# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- module InlineFormsHelper # load form elements. Each element goes into a separate file # and defines a _show, _edit and _update method. # INLINE_FORMS_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/form_elements/" Dir[INLINE_FORMS_PATH + "*.rb"].each do |form_element| require form_element end def inline_forms_version InlineForms::VERSION end private # used as class name def has_validations(object, attribute) "has_validations " unless object.class.validators_on(attribute).empty? end def validation_help_as_list_for(object, attribute) "" and return if object.class.validators_on(attribute).empty? content_tag(:ul, validation_help_for(object, attribute).map { |help_message| content_tag(:li, help_message ) }.to_s.html_safe ) end # validation_help_for(object, attribute) extracts the help messages for # attribute of object.class (in an Array) def validation_help_for(object, attribute) "" and return if object.class.validators_on(attribute).empty? object.class.validators_on(attribute).map do |v| t("inline_forms.validators.help.#{ActiveModel::Name.new(v.class).i18n_key.to_s.gsub(/active_model\/validations\//, '')}") end.compact end # close link def close_link( object, update_span ) link_to image_tag( 'close.png', :class => "close_icon", :title => t('inline_forms.view.close') ), send( object.class.to_s.underscore + '_path', object, :update => update_span, :close => true ), :remote => true end # destroy link def link_to_destroy( object, update_span ) if cancan_disabled? || ( can? :destroy, object ) link_to image_tag( 'trash.png', :class => "trash_icon", :title => t('inline_forms.view.trash') ), send( object.class.to_s.underscore + '_path', object, :update => update_span ), :method => :delete, :remote => true end end # # undo link # def link_to_undo_destroy(object, update_span ) # link_to(t('inline_forms.view.undo'), revert_version_path(object.versions.scoped.last), :method => :post) # end # link_to_inline_edit def link_to_inline_edit(object, attribute, attribute_value='') spaces = attribute_value.length > 40 ? 0 : 40 - attribute_value.length attribute_value << " ".html_safe * spaces css_class_id = "#{object.class.to_s.underscore}_#{object.id}_#{attribute}" if cancan_disabled? || ( can? :update, object ) link_to attribute_value.html_safe, send( 'edit_' + object.class.to_s.underscore + '_path', object, :attribute => attribute.to_s, :form_element => calling_method.sub(/_[a-z]+$/,'').sub(/block in /,''), :update => css_class_id ), :remote => true else attribute_value end end # link to new record def link_to_new_record(model, path_to_new, update_span, parent_class, parent_id) out = "" out << "<li class='new_record_link'>" out << (link_to image_tag( 'add.png', :class => "new_record_icon", :title => t('inline_forms.view.add_new', :model => model.model_name.human ) ), send(path_to_new, :update => update_span, :parent_class => parent_class, :parent_id => parent_id ), :remote => true) out << "<div style='clear: both;'></div>" out << "</li>" "" if cancan_enabled? if can?(:create, model) if parent_class.nil? raw out else raw out if can?(:update, parent_class.find(parent_id)) end end else raw out end end # url to other language def locale_url(request, locale) subdomains = request.subdomains # if there are no subdomains, prepend the locale to the domain return request.protocol + [ locale, request.domain ].join('.') + request.port_string if subdomains.empty? # if there is a subdomain, find out if it's an available locale and strip it subdomains.shift if I18n.available_locales.include?(subdomains.first.to_sym) # if there are no subdomains, prepend the locale to the domain return request.protocol + [ locale, request.domain ].join('.') + request.port_string if subdomains.empty? # else return the rest request.protocol + [ locale, subdomains.join('.'), request.domain ].join('.') + request.port_string end def translated_attribute(object,attribute) t("activerecord.attributes.#{object.class.name.underscore}.#{attribute}") # "activerecord.attributes.#{attribute}", # "attributes.#{attribute}" ] ) end # get the values for an attribute # # values should be a Hash { integer => string, ... } # # or a one-dimensional array of strings # # or a Range # def attribute_values(object, attribute) # if we have a range 1..6 will result in [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],...,[5,6]] # or range -3..3 will result in [[0,-3],[1,-2],[2,-1],...,[6,3]] # if we have an array ['a','d','b'] will result in [[0,'a'],[2,'b'],[1,'d']] (sorted on value) # if we have a hash { 0=>'a', 2=>'b', 3=>'d' } will result in [[0,'a'],[2,'b'],[3,'d']] (it will keep the index and sort on the index) # TODO work this out better! # 2012-01-23 Use Cases # [ :sex , "sex", :radio_button, { 1 => 'f', 2 => 'm' } ], # in this case we want the attribute in the database to be 1 or 2. From that attribute, we need to find the value. # using an array, won't work, since [ 'f', 'm' ][1] would be 'm' in stead of 'f' # so values should be a hash. BUT since we don't have sorted hashes (ruby 1,.8.7), the order of the values in the edit screen will be random. # so we DO need an array, and look up by index (or association?). # [[1,'v'],[2,'m]] and then use #assoc: # assoc(obj) → new_ary or nil # Searches through an array whose elements are also arrays comparing obj with the first element of each contained array using obj.==. # Returns the first contained array that matches (that is, the first associated array), or nil if no match is found. See also Array#rassoc. # like value=values.assoc(attribute_from_database)[1] (the [1] is needed since the result of #assoc = [1,'v'] and we need the 'v') # I feel it's ugly but it works. # 2012-02-09 Use Case slider_with_values # { 0 => '???', 1 => '--', 2 => '-', 3 => '+-', 4 => '+', 5 => '++' } # In the dropdown (or the slider) we definately need the order preserverd. # attribulte_values turns this into # [ [0,'???'], [1, '--'] .... [5, '++'] ] attributes = @inline_forms_attribute_list || object.inline_forms_attribute_list # if we do this as a form_element, @inline.. is nil!!! values = attributes.assoc(attribute.to_sym)[3] raise t("fatal.no_values_defined_in", @Klass, attribute) if values.nil? if values.is_a?(Hash) temp = Array.new values.to_a.each do |k,v| temp << [ k, v ] end values = temp.sort {|a,b| a[0]<=>b[0]} else temp = Array.new values.to_a.each_index do |i| temp << [ i, values.to_a[i] ] end values = temp.sort {|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]} end values end end module Kernel private # make the current method available # http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/75258 # supposedly, this is fixed in 1.9 def this_method caller[0] =~ /`([^']*)'/ and $1 end # make the calling method available # http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/75258 # supposedly, this is fixed in 1.9 def calling_method caller[1] =~ /`([^']*)'/ and $1 end end