# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid module Contextual class GeoNear include Enumerable include Command delegate :[], to: :results delegate :==, :empty?, to: :entries # Get the average distance for all documents from the point in the # command. # # @example Get the average distance. # geo_near.average_distance # # @return [ Float, nil ] The average distance. # # @since 3.1.0 def average_distance average = stats["avgDistance"] average.nan? ? nil : average end # Iterates over each of the documents in the $geoNear, excluding the # extra information that was passed back from the database. # # @example Iterate over the results. # geo_near.each do |doc| # p doc # end # # @return [ Enumerator ] The enumerator. # # @since 3.1.0 def each if block_given? documents.each do |doc| yield doc end else to_enum end end # Provide a distance multiplier to be used for each returned distance. # # @example Provide the distance multiplier. # geo_near.distance_multiplier(13113.1) # # @param [ Integer, Float ] value The distance multiplier. # # @return [ GeoNear ] The GeoNear wrapper. # # @since 3.1.0 def distance_multiplier(value) command[:distanceMultiplier] = value self end # Initialize the new map/reduce directive. # # @example Initialize the new map/reduce. # MapReduce.new(criteria, map, reduce) # # @param [ Criteria ] criteria The Mongoid criteria. # @param [ String ] map The map js function. # @param [ String ] reduce The reduce js function. # # @since 3.0.0 def initialize(collection, criteria, near) @collection, @criteria = collection, criteria command[:geoNear] = collection.name.to_s command[:near] = near apply_criteria_options end # Get a pretty string representation of the command. # # @example Inspect the geoNear. # geo_near.inspect # # @return [ String ] The inspection string. # # @since 3.1.0 def inspect %Q{# } end # Specify the maximum distance to find documents for, or get the value of # the document with the furthest distance. # # @example Set the max distance. # geo_near.max_distance(0.5) # # @example Get the max distance. # geo_near.max_distance # # @param [ Integer, Float ] value The maximum distance. # # @return [ GeoNear, Float ] The GeoNear command or the value. # # @since 3.1.0 def max_distance(value = nil) if value command[:maxDistance] = value self else stats["maxDistance"] end end # Specify the minimum distance to find documents for. # # @example Set the min distance. # geo_near.min_distance(0.5) # # @param [ Integer, Float ] value The minimum distance. # # @return [ GeoNear ] The GeoNear command. # # @since 3.1.0 def min_distance(value) command[:minDistance] = value self end # Tell the command to calculate based on spherical distances. # # @example Add the spherical flag. # geo_near.spherical # # @return [ GeoNear ] The command. # # @since 3.1.0 def spherical command[:spherical] = true self end # Tell the command whether or not the retured results should be unique. # # @example Set the unique flag. # geo_near.unique(false) # # @param [ true, false ] value Whether to return unique documents. # # @return [ GeoNear ] The command. # # @since 3.1.0 def unique(value = true) command[:unique] = value self end # Execute the $geoNear, returning the raw output. # # @example Run the $geoNear # geo_near.execute # # @return [ Hash ] The raw output # # @since 3.1.0 def execute results end # Get the stats for the command run. # # @example Get the stats. # geo_near.stats # # @return [ Hash ] The stats from the command run. # # @since 3.1.0 def stats results["stats"] end # Get the execution time of the command. # # @example Get the execution time. # geo_near.time # # @return [ Float ] The execution time. # # @since 3.1.0 def time stats["time"] end private # Apply criteria specific options - query, limit. # # @api private # # @example Apply the criteria options # geo_near.apply_criteria_options # # @return [ nil ] Nothing. # # @since 3.0.0 def apply_criteria_options command[:query] = criteria.selector if limit = criteria.options[:limit] command[:num] = limit end end # Get the result documents from the $geoNear. # # @api private # # @example Get the documents. # geo_near.documents # # @return [ Array, Cursor ] The documents. # # @since 3.0.0 def documents results["results"].map do |attributes| doc = Factory.from_db(criteria.klass, attributes["obj"], criteria.options[:fields]) doc.attributes["geo_near_distance"] = attributes["dis"] doc end end # Execute the $geoNear command and get the results. # # @api private # # @example Get the results. # geo_near.results # # @return [ Hash ] The results of the command. # # @since 3.0.0 def results @results ||= client.command(command).first end end end end