args) args.with_defaults(:skip_32bit => false) Rake::Task['ios:clean:build'].reenable Rake::Task['ios:clean:simulator'].reenable tests.each do |target| unless system(build_specs_cmd(target, skip_32bit: args[:skip_32bit])) bail('Specs failure - please fix the failing specs and try again.') end end end namespace :ios do desc 'Run all the tests: unit and UI, 32bit and 64bit' task :specs => ['specs:unit', 'specs:ui'] namespace :specs do desc 'Run 64bit unit tests only' task :slim do Rake::Task['specs:unit'].invoke(skip_32bit: true) end desc 'Run the unit tests (optionally skip 32 bit devices)' task :unit, [:skip_32bit] => ['ios:clean:build', 'ios:clean:simulator'] do |task, args| run_tests_or_bail(config.test_targets, args) end desc 'Run the UI tests (optionally skip 32 bit devices)' task :ui, [:skip_32bit] => ['ios:clean:build', 'ios:clean:simulator'] do |task, args| run_tests_or_bail(config.ui_test_targets, args) end end end