class profile::cd4pe::artifactory ( String $artifactory_version = 'latest', String $network_name = 'cd4pe-network', String $bootstrap_dir = '/etc/artifactory_bootstrap', ) { Docker::Run { health_check_interval => 30, } # Create the volume and insert bootstrap data docker_volume { 'data_s3': ensure => present, } file { $bootstrap_dir: ensure => directory } file { "${bootstrap_dir}/artifactory.config.import.xml": ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0600', source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/artifactory/config_descriptor.xml', } # Start a quick alpine container to copt files around $docker_command_prefix = "docker run --rm -v ${bootstrap_dir}:/source -v data_s3:/dest -w /source alpine" exec { 'create /etc inside data_s3': command => "${docker_command_prefix} mkdir -p /dest/etc", path => $facts['path'], refreshonly => true, require => Docker_volume['data_s3'], subscribe => File["${bootstrap_dir}/artifactory.config.import.xml"], } exec { 'move artifactory.config.import.xml into data_s3': command => "${docker_command_prefix} cp /source/artifactory.config.import.xml /dest/etc/artifactory.config.import.xml", path => $facts['path'], refreshonly => true, require => Exec['create /etc inside data_s3'], subscribe => File["${bootstrap_dir}/artifactory.config.import.xml"], } exec { 'set permissions': command => "${docker_command_prefix} chown -R 1030:1030 /dest", path => $facts['path'], refreshonly => true, subscribe => File["${bootstrap_dir}/artifactory.config.import.xml"], } docker::image { '': image_tag => $artifactory_version, } docker::run { 'cd4pe-artifactory': image => "${artifactory_version}", net => $network_name, ports => ['8081:8081'], volumes => ['data_s3:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory'], } }