h1. CHANGELOG h3. 1.0.21 August 12, 2014 * bootstrap-sass v3.2.0 changes h3. 1.0.20 June 19, 2014 * generate admin links when OmniAuth is used with Pundit h3. 1.0.19 June 4, 2014 * "require 'rails_helper'" not needed when it is include in the '.rspec' file h3. 1.0.18 June 2, 2014 * update for RSpec 3.0 h3. 1.0.17 May 30, 2014 * add styling for forms when either Devise or OmniAuth is present h3. 1.0.16 May 10, 2014 * add missing Devise form for password reset * add navigation spec when Devise is used and RSpec is installed * change "log in" to "sign in" and "logout" to "sign out" h3. 1.0.15 May 3, 2014 * update navlinks partial to accommodate role-based authorization * drop workaround after release of bootstrap-sass (fixes #20) h3. 1.0.14 April 9, 2014 * workaround for Rails 4.1.0 pending release of bootstrap-sass (fixes #20) * modify 'config/application.rb' for Foundation 5 (fixes #19) * remove unnecessary conditional on Bootstrap navlinks partial (contributed by Arnel Bucio) h3. 1.0.13 March 23, 2014 * change quote marks around 'vendor/modernizr' h3. 1.0.12 March 23, 2014 * Rails 4.1.0 changes the application.css file * Rails 4.1.0 changes quote marks in the application.html.erb file h3. 1.0.11 March 8, 2014 * Foundation 5.2 no longer needs a 'span' in the navigation bar h3. 1.0.10 February 28, 2014 * add a 'button-xs' class to the CSS styles h3. 1.0.9 February 28, 2014 * fix wrong color for flash messages under Rails 4.1 (fixes #16) h3. 1.0.8 February 24, 2014 * add 'name' field to Devise registration forms if 'name' is an attribute in the User object h3. 1.0.7 February 15, 2014 * generate Devise navigation links when Devise initializer is present h3. 1.0.6 February 13, 2014 * add OmniAuth navigation links h3. 1.0.5 January 16, 2014 * Modernizr must be loaded before Foundation h3. 1.0.4 January 16, 2014 * Foundation 5.0.3 is now compatible with Rails Turbolinks and the asset pipeline h3. 1.0.3 January 11, 2014 * add missing 'autofocus' to Devise views h3. 1.0.2 January 11, 2014 * don't include a custom 'name' field in the Devise views (fixes issue #12) h3. 1.0.1 January 9, 2014 * generate Devise views (new account, edit account, forgot password) h3. 1.0.0 January 9, 2014 * generate Devise views (login view) * change generator commands (described in README) * Haml Foundation 5 topbar syntax correction (fixes #11) (contributed by i5okie) h3. 0.5.11 January 5, 2014 * fix Devise navigation links (when there is no 'has_role?' for authorization) h3. 0.5.10 January 1, 2014 * add Devise navigation links for Haml or Slim (contributed by Brad Carson) * fix formatting of flash message alert box for Slim (contributed by Brad Carson) h3. 0.5.9 December 26, 2013 * fix error in slim templates for doctype (contributed by ayamomiji) h3. 0.5.8 December 15, 2013 * remove 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb' file before creating a new one * fix error in slim templates for 'app_name.underscore.titleize' h3. 0.5.7 December 15, 2013 * add Slim templates (contributed by benedictleejh) * change all references from 'Twitter Bootstrap' to 'Bootstrap' h3. 0.5.6 November 23, 2013 * minor tweak for Zurb Foundation h3. 0.5.5 November 22, 2013 * fixes for Zurb Foundation 5.0 h3. 0.5.4 November 22, 2013 * support for Zurb Foundation 5.0 h3. 0.5.3 November 18, 2013 * better comments h3. 0.5.2 November 18, 2013 * fix mixin names h3. 0.5.1 November 18, 2013 * make it clear that the mixins are just examples h3. 0.5.0 November 11, 2013 * use mixins for uniform layout across frameworks h3. 0.4.2 November 9, 2013 * move 'Home' link to conform to framework examples * add responsive navbar for Bootstrap 2.3 h3. 0.4.1 November 9, 2013 * add option to generate navigation links for Devise h3. 0.4.0 November 9, 2013 * separate file for navigation links; isolate framework-specific markup in navigation partial h3. 0.3.0 November 9, 2013 * create a file 'framework_and_overrides' instead of 'bootstrap_and_overrides' or 'foundation_and_overrides' h3. 0.2.2 November 2, 2013 * remove 'container' div from Bootstrap 3 application layout (issue #1) h3. 0.2.1 November 2, 2013 * no turbolinks when used with Rails 3.2 h3. 0.2.0 October 31, 2013 * installs a framework by setting up files in the assets folder h3. 0.1.9 October 20, 2013 * use class instead of id for simple CSS flash messages h3. 0.1.8 October 19, 2013 * fix navigation * fix Foundation messages partial h3. 0.1.7 October 13, 2013 * support for Haml markup h3. 0.1.6 October 13, 2013 * support for Zurb Foundation 4.0 h3. 0.1.5 October 12, 2013 * support for Bootstrap 3.0 h3. 0.1.4 September 20, 2013 * add simple stylesheet if there is no front-end framework h3. 0.1.3 September 20, 2013 * add missing escape sequence to ERB delimiters h3. 0.1.2 September 20, 2013 * add simple layout files * add missing turbolinks attributes h3. 0.1.1 September 19, 2013 * add navigation links for 'About' or 'Contact' if view files exist in expected locations h3. 0.1.0 September 19, 2013 * support for Bootstrap 2.3