{ "start_test" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID or 40-digit physical device ID", "required" : true }, "-b" : { "longFlag" : "--test-runner-bundle-id", "optionName" : "test_runner_bundle_id", "info" : "BundleID of the Test Runner application (DeviceAgent)", "required" : false, "default" : "com.apple.test.DeviceAgent-Runner" }, "-s" : { "longFlag" : "--session-id", "optionName" : "session_id", "info" : "Session ID for the XCUITest", "required" : false, "default" : "AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE" }, "-k" : { "longFlag" : "--keep-alive", "optionName" : "true-or-false", "info" : "Only set to false for smoke testing/debugging this tool", "required" : false, "default" : true } }, "is_installed" : { "-b" : { "longFlag" : "--bundle-identifier", "optionName" : "bundle-id", "info" : "bundle identifier (e.g. com.my.app)", "required" : true }, "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID or 40-digit physical device ID", "required" : true } }, "install" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID or 40-digit physical device ID", "required" : true }, "-a" : { "longFlag" : "--app-bundle", "optionName" : "path/to/app-bundle.app", "info" : "Path .app bundle (for .ipas, unzip and look inside of 'Payload')", "required" : true }, "-c" : { "longFlag" : "--codesign-identity", "optionName" : "codesign-identity", "info" : "Identity used to codesign app bundle [device only]", "required" : false, "default" : "" }, "-u" : { "longFlag" : "--update-app", "optionName" : "true-or-false", "info" : "When true, will reinstall the app if the device contains an older version than the bundle specified", "required" : false, "default" : true } }, "kill_simulator" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID", "required" : true } }, "launch_simulator" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID", "required" : true } }, "uninstall" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID or 40-digit physical device ID", "required" : true }, "-b" : { "longFlag" : "--bundle-identifier", "optionName" : "bundle-id", "info" : "bundle identifier (e.g. com.my.app)", "required" : true } }, "set_location" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "iOS Simulator GUID or 40-digit physical device ID", "required" : true }, "-l" : { "longFlag" : "--location", "optionName" : "lat,lng", "info" : "latitude and longitude separated by a single comma", "required" : true } }, "stop_simulating_location" : { "-d" : { "longFlag" : "--device-id", "optionName" : "device-identifier", "info" : "40-digit physical device ID", "required" : true } } }