# frozen_string_literal: true module OAuth class CLI class BaseCommand def initialize(stdout, stdin, stderr, arguments) @stdout = stdout @stdin = stdin @stderr = stderr @options = {} option_parser.parse!(arguments) end def run missing = required_options - options.keys if missing.empty? _run else show_missing(missing) puts option_parser.help end end def required_options [] end protected attr_reader :options def show_missing(array) array = array.map { |s| "--#{s}" }.join(" ") OAuth::CLI.puts_red "Options missing to OAuth CLI: #{array}" end def xmpp? options[:xmpp] end def verbose? options[:verbose] end def puts(string = nil) @stdout.puts(string) end def alert(string = nil) @stderr.puts(string) end def parameters @parameters ||= begin escaped_pairs = options[:params].collect do |pair| if /:/.match?(pair) Hash[*pair.split(":", 2)].collect do |k, v| [CGI.escape(k.strip), CGI.escape(v.strip)].join("=") end else pair end end querystring = escaped_pairs * "&" cli_params = CGI.parse(querystring) { "oauth_consumer_key" => options[:oauth_consumer_key], "oauth_nonce" => options[:oauth_nonce], "oauth_timestamp" => options[:oauth_timestamp], "oauth_token" => options[:oauth_token], "oauth_signature_method" => options[:oauth_signature_method], "oauth_version" => options[:oauth_version] }.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? || v == "" }.merge(cli_params) end end def option_parser @option_parser ||= OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: oauth [ARGS]" _option_parser_defaults _option_parser_common(opts) _option_parser_sign_and_query(opts) _option_parser_authorization(opts) end end def _option_parser_defaults options[:oauth_nonce] = OAuth::Helper.generate_key options[:oauth_signature_method] = "HMAC-SHA1" options[:oauth_timestamp] = OAuth::Helper.generate_timestamp options[:oauth_version] = "1.0" options[:method] = :post options[:params] = [] options[:scheme] = :header options[:version] = "1.0" end def _option_parser_common(opts) ## Common Options opts.on("-B", "--body", "Use the request body for OAuth parameters.") do options[:scheme] = :body end opts.on("--consumer-key KEY", "Specifies the consumer key to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_consumer_key] = v end opts.on("--consumer-secret SECRET", "Specifies the consumer secret to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_consumer_secret] = v end opts.on("-H", "--header", "Use the 'Authorization' header for OAuth parameters (default).") do options[:scheme] = :header end opts.on("-Q", "--query-string", "Use the query string for OAuth parameters.") do options[:scheme] = :query_string end opts.on("-O", "--options FILE", "Read options from a file") do |v| arguments = open(v).readlines.map { |l| l.chomp.split }.flatten options2 = parse_options(arguments) options.merge!(options2) end end def _option_parser_sign_and_query(opts) opts.separator("\n options for signing and querying") opts.on("--method METHOD", "Specifies the method (e.g. GET) to use when signing.") do |v| options[:method] = v end opts.on("--nonce NONCE", "Specifies the nonce to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_nonce] = v end opts.on("--parameters PARAMS", "Specifies the parameters to use when signing.") do |v| options[:params] << v end opts.on("--signature-method METHOD", "Specifies the signature method to use; defaults to HMAC-SHA1.") do |v| options[:oauth_signature_method] = v end opts.on("--token TOKEN", "Specifies the token to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_token] = v end opts.on("--secret SECRET", "Specifies the token secret to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_token_secret] = v end opts.on("--timestamp TIMESTAMP", "Specifies the timestamp to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_timestamp] = v end opts.on("--realm REALM", "Specifies the realm to use.") do |v| options[:realm] = v end opts.on("--uri URI", "Specifies the URI to use when signing.") do |v| options[:uri] = v end opts.on("--version [VERSION]", "Specifies the OAuth version to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_version] = v end opts.on("--no-version", "Omit oauth_version.") do options[:oauth_version] = nil end opts.on("--xmpp", "Generate XMPP stanzas.") do options[:xmpp] = true options[:method] ||= "iq" end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Be verbose.") do options[:verbose] = true end end def _option_parser_authorization(opts) opts.separator("\n options for authorization") opts.on("--access-token-url URL", "Specifies the access token URL.") do |v| options[:access_token_url] = v end opts.on("--authorize-url URL", "Specifies the authorization URL.") do |v| options[:authorize_url] = v end opts.on("--callback-url URL", "Specifies a callback URL.") do |v| options[:oauth_callback] = v end opts.on("--request-token-url URL", "Specifies the request token URL.") do |v| options[:request_token_url] = v end opts.on("--scope SCOPE", "Specifies the scope (Google-specific).") do |v| options[:scope] = v end end end end end