# encoding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Brandish
module Processors
module HTML
class Output < Common::Output
# A "document." This contains meta information for the document,
# such as the title, author, description, styles, and scripts that
# are used to set up the HTML document.
# @api private
class Document
# The title of the document. This is used for the `
` tag.
# @return [::String, nil]
attr_accessor :title
# The author for the document. This is used for a `` tag.
# @return [::String, nil]
attr_accessor :author
# The description of the document. This is used for a `` tag.
# @return [::String, nil]
attr_accessor :description
# Initialize the document.
def initialize
@title = ""
@author = ""
@description = ""
@styles = []
@scripts = []
# Adds a given style with the given type. The type is the kind of
# style it is; this should be either one of `:inline` or `:linked`.
# @param type [::Symbol] The style type.
# @param content [::String] The contents of the style. For an
# inline style, this is the stylesheet itself; for a linked
# style, this is the link to the stylesheet.
# @return [self]
def add_style(type, content)
inline = type == :inline
linked = type == :linked
@styles << {
"inline?" => inline,
"linked?" => linked,
"content" => content.to_s
# Adds a given script with the given type. The type of the kind of
# script it is; this should be either one of `:inline` or `:linked`.
# @param type [::Symbol] The style type.
# @param content [::String] The contents of the script. For an
# inline style, this is the script it self; for a linked script,
# this is the link to the script.
# @return [self]
def add_script(type, content)
inline = type == :inline
linked = type == :linked
@scripts << {
"inline?" => inline,
"linked?" => linked,
"content" => content.to_s
# Adds an inline style.
# @see #add_style
# @param content [::String] The stylesheet itself.
# @return (see #add_style)
def add_inline_style(content)
add_style(:inline, content)
# Adds an linked style.
# @see #add_style
# @param content [::String] The link to the stylesheet.
# @return (see #add_style)
def add_linked_style(content)
add_style(:linked, URI.escape(content.to_s))
# Adds an inline script.
# @see #add_script
# @param content [::String] The script itself.
# @return (see #add_script)
def add_inline_script(content)
add_script(:inline, content)
# Adds an linked script.
# @see #add_script
# @param content [::String] The link to the script.
# @return (see #add_script)
def add_linked_script(content)
add_script(:linked, URI.escape(content.to_s))
# The data from this document. This is used to pass all of the
# proper information to the templating library.
# @return [::Object]
def data
{ "title" => @title, "author" => @author,
"description" => @description,
"styles" => @styles, "scripts" => @scripts }.freeze