#-- # Amazon Web Services EC2 Query API Ruby library # # Ruby Gem Name:: amazon-ec2 # Author:: Glenn Rempe (mailto:grempe@rubyforge.org) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Glenn Rempe # License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby # Home:: http://amazon-ec2.rubyforge.org #++ module EC2 class Base #Amazon Developer Guide Docs: # # The RunInstances operation launches a specified number of instances. # # Note : The Query version of RunInstances only allows instances of a single AMI to be launched in # one call. This is different from the SOAP API call of the same name but similar to the # ec2-run-instances command line tool. # # If Amazon EC2 cannot launch the minimum number AMIs you request, no instances launch. If there # is insufficient capacity to launch the maximum number of AMIs you request, Amazon EC2 launches # as many as possible to satisfy the requested maximum values. # # Every instance is launched in a security group. If you do not specify a security group at # launch, the instances start in the default security group. # # An optional instance type can be specified. Currently supported types are 'm1.small', 'm1.large', # 'm1.xlarge' and the high CPU types 'c1.medium' and 'c1.xlarge'. 'm1.small' is the default # if no instance_type is specified. # # You can provide an optional key pair ID for each image in the launch request. All instances # that are created from images that use this key pair will have access to the associated public # key at boot. You can use this key to provide secure access to an instance of an image on a # per-instance basis. Amazon EC2 public images use this feature to provide secure access # without passwords. # # Important! Launching public images without a key pair ID will leave them inaccessible. # # The public key material is made available to the instance at boot time by placing it in a file named # openssh_id.pub on a logical device that is exposed to the instance as /dev/sda2 (the ephemeral # store). The format of this file is suitable for use as an entry within ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (the # OpenSSH format). This can be done at boot time (as part of rclocal, for example) allowing for secure # password-less access. # # Optional user data can be provided in the launch request. All instances comprising the launch # request have access to this data (see Instance Metadata for details). # # If any of the AMIs have product codes attached for which the user has not subscribed, # the RunInstances call will fail. # #Required Arguments: # # :image_id => String (Default : "") # :min_count => Integer (default : 1 ) # :max_count => Integer (default : 1 ) # #Optional Arguments: # # :key_name => String (default : nil) # :group_id => Array (default : []) # :user_data => String (default : nil) # :addressing_type => String (default : "public") # :instance_type => String (default : "m1.small") # :availability_zone => String (default : nil) # :base64_encoded => Boolean (default : false) # def run_instances( options = {} ) options = { :image_id => "", :min_count => 1, :max_count => 1, :key_name => nil, :group_id => [], :user_data => nil, :addressing_type => "public", :instance_type => "m1.small", :availability_zone => nil, :base64_encoded => false }.merge(options) # Do some validation on the arguments provided raise ArgumentError, ":image_id must be provided" if options[:image_id].nil? || options[:image_id].empty? raise ArgumentError, ":min_count is not valid" unless options[:min_count].to_i > 0 raise ArgumentError, ":max_count is not valid" unless options[:max_count].to_i > 0 raise ArgumentError, ":addressing_type must be 'direct' or 'public'" unless options[:addressing_type] == "public" || options[:addressing_type] == "direct" raise ArgumentError, ":instance_type must be 'm1.small', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', or 'c1.xlarge'" unless options[:instance_type] == "m1.small" || options[:instance_type] == "m1.large" || options[:instance_type] == "m1.xlarge" || options[:instance_type] == "c1.medium" || options[:instance_type] == "c1.xlarge" raise ArgumentError, ":base64_encoded must be 'true' or 'false'" unless options[:base64_encoded] == true || options[:base64_encoded] == false # If :user_data is passed in then URL escape and Base64 encode it # as needed. Need for URL Escape + Base64 encoding is determined # by :base64_encoded param. if options[:user_data] if options[:base64_encoded] user_data = options[:user_data] else user_data = Base64.encode64(options[:user_data]).gsub(/\n/,"").strip() end else user_data = nil end params = { "ImageId" => options[:image_id], "MinCount" => options[:min_count].to_s, "MaxCount" => options[:max_count].to_s, }.merge(pathlist("SecurityGroup", options[:group_id])) params["KeyName"] = options[:key_name] unless options[:key_name].nil? params["UserData"] = user_data unless user_data.nil? params["AddressingType"] = options[:addressing_type] params["InstanceType"] = options[:instance_type] params["Placement.AvailabilityZone"] = options[:availability_zone] unless options[:availability_zone].nil? return response_generator(:action => "RunInstances", :params => params) end #Amazon Developer Guide Docs: # # The DescribeInstances operation returns information about instances owned by the user # making the request. # # An optional list of instance IDs may be provided to request information for those instances only. If no # instance IDs are provided, information of all relevant instances information will be returned. If an # instance is specified that does not exist a fault is returned. If an instance is specified that exists but is not # owned by the user making the request, then that instance will not be included in the returned results. # # Recently terminated instances will be included in the returned results for a small interval subsequent to # their termination. This interval is typically of the order of one hour # #Required Arguments: # # none # #Optional Arguments: # # :instance_id => Array (default : []) # def describe_instances( options = {} ) options = { :instance_id => [] }.merge(options) params = pathlist("InstanceId", options[:instance_id]) return response_generator(:action => "DescribeInstances", :params => params) end #Amazon Developer Guide Docs: # # The RebootInstances operation requests a reboot of one or more instances. This operation is # asynchronous; it only queues a request to reboot the specified instance(s). The operation will succeed # provided the instances are valid and belong to the user. Terminated instances will be ignored. # #Required Arguments: # # :instance_id => Array (default : []) # #Optional Arguments: # # none # def reboot_instances( options = {} ) # defaults options = { :instance_id => [] }.merge(options) raise ArgumentError, "No instance IDs provided" if options[:instance_id].nil? || options[:instance_id].empty? params = pathlist("InstanceId", options[:instance_id]) return response_generator(:action => "RebootInstances", :params => params) end #Amazon Developer Guide Docs: # # The TerminateInstances operation shuts down one or more instances. This operation is idempotent # and terminating an instance that is in the process of shutting down (or already terminated) will succeed. # Terminated instances remain visible for a short period of time (approximately one hour) after # termination, after which their instance ID is invalidated. # #Required Arguments: # # :instance_id => Array (default : []) # #Optional Arguments: # # none # def terminate_instances( options = {} ) options = { :instance_id => [] }.merge(options) raise ArgumentError, "No :instance_id provided" if options[:instance_id].nil? || options[:instance_id].empty? params = pathlist("InstanceId", options[:instance_id]) return response_generator(:action => "TerminateInstances", :params => params) end end end