FnordMetric =========== FnordMetric is a highly configurable (and pretty fast) realtime app/event tracking thing based on ruby eventmachine and redis. You define your own plotting and counting functions as ruby blocks! [  ](http://travis-ci.org/paulasmuth/fnordmetric) [  ](http://github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric) Getting Started --------------- Simple Example: this will listen for json-events with `type=unicorn_seen` and render a timeline-plot showing the number of received events per hour. ```ruby require "fnordmetric" FnordMetric.namespace :myapp do # timeline+plot and punchcard timeseries_gauge :unicorns_seen_per_hour, :resolution => 5.minutes, :title => "Unicorns seenper Hour", :punchcard => true # on every event like { _type: 'unicorn_seen' } event(:unicorn_seen) do # increment the unicorns_seen_per_hour gauge by 1 incr :unicorns_seen_per_hour end end FnordMetric.standalone ``` This is the easiest way to submit an event: echo '{"_type": "unicorn_seen"}' | nc localhost 1337 Installation ------------ gem install fnordmetric or in your Gemfile: gem 'fnordmetric', '>= 1.0.0' Documentation ------------- Check out the docs in [the wiki](http://github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric/wiki) or have a look at `doc/full_example.rb`. There are also a few blogs/howtos: + [Blog: Monitor your Python App With FnordMetric](http://stephenholiday.com/articles/2012/monitor-your-python-app-with-fnordmetric/) + [Blog: FnordMetric and C (Blog/Howto)](http://johnmurray.io/log/2012/01/19/FnordMetrics-and-C%23.md) + [Blog: FnordMetric HowTo (russian)](http://www.pvsm.ru/ruby/2723) ### More Resources + [PHP API for FnordMetric (github.com/leemachin/fnordmetric-php-api)](https://github.com/leemachin/fnordmetric-php-api) + [Python API for FnordMetric (github.com/sholiday/pyfnordmetric)](https://github.com/sholiday/pyfnordmetric) + [Another Ruby API for FnordMetric](https://github.com/savonarola/fnordmetric-client) + [Beanstalk Monitoring with FnordMetric](https://github.com/sholiday/fnordstalk) + [The "FnordMetric" google group](http://groups.google.com/group/fnordmetric) Full Example ------------ ```ruby require "fnordmetric" FnordMetric.namespace :myapp do hide_overview hide_active_users # NEW DSL (v1.0 upwards) timeseries_gauge :number_of_signups, :group => "My Group", :title => "Number of Signups", :key_nouns => ["Singup", "Signups"], :series => [:via_twitter, :via_facebook], :resolution => 2.minutes distribution_gauge :user_age_distribution, :title => "User Age Distribution", :value_ranges => [(10..16), (16..20), (20..24), (24..28), (28..32), (32..36), (40..44), (44..48), (48..52), (52..56), (60..64), (64..68), (68..72), (72..76), (70..74), (74..78)], :value_scale => 1, :resolution => 2.minutes toplist_gauge :popular_keywords, :title => "Popular Keywords", :resolution => 2.minutes event :search do observe :popular_keywords, data[:keyword] end event :signup do if data[:referrer] == "facebook" incr :number_of_signups, :via_facebook, 1 elsif data[:referrer] == "twitter" incr :number_of_signups, :via_twitter, 1 end end # OLD DSL (will be supported forever, allows finer-grained control) gauge :events_per_hour, :tick => 1.hour gauge :events_per_second, :tick => 1.second gauge :events_per_minute, :tick => 1.minute event :"*" do incr :events_per_hour incr :events_per_minute incr :events_per_second end gauge :pageviews_daily_unique, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :unique => true, :title => "Unique Visits (Daily)" gauge :pageviews_hourly_unique, :tick => 1.hour.to_i, :unique => true, :title => "Unique Visits (Hourly)" gauge :pageviews_monthly_unique, :tick => 40.days.to_i, :unique => true, :title => "Unique Visits (Month)" gauge :messages_sent, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :title => "Messages (sent)" gauge :messages_read, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :title => "Messages (read)" gauge :winks_sent, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :title => "Winks sent" gauge :pageviews_per_url_daily, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :title => "Daily Pageviews per URL", :three_dimensional => true gauge :pageviews_per_url_monthly, :tick => 30.days.to_i, :title => "Monthly Pageviews per URL", :three_dimensional => true event :_pageview do incr :pageviews_daily_unique incr :pageviews_hourly_unique incr :pageviews_monthly_unique incr_field :pageviews_per_url_daily, data[:url] incr_field :pageviews_per_url_monthly, data[:url] end widget 'TechStats', { :title => "Events per Minute", :type => :timeline, :width => 100, :gauges => :events_per_minute, :include_current => true, :autoupdate => 30 } widget 'TechStats', { :title => "Events per Hour", :type => :timeline, :width => 50, :gauges => :events_per_hour, :include_current => true, :autoupdate => 30 } widget 'TechStats', { :title => "Events/Second", :type => :timeline, :width => 50, :gauges => :events_per_second, :include_current => true, :plot_style => :areaspline, :autoupdate => 1 } widget 'TechStats', { :title => "Events Numbers", :type => :numbers, :width => 100, :gauges => [:events_per_second, :events_per_minute, :events_per_hour], :offsets => [1,3,5,10], :autoupdate => 1 } gauge :age_distribution_female_monthly, :tick => 1.month.to_i, :three_dimensional => true, :title => "Age Distribution (female) monthly" gauge :age_distribution_male_monthly, :tick => 1.month.to_i, :three_dimensional => true, :title => "Age Distribution (male) monthly" gauge :age_distribution_female_daily, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :three_dimensional => true, :title => "Age Distribution (female) daily" gauge :age_distribution_male_daily, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :three_dimensional => true, :title => "Age Distribution (male) daily" widget 'Demography', { :title => "Age Distribution: Female Users (Monthly)", :type => :bars, :width => 50, :autoupdate => 5, :order_by => :field, :gauges => [ :age_distribution_female_monthly ] } widget 'Demography', { :title => "Age Distribution: Male Users (Monthly)", :type => :bars, :width => 50, :autoupdate => 5, :order_by => :field, :gauges => [ :age_distribution_male_monthly ] } widget 'Demography', { :title => "Age Distribution: Female Users", :type => :toplist, :width => 50, :autoupdate => 5, :gauges => [ :age_distribution_female_monthly, :age_distribution_female_daily ] } widget 'Demography', { :title => "Age Distribution: Male Users", :type => :toplist, :width => 50, :autoupdate => 5, :gauges => [ :age_distribution_male_monthly, :age_distribution_male_daily ] } event "user_demography" do if data[:gender] == "female" incr_field(:age_distribution_female_monthly, data[:age], 1) incr_field(:age_distribution_female_daily, data[:age], 1) end if data[:gender] == "male" incr_field(:age_distribution_male_monthly, data[:age], 1) incr_field(:age_distribution_male_daily, data[:age], 1) end observe :user_age_distribution, data[:age] end end FnordMetric.options = { :event_queue_ttl => 10, # all data that isn't processed within 10s is discarded to prevent memory overruns :event_data_ttl => 10, :session_data_ttl => 1, # we don't care about session data for now :redis_prefix => "fnordmetric" } def start_example_data_generator api = FnordMetric::API.new Thread.new do loop do api.event(:_type => :signup, :referrer => (rand(3) == 1 ? :twitter : :facebook)) api.event(:_type => :search, :keyword => (%w(Donau Dampf Schiff Fahrts Kaptitaens Muetzen Staender).shuffle[0..2] * "")) api.event(:_type => :user_demography, :age => rand(15..85), :gender => (rand(2)==1 ? :female : :male) ) sleep (rand(10)/10.to_f) end end end start_example_data_generator FnordMetric::Web.new(:port => 4242) FnordMetric::Acceptor.new(:protocol => :tcp, :port => 2323) FnordMetric::Worker.new FnordMetric.run ``` Contributors ------------ http://github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric/graphs/contributors (One patch or more) + Simon Menke (http://github.com/fd) + Bruno Michel (http://github.com/nono) + Marco Borromeo (http://github.com/mborromeo) + Leo Lou (http://github.com/l4u) + Andy Lindeman (http://github.com/alindeman) + Jurriaan Pruis (http://github.com/jurriaan) + Kacper Bielecki (http://github.com/kazjote) + John Murray (http://github.com/JohnMurray) + Lars Gierth (http://github.com/lgierth) + Ross Kaffenberger (http://github.com/rossta) + Kunal Modi (http://github.com/kunalmodi) + Michael Fairchild (http://github.com/fairchild) + James Cox (http://github.com/imajes) + Pieter Noordhuis (http://github.com/pietern) + Tadas Ščerbinskas (http://github.com/tadassce) To contribute, please fork this repository, make your changes and run the specs, commit them to your github repository and send me a pull request. Need help, head on over to our [Google Groups][1] page to discuss any ideas that you might have. License ------- Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Asmuth Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to use, copy and modify copies of the Software, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. [1]: http://groups.google.com/group/fnordmetric [2]: http://www.screenr.com/KiJs [3]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/paulasmuth/fnordmetric.png [4]: http://travis-ci.org/paulasmuth/fnordmetric