#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:windows), :if => Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => 'C:\foo', :provider => :windows) } let(:provider) { described_class.new(resource) } after :all do # This provider may not be suitable on some machines, so we want to reset # the default so it isn't used by mistake in future specs. Puppet::Type.type(:exec).defaultprovider = nil end describe "#extractexe" do describe "when the command has no arguments" do it "should return the command if it's quoted" do expect(provider.extractexe('"foo"')).to eq('foo') end it "should return the command if it's quoted and contains spaces" do expect(provider.extractexe('"foo bar"')).to eq('foo bar') end it "should return the command if it's not quoted" do expect(provider.extractexe('foo')).to eq('foo') end end describe "when the command has arguments" do it "should return the command if it's quoted" do expect(provider.extractexe('"foo" bar baz')).to eq('foo') end it "should return the command if it's quoted and contains spaces" do expect(provider.extractexe('"foo bar" baz "quux quiz"')).to eq('foo bar') end it "should return the command if it's not quoted" do expect(provider.extractexe('foo bar baz')).to eq('foo') end end end describe "#checkexe" do describe "when the command is absolute", :if => Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? do it "should return if the command exists and is a file" do command = tmpfile('command') FileUtils.touch(command) expect(provider.checkexe(command)).to eq(nil) end it "should fail if the command doesn't exist" do command = tmpfile('command') expect { provider.checkexe(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{command}'") end it "should fail if the command isn't a file" do command = tmpfile('command') FileUtils.mkdir(command) expect { provider.checkexe(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "'#{command}' is a directory, not a file") end end describe "when the command is relative" do describe "and a path is specified" do before :each do provider.stubs(:which) end it "should search for executables with no extension" do provider.resource[:path] = [File.expand_path('/bogus/bin')] provider.expects(:which).with('foo').returns('foo') provider.checkexe('foo') end it "should fail if the command isn't in the path" do expect { provider.checkexe('foo') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo'") end end it "should fail if no path is specified" do expect { provider.checkexe('foo') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo'") end end end describe "#validatecmd" do it "should fail if the command isn't absolute and there is no path" do expect { provider.validatecmd('foo') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /'foo' is not qualified and no path was specified/) end it "should not fail if the command is absolute and there is no path" do expect(provider.validatecmd('C:\foo')).to eq(nil) end it "should not fail if the command is not absolute and there is a path" do resource[:path] = 'C:\path;C:\another_path' expect(provider.validatecmd('foo')).to eq(nil) end end end