# s3ranger - Tool belt for managing your S3 buckets # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2013 Lincoln de Sousa # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # Part of this software was inspired by the original s3sync, so here's their # copyright notice: # (c) 2007 s3sync.net # # This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any # kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software # code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that # you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software # code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against the author # with respect to your use of this software code. require 's3ranger/util' require 'fileutils' module S3Ranger class Location attr_accessor :path attr_accessor :bucket def initialize path, bucket=nil raise RuntimeError if path.nil? @path = path @bucket = bucket || nil end def to_s out = [] out << @bucket unless @bucket.nil? out << @path out.join ':' end def local? @bucket.nil? end def == other @path == other.path and @bucket == other.bucket end alias eql? == end class Node include Comparable attr_accessor :base attr_accessor :path attr_accessor :size def initialize base, path, size @base = base.squeeze '/' @path = path.squeeze '/' @size = size end def full S3Ranger.safe_join [@base, @path] end def == other full == other.full and @size == other.size end def <=> other if self.size < other.size -1 elsif self.size > other.size 1 else 0 end end alias eql? == end class LocalDirectory attr_accessor :source def initialize source @source = source end def list_files Dir["#{@source}/**/*"].collect { |file| unless File.directory? file file = Pathname.new(file).cleanpath.to_s file_name = file.gsub(/^#{@source}\/?/, '') Node.new @source, file_name, File.stat(file).size end }.compact end end class SyncCommand def SyncCommand.cmp list1, list2 l1 = {}; list1.each {|e| l1[e.path] = e} l2 = {}; list2.each {|e| l2[e.path] = e} same, to_add_to_2, to_remove_from_2 = [], [], [] l1.each do |key, value| value2 = l2.delete key if value2.nil? to_add_to_2 << value elsif value2.size == value.size same << value else to_add_to_2 << value end end to_remove_from_2 = l2.values [same, to_add_to_2, to_remove_from_2] end def initialize args, source, destination @args = args @source = source @destination = destination end def run # Reading the source and destination using our helper method if (source, destination, bucket = SyncCommand.parse_params [@source, @destination]).nil? raise WrongUsage.new(nil, 'Need a source and a destination') end # Getting the trees source_tree, destination_tree = read_trees source, destination # Getting the list of resources to be exchanged between the two peers _, to_add, to_remove = SyncCommand.cmp source_tree, destination_tree # Removing the items matching the exclude pattern if requested to_add.select! { |e| begin (e.path =~ /#{@args.exclude}/).nil? rescue RegexpError => exc raise WrongUsage.new nil, exc.message end } if @args.exclude # Calling the methods that perform the actual IO if source.local? upload_files destination, to_add remove_files destination, to_remove unless @args.keep else download_files destination, source, to_add remove_local_files destination, source, to_remove unless @args.keep end end def SyncCommand.parse_params args # Reading the arbitrary parameters from the command line and getting # modifiable copies to parse source, destination = args; return nil if source.nil? or destination.nil? # Sync from one s3 to another is currently not supported if SyncCommand.remote_prefix? source and SyncCommand.remote_prefix? destination raise WrongUsage.new(nil, 'Both arguments can\'t be on S3') end # C'mon, there's rsync out there if !SyncCommand.remote_prefix? source and !SyncCommand.remote_prefix? destination raise WrongUsage.new(nil, 'One argument must be on S3') end source, destination = SyncCommand.process_destination source, destination return [Location.new(*source), Location.new(*destination)] end def SyncCommand.remote_prefix?(prefix) # allow for dos-like things e.g. C:\ to be treated as local even with # colon. prefix.include? ':' and not prefix.match '^[A-Za-z]:[\\\\/]' end def SyncCommand.process_file_destination source, destination, file="" if not file.empty? sub = (remote_prefix? source) ? source.split(":")[1] : source file = file.gsub /^#{sub}/, '' end # no slash on end of source means we need to append the last src dir to # dst prefix testing for empty isn't good enough here.. needs to be # "empty apart from potentially having 'bucket:'" if source =~ %r{/$} File.join [destination, file] else if remote_prefix? source _, name = source.split ":" File.join [destination, File.basename(name || ""), file] else source = /^\/?(.*)/.match(source)[1] # Corner case: the root of the remote path is empty, we don't want to # add an unnecessary slash here. if destination.end_with? ':' File.join [destination + source, file] else File.join [destination, source, file] end end end end def SyncCommand.process_destination source, destination source, destination = source.dup, destination.dup # don't repeat slashes source.squeeze! '/' destination.squeeze! '/' # Making sure that local paths won't break our stuff later source.gsub! /^\.\//, '' destination.gsub! /^\.\//, '' # Parsing the final destination destination = SyncCommand.process_file_destination source, destination, "" # here's where we find out what direction we're going source_is_s3 = remote_prefix? source # alias these variables to the other strings (in ruby = does not make # copies of strings) remote_prefix = source_is_s3 ? source : destination local_prefix = source_is_s3 ? destination : source # canonicalize the S3 stuff bucket, remote_prefix = remote_prefix.split ":" remote_prefix ||= "" # Just making sure we preserve the direction if source_is_s3 [[remote_prefix, bucket], destination] else [source, [remote_prefix, bucket]] end end def read_tree_remote location begin dir = location.path dir += '/' if not (dir.empty? or dir.end_with? '/') @args.s3.buckets[location.bucket].objects.with_prefix(dir || "").to_a.collect {|obj| Node.new location.path, obj.key, obj.content_length } rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchBucket raise FailureFeedback.new("There's no bucket named `#{location.bucket}'") rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey raise FailureFeedback.new("There's no key named `#{location.path}' in the bucket `#{location.bucket}'") rescue AWS::S3::Errors::AccessDenied raise FailureFeedback.new("Access denied") end end def read_trees source, destination if source.local? source_tree = LocalDirectory.new(source.path).list_files destination_tree = read_tree_remote destination else source_tree = read_tree_remote source destination_tree = LocalDirectory.new(destination.path).list_files end [source_tree, destination_tree] end def upload_files remote, list list.each do |e| if @args.verbose puts " + #{e.full} => #{remote}#{e.path}" end unless @args.dry_run if File.file? e.path @args.s3.buckets[remote.bucket].objects[e.path].write Pathname.new e.path end end end end def remove_files remote, list if @args.verbose list.each {|e| puts " - #{remote}#{e.path}" } end unless @args.dry_run @args.s3.buckets[remote.bucket].objects.delete_if { |obj| list.include? obj.key } end end def download_files destination, source, list list.each {|e| path = File.join destination.path, e.path if @args.verbose puts " + #{source}#{e.path} => #{path}" end unless @args.dry_run obj = @args.s3.buckets[source.bucket].objects[e.path] # Making sure this new file will have a safe shelter FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path) # Downloading and saving the files File.open(path, 'wb') do |file| obj.read do |chunk| file.write chunk end end end } end def remove_local_files destination, source, list list.each {|e| path = File.join destination.path, e.path if @args.verbose puts " * #{e.path} => #{path}" end unless @args.dry_run FileUtils.rm_rf path end } end end end