A "ruby method describer"--this gem allows you to introspect methods while within irb or ruby-debug. It reveals everything conceivably known about that method. This includes source, ri, arity, rdoc comments (on 1.9), etc. etc. For me it has proved quite useful, and I wouldn't leave home without it [try it--you might really like it]. Examples: >> class A; def go(a); end; end >> A.desc_method :go # it outputs everything it knows about it...arity, source, RI, etc. ri for A#go Nothing known about A (end ri) # arity: 1 A#go a proc { |a| # do nothing } an example in 1.9: >> File.desc_method :delete ri for File.delete ----------------------------------------------------------- File::delete File.delete(file_name, ...) => integer File.unlink(file_name, ...) => integer From Ruby 1.9.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deletes the named files, returning the number of names passed as arguments. Raises an exception on any error. See also +Dir::rmdir+. (end ri) # arity: -1 appears to be a c method #parameters signature: delete( [[:rest]] ) ========= Installation/usage:===== Installation: $ gem install rogerdpack-desc_method Usage: >> require 'desc_method' >> Class.desc_method :method_name # class or instance method name ... >> instance.desc_method :instance_method_name ... other goodies also included: Class.desc_class method # outputs descriptive information about that class--ex: >> Object.desc_class # outputs RI, methods, etc. or >> Object.desc_class :verbose => true # outputs RI, method lists including inherited methods, ancestors, constants Kernel#method is monkey patched to output a "separator" between its inherited and non inherited methods--i.e. >> method => [:first, :second, :after_this_are_inherited>>>>>, :some_inherited_method, :another_inherited_method] # adds in the separator This gem wraps (in a very convenient way) functionality provided by Method#source_location, ruby2ruby, etc. Also thanks to manvenu for some original code inspiration, SourceRef (MBARI), and ruby-debug, who made this possible. Thanks guys! Comments/suggestions welcome rogerdpack on gmail or github