module Typhoeus class Request # This module contains everything what is necessary # to make a single request. module Operations # Run a request. # # @example Run a request. #"").run # # @return [ Response ] The response. def run easy = Typhoeus.get_easy begin easy.http_request( base_url, options.fetch(:method, :get), options.reject{|k,_| k==:method} ) rescue Ethon::Errors::InvalidOption => e help = provide_help(e.message.match(/:\s(\w+)/)[1]) raise $!, "#{$!}#{help}", $!.backtrace end easy.perform finish( Typhoeus.release_easy(easy) response end # Sets a response, the request on the response # and executes the callbacks. # # @param [Typhoeus::Response] response The response. # @param [Boolean] bypass_memoization Wether to bypass # memoization or not. Decides how the response is set. # # @return [Typhoeus::Response] The response. def finish(response, bypass_memoization = nil) if bypass_memoization @response = response else self.response = response end self.response.request = self execute_callbacks response end private def provide_help(option) renamed = { :auth_method => :httpauth, :connect_timeout => :connecttimeout, :disable_ssl_host_verification => :ssl_verifyhost, :disable_ssl_peer_verification => :ssl_verifypeer, :encoding => :accept_encoding, :follow_location => :followlocation, :max_redirects => :maxredirs, :password => :userpwd, :proxy_auth_method => :proxyauth, :proxy_password => :proxyuserpwd, :proxy_type => :proxytype, :proxy_username => :proxyuserpwd, :ssl_cacert => :cainfo, :ssl_capath => :capath, :ssl_cert => :sslcert, :ssl_cert_type => :sslcerttype, :ssl_key => :sslkey, :ssl_key_password => :keypasswd, :ssl_key_type => :sslkeytype, :ssl_version => :sslversion, :username => :userpwd } removed = [:cache_key_basis, :cache_timout, :user_agent] if new_option = renamed[option.to_sym] "\nPlease try #{new_option} instead of #{option}." if new_option elsif removed.include?(option.to_sym) "\nThe option #{option} was removed." end end end end end