module Effective class S3UploadsController < ApplicationController skip_authorization_check if defined?(CanCan) if respond_to?(:skip_before_action) skip_before_action(:verify_authenticity_token) else skip_before_filter(:verify_authenticity_token) end # When we create an Asset, we're effectively reserving the ID # But the Asset itself isn't really there or uploaded yet. # But we want to start uploading to the final s3 path def create # Here we initialize an empty placeholder Asset, so we can reserve the ID @asset = => ((current_user.try(:id) || 1) rescue 1), :upload_file => 'placeholder') @asset.extra = params[:extra] if params[:extra].kind_of?(Hash) EffectiveAssets.authorized?(self, :create, @asset) begin! render(:body => {:id =>, :s3_key => asset_s3_key(@asset)}.to_json, :status => 200) rescue => e render(:body => e.message, :status => 500) end end def update @asset = Effective::Asset.find(params[:id]) EffectiveAssets.authorized?(self, :update, @asset) unless params[:skip_update] # This is useful for the acts_as_asset_box Attach action if update_placeholder_asset(@asset, params) == false render :body => '', :status => :unprocessable_entity return end end # Kind of a hacky way of saving IFRAME uploads without joining them to anything if params[:attachable_object_name] == EffectiveAssets::IFRAME_UPLOADS @asset, box: EffectiveAssets::IFRAME_UPLOADS, position: 0).save! end # If the attachment information is present, then our input needs some attachment HTML if params.key?(:attachable_object_name) attachment = attachment.attachable_type = params[:attachable_type].try(:classify) attachment.attachable_id = params[:attachable_id].try(:to_i) attachment.asset_id = @asset.try(:id) = params[:box] attachment.position = 0 attachable_object_name = params[:attachable_object_name].to_s attachment_actions = params[:attachment_actions] attachment_links = !['0', 'f', 'false', 'off'].include?(params[:attachment_links].to_s.downcase) attachment_partial = case params[:attachment_style].to_s when 'table' 'attachment_as_table' when 'list' 'attachment_as_list' else # :thumbnail, nil, or anything 'attachment_as_thumbnail' end render :partial => "asset_box_input/#{attachment_partial}", :locals => {:attachment => attachment, :attachable_object_name => attachable_object_name, :attachment_actions => attachment_actions, attachment_links: attachment_links}, :status => 200, :content_type => 'text/html' else render :body => '', :status => 200 end end private def update_placeholder_asset(asset, opts) asset.upload_file = opts[:upload_file] asset.data_size = opts[:data_size] asset.content_type = opts[:content_type] asset.title = opts[:title] asset.aws_acl = opts[:aws_acl] asset[:data] = opts[:title] # If our S3 Uploader has any issue uploading/saving the asset, destroy the placeholder empty one ? true : (asset.try(:destroy) and false) end def asset_s3_key(asset) "#{EffectiveAssets.aws_path.chomp('/')}/#{}/${filename}" end end end