# This file is part of the devdnsd gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun@cowtech.it>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # A small DNS server to enable local .dev domain resolution. module DevDNSd # OSX management methods. module OSX # Gets the path for the resolver file. # # @param tld [String] The TLD to manage. # @return [String] The path for the resolver file. def resolver_path(tld = nil) tld ||= @config.tld "/etc/resolver/#{tld}" end # Gets the path for the launch agent file. # # @param name [String] The base name for the agent. # @return [String] The path for the launch agent file. def launch_agent_path(name = "it.cowtech.devdnsd") ENV["HOME"] + "/Library/LaunchAgents/#{name}.plist" end # Executes a shell command. # # @param command [String] The command to execute. # @return [Boolean] `true` if command succeeded, `false` otherwise. def execute_command(command) system("#{command} 2>&1 > /dev/null") end # Updates DNS cache. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if command succeeded, `false` otherwise. def dns_update @logger.info(i18n.dns_update) script = Tempfile.new("devdnsd-dns-cache-script") script.write("dscacheutil -flushcache 2>&1 > /dev/null\n") script.write("killall -9 mDNSResponder 2>&1 > /dev/null\n") script.write("killall -9 mDNSResponderHelper 2>&1 > /dev/null\n") script.close Kernel.system("/usr/bin/osascript -e 'do shell script \"sh #{script.path}\" with administrator privileges' 2>&1 > /dev/null") script.unlink end # Checks if we are running on MacOS X. # # System services are only available on that platform. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if the current platform is MacOS X, `false` otherwise. def osx? ::RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /^darwin/ end alias_method :is_osx?, :osx? # Adds aliases to an interface. # # @param options [Hash] The options provided by the user. # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succeeded, `false` otherwise. def action_add(options) manage_aliases(:add, i18n.add_empty, options) end # Removes aliases from an interface. # # @param options [Hash] The options provided by the user. # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succeeded, `false` otherwise. def action_remove(options) manage_aliases(:remove, i18n.remove_empty, options) end # Installs the application into the autolaunch. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succeeded, `false` otherwise. def action_install manage_installation(launch_agent_path, resolver_path, :create_resolver, :create_agent, :load_agent) end # Uninstalls the application from the autolaunch. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succeeded, `false` otherwise. def action_uninstall manage_installation(launch_agent_path, resolver_path, :delete_resolver, :unload_agent, :delete_agent) end private # :nodoc: def log_status(pid, status) logger.info(status == :running ? replace_markers(i18n.status_running(pid)) : replace_markers(i18n.send("status_#{status}"))) end # :nodoc: def manage_installation(launch_agent, resolver_path, first_operation, second_operation, third_operation) rv = check_agent_available logger.warn(replace_markers(i18n.admin_privileges_warning)) rv = send(first_operation, launch_agent, resolver_path) if rv rv = send(second_operation, launch_agent, resolver_path) if rv rv = send(third_operation, launch_agent, resolver_path) if rv dns_update rv end # :nodoc: def delete_file(file, before_message, error_message) logger.info(i18n.send(before_message, file)) ::File.delete(file) true rescue logger.warn(i18n.send(error_message)) false end # :nodoc: def check_agent_available rv = true unless osx? logger.fatal(i18n.no_agent) rv = false end rv end # :nodoc: def create_resolver(_, resolver_path) logger.info(replace_markers(i18n.resolver_creating(resolver_path))) script_file = create_resolver_script(resolver_path) Kernel.system("/usr/bin/osascript -e 'do shell script \"sh #{script_file.path}\" with administrator privileges' 2>&1 > /dev/null") script_file.unlink true rescue logger.error(i18n.resolver_creating_error) false end # :nodoc: def create_resolver_script(resolver_path) script = "mkdir -p '#{File.dirname(resolver_path)}'\nrm -rf '#{resolver_path}'\necho 'nameserver\\nport #{@config.port}' >> '#{resolver_path}'" f = Tempfile.new("devdnsd-install-script") f.write(script) f.close f end # :nodoc: def delete_resolver(_, resolver_path) logger.info(i18n.resolver_deleting(resolver_path)) Kernel.system("/usr/bin/osascript -e 'do shell script \"rm #{resolver_path}\" with administrator privileges' 2>&1 > /dev/null") true rescue logger.warn(i18n.resolver_deleting_error) false end # :nodoc: def create_agent(launch_agent, _) logger.info(replace_markers(i18n.agent_creating(launch_agent))) program, args = prepare_agent ::File.open(launch_agent, "w") do |f| f.write({"KeepAlive" => true, "Label" => "it.cowtech.devdnsd", "Program" => program, "ProgramArguments" => args, "RunAtLoad" => true}.to_plist) f.flush end true rescue logger.error(i18n.agent_creating_error) false end # :nodoc: def prepare_agent [ (::Pathname.new(Dir.pwd) + $PROGRAM_NAME).to_s, (ARGV ? ARGV[0, ARGV.length - 1] : []) ] end # :nodoc: def delete_agent(launch_agent, _) delete_file(launch_agent, :agent_deleting, :agent_deleting_error) end # :nodoc: def load_agent(launch_agent, _) toggle_agent(launch_agent, "load", :agent_loading, :agent_loading_error, :error) end # :nodoc: def unload_agent(launch_agent, _) toggle_agent(launch_agent, "unload", :agent_unloading, :agent_unloading_error, :warn) end # :nodoc: def toggle_agent(launch_agent, operation, info_message, error_message, error_level) logger.info(i18n.send(info_message, launch_agent)) raise RuntimeError unless File.exist?(launch_agent) execute_command("launchctl #{operation} -w \"#{launch_agent}\" > /dev/null 2>&1") true rescue logger.send(error_level, i18n.send(error_message)) false end # :nodoc: def replace_markers(message) @command.application.console.replace_markers(message) end end end