# frozen_string_literal: true module HoneyFormat # Holds data for a single row. class RowBuilder # Returns a new instance of RowBuilder. # @return [RowBuilder] a new instance of RowBuilder. # @param [Array] columns an array of symbols. # @param builder [#call, #to_csv] optional row builder. # @param type_map [Hash] map of column_name => type conversion to perform. # @raise [RowError] super class of errors raised when there is a row error. # @raise [EmptyRowColumnsError] raised when there are no columns. # @raise [InvalidRowLengthError] raised when row has more columns than header columns. # @example Create new row # RowBuilder.new!([:id]) def initialize(columns, builder: nil, type_map: {}) if columns.empty? err_msg = 'Expected array with at least one element, but was empty.' raise(Errors::EmptyRowColumnsError, err_msg) end @type_map = type_map @converter = HoneyFormat.converter_registry @row_klass = Row.new(*columns) @builder = builder @columns = columns end # Returns an object representing the row. # @return [Row, Object] a new instance of built row. # @param row [Array] the row array. # @raise [InvalidRowLengthError] # raised when there are more row elements longer than columns # @example Build new row # r = RowBuilder.new([:id]) # r.build(['1']).id #=> '1' def build(row) build_row!(row) rescue ArgumentError => e raise unless e.message == 'struct size differs' raise_invalid_row_length!(e, row) end private # Returns Struct # @return [Row, Object] a new instance of built row. # @param row [Array] the row array. # @raise [ArgumentError] raised when struct fails to build # @example Build new row # r = RowBuilder.new([:id]) # r.build(['1']).id #=> '1' def build_row!(row) row = @row_klass.call(row) # Convert values @type_map.each do |column, type| types = type.respond_to?(:each) ? type : [type] value = row[column] types.each { |t| value = @converter.call(value, t) } row[column] = value end return row unless @builder @builder.call(row) end # Raises invalid row length error # @param [StandardError] e the raised error # @param [Object] row # @raise [Errors::InvalidRowLengthError] def raise_invalid_row_length!(e, row) err_msg = [ "Row length #{row.length}", "column length #{@columns.length}", "row: #{row.inspect}", "orignal message: '#{e.message}'", ].join(', ') raise(Errors::InvalidRowLengthError, err_msg) end end end