require 'spec_helper' require 'webmock/rspec' describe OAuthSession do let(:session) { Fabricate :roqua_core_api_oauth_session } let(:response) { double('response', code: 201, parsed_response: 'some_response') } describe '#initialize' do it 'sets the access_token instance variable' do session = Roqua::CoreApi.oauth_session access_token: 'some_access_token' expect(session.access_token).to eq('some_access_token') end it 'allows to override the core_site variable' do session = Roqua::CoreApi.oauth_session access_token: 'some_access_token', core_site: 'some_core_site' expect(session.core_site).to eq('some_core_site') end it 'defaults the AuthSession core_site CORE_SITE env variable default value' do original_env_core_site = ENV['CORE_SITE'] ENV['CORE_SITE'] = 'some_env_core_site' session = Roqua::CoreApi.oauth_session access_token: 'some_access_token' ENV['CORE_SITE'] = original_env_core_site expect(session.core_site).to eq('some_env_core_site') end end describe '#logout_url' do it 'returns the oauth session destroy url with an escaped redirect_to parameter' do expect(session.logout_url return_to: 'some redirect to') .to eq('') end end describe 'headers' do it 'sets the Authorization header' do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:get).with(an_instance_of(String), headers: {"Authorization" => "Bearer some_access_token"}, query: {}, basic_auth: nil, timeout: nil).and_return(response) session.get 'some_path' end end describe '#access_denied' do it 'raises a no_session error when response is 401 with a no_session response' do stub_request(:get, '').to_return( status: 401, body: '{ "no_session": true }', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) expect { session.get '/some_path' }.to raise_error(NoSession) end it 'raises a unauthorized error when response is 401 without a no_session response' do stub_request(:get, '').to_return( status: 401, body: '', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) expect { session.get '/some_path' }.to raise_error(Unauthorized) end end end